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Somaliland Are They Jews Or Muslims?

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Somaliland & qatarta ay keeni karto


Maxkamed ku taala gobalka Florida ee dalkaasi Mareykanka ayaa waxa lagu maxkamadeynayaa muwaadin u dhashay wadanka Israel ,oo lagu magcaabo Honoch Miller kaasoo dhinac maray cunaqabatayntii hubka ee saarnayd dalka Soomaaliya iyo weliba sharciga Mareykanka oo ah in aan lagayn karin wax hub ah Soomaaliya.



Muwaadinkaan oo ah nin Yuhuud ah islamarkaana u dhashay Israel ayaa hub aan la sheegin cadadkiisa balse nooca loo yaqaan AAKAHA (AK47) u badan u waday gudaha dalka Soomaaliya gaar ahaan magaalo madaxda labaad ee Soomaaliya ee Hargaysa (Somaliland).



Honoch Miller ayaa u adeegayay dad aan magacyadooda la shaacin, oo ku nool wadamada USA, Israel iyo weliba Somaliland, dadkaas oo isugu jira kooxo mafiya ah oo ku nool mareykanka & isreal.


Waxana wax ka oga arintan wasarada arimaha dibada ee israel oo si xoog leh ula shaqeysa maamulka ka jira hada somaliland. Waxa hada ka hor ay ka codsatey dowlada somaliland dowlada israel in ay ictiraafsiiso, lakiin shuruudihii ay ku xirtey israel somaliland ayaan la fulin ilaa hada.


Shurudahaas waxa ka mid ahaa oo qodabadii ugu yara ka mid ah in ay calanka somaliland ay ka saarto xukumada hada joogto shadada (( laa ilaha ila laah muhamed rasuulilaah )) waxa kaloo ka mid ahaa in ay xududeeda ka xirato somalida kale & in ay siyasado jilicsan oo ay reer galbeedka u bogi karaan kusoo dabaasho dastuurka sharciga lagu maamulo somaliland.


Waxa arintan wax ka qorey journalka ugu weyn israel waxaan warkan laga akhristey journalo badan oo aduunkii islaamka oo dhan la yaaban yahay waxa ka taagan somaliland XIGASHO: Riix halkan sida u akhriso journalka waxa usoo qorey


Suįashu waxay tahay ?


xage somaliland u wada umada somaliyeed ee ku nool somaliland, oo dooneysa siyasada umadaas in ay gacanta u galiso maalinba cadow cusub iyadoo ku ganacsaneysa masiirka umada somaliland oo ah dad 100% somali muslimiin ah .


Waxa loo baahan yahay in ay somalida kala ka tashato maamulkaas oo qatar galinaya masiirka umada somaliyeed oo dhib weyna ku haya dadkiisa ,ayaa waxa ah wax laga marmaan ah in ay Gobolka Sool ay soo gasho gacanta Umada somaliyeed ,gaar ahaan Puntland. waana arin lagama maarmaan ah oo hadii ay dhaqaaqin Puntland ay noqoneyso in ay ka daahdo,sida loo badbaadinlaha dadka & duunyadaba .


Dr : Ali Warsame

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Cowke is a troll..People like him make the quality of this website go down the drain..Waar waax iskufaal niinyaahow...

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Somaliland govt represents it's people am i correct or wrong? after-all you do elect them right? so they are your representatives and your representatives are buying weapons from Israel a nation that is a clear enemy to islam doesn't worry you in the slightest?


I mean hargeisa went from sharing ties with addis ababa an enemy of the somali people now their taken it to another level sxb by befriending an entity that is against "islam". So the question remains is somaliland jewish or muslim? Because you are siding with the enemy of muslims what does that make you? war adigu niyahow isku xishoo oo orood dadka soo gabo before diinta ay ka baxan!!!

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You guys call me troll/loser/liar/imposter and all sorts of personal attacks but I never seen you guys ever actually address the issue that is being posed.


It's quite funny but if you can't answer just don't reply is probably the safest option for you.


Lakin the personal attacks is not necessary!!!

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Originally posted by Cowke:

Somaliland govt represents it's people am i correct or wrong? after-all you do elect them right? so they are your representatives and your representatives are buying weapons from Israel a nation that is a clear enemy to islam doesn't worry you in the slightest?


I mean hargeisa went from sharing ties with addis ababa an enemy of the somali people now their taken it to another level sxb by befriending an entity that is against "islam". So the question remains is somaliland jewish or muslim? Because you are siding with the enemy of muslims what does that make you? war adigu niyahow isku xishoo oo orood dadka soo gabo before diinta ay ka baxan!!!

This comming out of your mouth , i am shocked


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I will kindly ask all Somalilanders in this site to ignore this trolls words and take his words as a turn-off like the written words on the bathroom stall in high school.

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Originally posted by STOIC:

I will kindly ask all Somalilanders in this site to ignore this trolls words and take his words as a turn-off like the written words on the bathroom stall in high school.

This is something which can not be ignored. This is something which people cant just close their eyes for.

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I didn't write the article. I am only posting it. Yet the questions still remains un-answered by the seccessionist enclave!!!


Your leader was just debating whether or not they should enhance diplomatic ties with Israel. Even the infamous waraabe was noted as once saying "kan addis ababa joggo baa iga dhow kan hamar joggo". What does that statement mean? Does that mean a tigray christian govt is closer to faysal then a muslim hamar? Waraabe has also been noted saying that he will get somaliland recognized in a matter of days, what does that mean? does that mean the infamous waraabe will actually go to Israel and extend the diplomatic hand? Disturbing what somaliland politicians are falling to and it's even sadder their populations don't hold them accountable.


Now their is news of purchasing weapons from Israel tommorow they will share a session of Bar Mitzvah with the jews and I wouldn't be suprised in the least.


This article is strong question to the leadership in Somaliland and where this leader is taking those people and NO it shouldn't be ignored but it should be addressed by the somalilanders who should ask of their leaders "not to take them out of the fold of islam" for mere politics!!!!

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