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Somalia: Our Puntland brothers must help us end the Nazi Ethiopian Empire

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Originally posted by Ghanima:

Loool. Some twisted shid :rolleyes: I knew it was going to burst out in public! :rolleyes:

Looooooooooooooooooooooool hahaha walaalhi sii aan cadi aheyn baan uu qosleey knew what was gonna to burst out in public? :D I don’t know, but that doesn’t sound right if I may say so myself. If u speaking about me then refer to me as a person by name not as an it. Ceeb time use better terminology. And the only thing that is twisting here is ur little madam ur at the gentlemen’s corner let’s leave the suuro behind. My response to this dumb article as always was the truth.


As for the article; good read,

What was a good read about a biased article full of lies and which is anti-historical? The article has no creditability whatsoever, and worse instead of calling for peace and stability in the volatile horn its calling for more destruction and destabilization. Ur not that naive smiley, just in case u are, let me inform u this so called good read completely overlooks nearly 20 years of anarchy, death and destruction, complete elimination of Somali sovereignty and dignity. Ask urself how did we get here, why are our ppl like this? How does Ethiopia ride from the north with tanks all the way to Mogdisho without a single protest? That process my lady was somali-made, perpetrated and maintained.............until finally the 6 mths of hope the reign of peace and stability of the ICU in which they because of dumb policies with their own tongues freely declared war on international airwaves threatening to sack the capital of Addis in 7 days.....who made the chicken come home to roost? What do u expect to happen in a global village?........Further it overlooks a worldwide it a conspiracy if u will, of an American backed effort, arab involvement and a proxy war between Ethiopia and Eritrea, each trying to install a friendly regime, nothing to do with the interest of the average farah and xalimo who cares who dies in the process? Or how much the country gets destroyed? This is playing politics with lives of innocent people, deaths will be somali the country destroyed Somalia. And more on clan demographics It overlooks the fact the TFG itself is mainly made up and backed up of banadir folks............the ICU whom declared war on neighboring states could’ve been part of the plan and still maybe..........completely overlooks all of garthay calling on all Somalis to Qaran iyo Unity, to brotherhood and helping each other and helping the innocent people, showing the way to peace but to sit on ur lazy but behind a computer and do the easy trible thing and to single’s out a small sub-clan in somalia as the problem? Is this sub-clan that powerful? Hmmm what do u say to this? A good read you said? Its called bullocks and utter rubbish.


Originally posted by -:

Khalaf...How do past injustices justify the current murder of women and children?

Che I don’t u get u ninyahow. I can not understand how u read my response to this fabricated article and came to this conclusion. Those who use the logic that this has to be “clan revenge” knowing the scale of the game on the ground are the ones suffering from the most cancerous tribalism.....u and I both know what’s up...and Ethiopia is just a cover up with cats with that mentality who only see the blood that runs through an 80 yr old cat...too bad their hate is deep lakiin jump off a cliff if it makes em feel better.


So bro instead of questioning my rightful response to this dumb article......u and I both know we read the news and comment on it....but at the end of the day we go about our business as usual......marka sxbyall ruunta ha laga hadlo ciyalnimda nah haa lii iska daafo........those who should be questioned are the ones who are playing politics with the lives of innocent people. Get at me.

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Originally posted by -:

Khalaf...How do past injustices justify the current murder of women and children?

Exactly. It makes no sense to tie this to politics. Killing of innocents is simply wrong.

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Somaliland: Reason of an All-out War in the Horn of Africa


November 13, 2007


In earlier articles we reported about the rise of the pro-Somali unity state of Maakhir between Somaliland and Puntland, and the undeclared war incidents occurred around Las Anod, a Puntland town that was attacked and invaded by the militias of the troops of Somaliland. We first published prior to the events on September 20 ('Somaliland and Puntland in War, as Moderate Leader rises in Somali South'); we then criticized on October 25 the overall political situation in Somaliland ('Somaliland turns from Hope to Despair').


Quite unfortunately, the political degradation in Somaliland, as result of vicious advice malignantly given by the intruding Abyssinian terrorist government of the Tigray tribal dictator Zenawi, causes despair and provokes retaliation in the Somali North.


Abyssinia: Top Reason for Somaliland's Failure to get International Recognition


We stated in the aforementioned articles that the main responsible for Somaliland's failure to get international recognition is Abyssinia – fallaciously re-baptized 'Ethiopia'. We therefore contributed to the exasperation of many brainwashed Somalis of Somaliland who are made to believe that fake 'Ethiopia' has – or could ever possibly have – good intentions towards Hargeysa.


The Abyssinian advice and intelligence help as regards the illegitimate Las Anod attack clarify the issue very well. Pushing unrecognized Somaliland to war against Puntland, the criminal and misrepresentative Abyssinian class of 'diplomats' knew that if a secessionist state like Somaliland was met with 16-year long difficulties to get international recognition, its chances drop to zero when this secessionist state is internationally held responsible for triggering wars in an already unstable region.


The Abyssinian advice was deliberate, intentional and malignant; all that followed and all that will come to pass in that area was easy to anticipate. The only unable to see clearly – probably due to their anti-O9gadeni hatred – are the few advisers and political decision makers around the unrepresentative and unrecognized pseudo-president Rayaale, the panicked puppet of the cruel and murderous Abyssinian tyrant Zenawi.


The international community never recognized, never will, a secessionist state that triggers wars with neighboring states. To mention an example, Turkey is the only state to have recognized the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, a state formed by the Turkish Muslim Cypriots who had been prior to the military putsch of July 15, 1974 tyrannized by the Greek speaking Christian Orthodox majority of Cyprus. The prevention of the international recognition of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus is not the main concern of either Southern Cyprus or Greece but mainly England. If the chances of an international recognition of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus are not very strong now, they will be nil, if that state attempts a military attack against its southern neighbors.


No one wants in the UN a country that, even when unrecognized, triggers hostilities, enmities, wars, and discord. Knowing this, and anticipating the forthcoming escalation, the Abyssinian advisers – directors of 'president' Rayaale pushed him to make the step that would cancel once forever Somaliland's chances for international recognition.


Somaliland Permanently Plunged into Chaos: an 'Ethiopian' Wish


One may find it difficult to believe that the supposed ally of Somaliland would pursue so duplicitous and mendacious policies towards a supposed 'friend' and 'ally'; yet, the Nazi Amhara and Tigray Abyssinian rulers of the Failed State 'Ethiopia' have demonstrated for over a century that they are not, genuinely cannot be, the allies of any other nation, ethnic group, religious group, tribe or political leadership.


This hinges on their racist nature, their racist and inhuman education, and the state-imposed (among the Amhara and Tigray Abyssinians exclusively), bogus-historical dogma that in terms of historical and ideological analysis is far more dangerous than Hitler's National Socialist ideology described with his Mein Kampf.


Even worse, the racist, state-imposed, bogus-historical dogma of Abyssinia pertains also to

a) vicious alterations of the Old and New Testament scriptures (in their inaccurate Gueze translations),

b) ensuing devious theological interpretations and erroneous, anti-Biblical and anti-Christian, perceptions, and

c) ultimate religious fornication actively manipulated at the level of political ideology and practice.


All this translates to desired, planned and performed racist policies of discrimination and absolute differentiation that lead to permanent isolation.


The best for the demented rulers of Somaliland would be to study the attitude of the Amhara and Tigray Abyssinian rulers towards the selected Oromos, Sidamas, ******is, Afars, Anuak, Kaffas, Shekachos, Kambatas, Wolayitas, and Agaws with whom they used to close deals involving the treachery of their respective nations, the abolition of all their ideals for National Independence, and the eradication of all their aspirations for Freedom, Democracy and Justice.


Although these selected traitors, who betray the totality of their compatriots, risk their lives to serve their Amhara and Tigray masters, criminally misrepresenting and undeservedly swindling their nations, the Abyssinian racist tyrants deprecate, humiliate, and before too long imprison or exterminate them.


This is the Abyssinian plan for Somaliland too.


Beyond the racist attitude, fully displayed within the walls of the Hargeysa governmental buildings by the criminal gangsters, who impersonate the 'diplomats' of 'Ethiopia', there are several reasons for which Abyssinia cannot tolerate a successful and complete nation building in Somaliland, which would involve international recognition. Here are some of the reasons:


Somaliland, merged with Afars, to rise as Bab el Mandeb Major Power


The Abyssinian tyrants know very well that, even combined, the Christian Monophysitic (heretic) Amhara and Tigray populations do not exceed 17 – 18 % of the country's entire population. And they are currently divided.


They are fully aware of the fact that the Muslim Amhara and Tigray Abyssinians deeply resent the bogus-Christian tyranny of the Abyssinian Church and their illiterate monks, the notorious Debteraw, and are currently preparing a thunderous hit against the cruel Tigray dictator Zenawi.


They also know that all the other subjugated nations, Oromos, Sidamas, ******is, Afars, Anuak, Kaffas, Shekachos, Kambatas, Wolayitas, Agaws and others, totally reject the existence of the inhuman Hell 'Ethiopia' – the illegal fabrication of the Abyssinian regional imperialism.


The dissolution of 'Ethiopia' is an easy affair for an independent neighbor without inner problems. A successful nation building procedure in Somaliland would free the local politicians and statesmen from any obligation towards their Abyssinian masters; in such a case, they would levy higher taxes from the Berbera harbour!


With fast progress and increased income, little Somaliland would have no fear to ally itself with Eritrea, the Oromos and the Sidamas, and ultimately contribute to the final demolition of 'Ethiopia'.


Even worse, to rise to level of Bab el Mandeb Major Power, Somaliland would have it easy to set up an alliance with the Afars of 'Ethiopia', the Afars of Eritrea, and the Afars of Djibouti, merging therefore all the ***** Somalis with the Afar multi-divided and long tyrannized nation into kind of 'Greater Djibouti' that would control the Bab el Mandeb straits in cooperation with Yemen.


Somaliland: Possible Leader of Regional Attack against Abyssinia


The Abyssinian intelligence are fully aware that, under the surface of Somaliland's political life, and the false appearance managed by 'president' Rayaale, a great and ever growing number of Somalis of Somaliland come to understand that their unrepresentative leadership's enmity towards Puntland, Maakhir, the Somalis of the South, and the Somalis of ****** is simply a non option.


In the case international recognition stimulated the nation building process and democratic practices, president Rayaale would be soon forgotten, and the Nationalist Somalis, as represented today by the Northern Somalis for Peace and Unity (NSPU), would rise to power.


Bringing into deliberations, negotiations, dispute settlement, and concord agreement the leaderships of Maakhir, Puntland, ARS, TFG (if it survives until then), and ******, the new – definitely democratic and thus anti-Abyssinian – Somaliland leadership (we mean the NSPU here) would become a major contributor to a united, peaceful, and politically well diversified Somalia, thus triggering an involvement in ****** where Zenawi's soldiers have no right to stay even for a moment.


This would be the beginning of the end of fake 'Ethiopia', the most appalling and anachronistic tyranny in the world.


Somaliland in the Path of Chaos: Continuation of the War with Puntland


All political forces in Somaliland, the local businessmen, intellectuals, administrators and spiritual leaders, the entire average people have the great obligation to think, carefully reflect, consider options, and do their best to impose them on the impotent and inane current political leadership.


Somaliland has no stamina for a war. And what is the value victory in the front that is translated to a disaster at the level of international diplomacy? War with Puntland will cause Chaos in Somaliland itself.


Somalis of Somaliland must come to terms with the dire consequences of the recent attack against Las Anod. A few days ago, the parliament Speaker of Puntland clearly announced that the Puntland government intends to recapture the disputed town of Las Anod within a set period of time or face consequences.


Puntland set to get Las Anod back


The Puntland Parliament Speaker, Mr. Ahmed Ali Hashi, interviewed by Radio Garowe last Thursday, said that "the administration was told to return the freedom of Sool region, especially the capital Las Anod, and to guarantee the borders of Puntland, which have been invaded by aggressors".


More specifically, Mr. Ahmed Ali Hashi said that a defense and security motion had been passed in the Puntland Parliament, giving the administration of President Mohamud "Adde" Muse a set number of days to get Las Anod back from the Somaliland militias that had captured the town last October.


The Puntland Parliament Speaker said: "we gave the administration a set period of time to recapture Las Anod and that time is secret between government members". He then urged the Puntland government "to reach the border so that the Las Anod injustice does not continue".


Brave Las Anod Inhabitants in Rebellion


As a matter of fact, conflicting news from Las Anod let us understand that a confusing situation has prevailed there since the days of the Somaliland invasion. A popular uprising similar to that of Mogadishu seems to take place these days in Las Anod, as local people demonstrate their full opposition to the Somaliland military.


Heroic and brave Las Anod Somalis took to the streets and were successful in liberating a part of the town, by setting up barricades. Rioters shut off the main road by using objects, rocks and burned tires, witnesses said ( Garowe Online ).


Last Wednesday, in an effort to react and recapture the Las Anod liberated district, hundreds of Somaliland troops, backed by more than 100 armed trucks, reportedly participated in an operation inside Las Anod to clear roads closed off by protestors since last week.


Locals woke up to find Somaliland troops and armed trucks along the road. The Somaliland forces were led by a local commander allied to the secessionist government in Hargeysa. Somaliland soldiers fired into a crowd of angry locals who attempted to place the objects back on the road. One young male was killed in the incident and three others, including a woman, were injured, a local journalist confirmed to Garowe Online. The situation in Las Anod grew calmer as the day progressed. By afternoon time, the riots came to a halt and the situation returned to normal.


Las Anod people may function as litmus paper for the entire Somalia; thought to be against Somalia's unity in the past, they seem to have become – due to their terrible experience, some of the most fervent supporters of Somalia's re-unification


We have to add that, as it happens in Mogadishu over the past ten days, approximately 20000 civilians have reportedly fled Las Anod since October 15 when Somaliland forces invaded the large Northern Somali town.


Speaker Hashi incited Puntland government to go ahead with the military effort to get Las Anod back, using blatant words, as follows: "Puntland must make an immediate decision about the defense of Puntland or Puntland will not exist" ( AllSanag ), thus increasing fears of an impending major war that would devastate the Somali North, ridiculing at the same time president Rayaale's assumption that Somaliland is 'an oasis of peace in a chaotic Somalia'.


Despite all this, Speaker Hashi saw a "Somali solution involving Somaliland" close, as probable reaction to the discredited Somaliland leadership that proved able only to incite this war.


By Dr. Muhammad Shamsaddin Megalommatis

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Obsession with Somaliland continues despite what is happening.


Rather than coming against what is happening in the south without any strings attached, many folks from Puntland have chosen to steer the blame game towards Somaliland.hmmm

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Originally posted by Khalaf:

[qb] GJ/AfricaOne and Madam Nomadqiue leave the child games at the playground cool? If u been watching me for an entire year then u will be familiar with the fact that I always speak mind and never dance for no crowd in this case an online crowd lol can I get lame? I have said nothing that I haven’t said in the past.


Yes, you got all emotional and went into a rant about Puntland being disrespected and whatnot. You even went as far as declaring:


quote:marka hadeey ruunta sheegaysiin keep puntland out yo mouths ya dig


Is there any particular reason that people should keep their mouths out of Puntland other than this is your particular clanish region? I agree with you the article was a complete load of nonsense, it didn't have any particular point or relevance to it. Had it called on the leaders of Bay and Bakool, Somaliland, Hiiraan, Gedo and the Ocaden area to do the same, then perhaps it would have a point. But I understand with the history of Abdullahi Yusuf and him being the most visible and famous leader of the T.F.G ppl(wrongly) will point fingers at his clansmen the most.But Mr Khalaf you didn't answer or refute what the article said, rather you went of on a what seemed like too many a clanish outburst of sorts.



quote:was it puntland that for 17 years continued the looting/killing/rapings in the South eh? Was it puntland that after finally obtaining peace and stablity...that made the ICU idio!ts go gun-*** on ppl like crazy addicts, parade the women and children in the streets and declare war on neighboring states eh?



No it wasn't Puntland that did what happened in the South. But that point is completely irrelvant because nobody blamed Puntland for that debacle. We are talking about what is happening today(2007 no). Did Puntland not send troops to fight alongside the Ethiopians? Yes or no? If the answer is no and Puntland is clearly playing a role in the Muqdisho and infact playing a significant role in aiding the Ethiopians, then how can you instruct people to keep silent or shut their mouths about Puntland(leaders)? As for the I.C.U going crazy and declaring war against a neighbouring state, they never did such a thing. They declared war against an Army that invaded their country and vowed to crush them. You and I know that this sunnah of Muhamad saw, and I challenge anyone to come with their fatwas and refute this!


quote: odeyashaa beesha xamar and the cats in asmara uu sheega negotiate with the establishment and this international backed effort, the same establishments that has peace deals with Puntland and Somaliland, well Hergaysa and Garowe look a lot better then Xamar about right now...



The fact that Hargeysa and Garowe look peaceful mean nothing to this dicussion and actually it doesn't prove anything. Palestine and South Lebanon were were at war with Israel whilst Dubai, Saudi Arabia and Jordan were enjoying peace. All it meant is that Saudi Arabia and others sold out and surrendered to their enemy whilst Reer Palestine and South Lebanon had suffering and mass humans rights violations. You can't blame Reer Palestine and South Lebanon for the Chaos that happens in their land because they are defending their land. Just like Reer Ocadenia, they are in the defensive, thus any killing, starvation and humans rights violation that takes place rests solely with the occupier. You can't attempt to burgal a mans house and then blame him for everything that breaks, if he struggles with you.Is this logical? I remember you were explaining to some one that O.N.L.F can't negotiate with Ethiopia because they won't meet their demands. How comes reer Muqdisho have to "negotiate" as you say and surrender to the "international backed" mission, which a simply way of telling Reer Muqdisho to surrender and get on board with the Ethiopians and the T.F.G? Why do you advocate for reer ******ia to defend themselves and pray for them succeed in their liberaton effort, but not the efforts of Reer Muqdisho and the Somalis that are aiding them? Perhaps critcism of Puntland is too hard to stomach for some?



quote: sit back and wait for the haterz to bring it. Hmmm who will be the first one tolow? .....Will it be USC sympathizers (opps how clumsy of me i meant the ICU freedom fighter supporters)...or the instigators (opps what has gotten into me....i meant the concerned brothers from Somaliland )


I gather you means "Haters" as ppl who are hating on "Puntland" a.k.k your clan? It seems you have been swallowing some of the clanish nonsense fromt the Puntland brigade on this forum. You played the classic line of the evil " U.S.C" and " Seccionist supporters" whom are out to get the holy land of Somalia( read Puntland). Let me tell you many Somali Ulema have given their Fatwas regarding the liberation of Somali including several prominent ones from Puntland. Do you think these Ulema are giving fatwas for USC? Do you think the Somalis who walked on foot all the way from Ocadenia,N.F.D; and those that travelled from Puntland in december lasy year to take part in the war effort were fighting for U.S.C? Perhaps Sheikh Jiiqle( may allah grant him Jannah) who was martyred defending his deen was fighting for U.S.C? Or perhaps all the Somali clerics and Wadaads who were being hunting by the Warlords were fighting for U.S.C? Perhaps those Somalilanders who travelled from Burco and beyond to assist their brothers against the Ethiopians only came because to further the agenda of Riyaale? Thus your prediction about USC haters and Secessionists was completely wrong and paranoid. Because, I a man from Lasanod and and you can consider me as Puntlander, well until last month Somaliland took my home town you see. I guess I am considered a Somalilander now? But I am neither a Somalilander not Puntlander, I am a man from North Central Somalia to be precise. As for USC sympathisers, Nur, M.M.I, Xiin, Dhubad etc are they all U.S.C sympathisers of they boogey Somalilanders with a hidden agenda? Baal noo sheeg, Walaal....


And so long as Puntland leaders are aiding and abetting Zenawi; so long as they are watching innoncents drawn in the Ocane; and so long as they are celebrating whilst other Somalis are bombed even in Puntland( Bargaal). The they will condemned for ever and ever! If you want ppl to stop "hating" on Puntland, then my friend your gonna have to start acting and writing against the leaders that give your state(clan, whatever) a bad name!

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^^I think you have a point there! Puntland’s elites and its leadership as a whole have more stakes in the tfg and hence willing to support it, and by logical extension support the Ethiopian presence and occupation in Xamar!


But arguing about which of SL or PL policy makers is guiltier is neither here nor there. What is germane and worthy of a discussion yaa Oodweyne is the current political environment prevailing throughout Somalia in which Ethiopia is seemingly thriving on, and whether you can at all fathom its origins and its core enablers, and hence has the capacity to put forth strategies to overcome it, and perhaps reverse it! That’s what I am interested in these days adeer! When I object secessionists like you, who come here gnashing their teeth unaware of the political ironies in which they so publicly swim, I am only objecting to the naivety their argument help surface and float up: how could Somalia ever stand its legs again if some parts of it are so ingrained in the zero sum game, and are tirelessly solidifying superficial ties with the enemy while forgetting all along that Ethiopia in the end of the day sees Somalia as one peace of the chess game in the horn?


Please once and for all think outside of your political box, pen some realistic strategies and ways to end our mess and push Ethiopia back even if doing so compels you to offend one or two fellow secessionists of yours!

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I appreciate the effort u put into the response Geelow, but I am afraid u have not said anything new my brother. Somalida waxeey tirhada hadal haan ma buuxiyo and to keep it real this is getting old but ill bite nonetheless.... i didn’t go on rant or as u put it “puntland getting disrespected” that is none of my concern. Remember Puntland is an entity and is open to criticism, and justifiably so. Taan labaad, be assured sxb that politics and politicians can not give me or anyone of similar linage a “bad name”, those who apply such logic are just well bigots cuuqdaad miraan ah and always have been like that...but just find the current political situation as an excuse to air their bigotry.


But that is besides the point, the point and what I objected to was the author’s biased conclusion, clannish propaganda that puntland alone is blocking “somalia’s freedom” and that other (read tribal Somalis) are all of sudden working for the interests of the nation. Surely u don’t buy that joke? It maybe 2007, but surely somalia’s problems and divisions didn’t start at 2007? Why ignore the past, as the past is always a great teller of the current present? Simple conclusion Puntland didn’t create this mess that Somalia is in or hindering “somalia’s freedom” as the author would like mislead the audience in believing, in which I believe u also agree with.


As for the rest of ur piece, with all do respect I find it laughable....ardul sham ehh?

Somalia is what it is bro, wake up from the day dream. It’s a tribal based society, a dirt poor African country...........not the blessed lands and ppl’s of ardul shaam.......this poverty ridden country needs the help of international community to get that country back on its feet......... at this moment there is no principle fight but politics and proxy war being played with the lives of innocent people. What is indeed is to leverage the international community (UN ect) to make the parties compromise and reach peace deals, and end the humanitarian crisis. Last, I believe u know my stances as we discussed before, indeed the ICU caused the fitnah and brought the bullets/war to the bedrooms of the people. There is no shame in putting aside ur own pride to save the lives of thousands dead, hundreds of thousands displaced and for what? Admit or not, but u and I both know Puntland and Somaliland are a lot better deal at this moment....and I am more then positive would also be for the innocent people caught up in the middle of this escalating violence had they been given that choice.

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@Khalaf, nobody said that Somalia is ardul Sham. I was just giving you an example and I even used the example of the O.N.L.F movement. There is starvation, fitanh and killing on a mass scale. But who takes the overall blame for the chaos, the one that came to occupy or that one simply defended himself? Why do you makde Duas for the O.N.L.F to struggle against Ethiopia and not the people in Muqdisho? Are the O.N.L.F not creating Fitnah by not negotiating with the "legitimate" government of Ocadenia and Somali federal government? What is the difference between the O.N.L.F and I.C.U?


Secondly, nobody is dreaming here and nobody sane Somali wishes for the bloodshed to continue in Somalia. Do you seriously think those of us who live in comfort in the West want to see the bloodshed continue because of our pride and egos? Everybody wants to see negotiation, peace and reconcialiation. All of us are for negotiation between warring groups. But nobody wants to Somalia to go back into "colonial style protectorate" like you wish to happen. Nor does everybody wish Somalia to be occupied, invaded and then nobody says anything apart from stating the bleeding obvious: " hey I am for negotiation". If you have another solution to deal with the Ethiopian occupation, the let us hear it!


Lastly,I don't want to really get into another meaningless debate about the I.C.U. But I do believe that your assertations in your reply were severely flawed and seemed somewhat clanish. You went as far as charachterizing the I.C.U as being nothing but the U.S.C, when infact the I.C.U gave back properties that were looted by the U.S.C themselves; when the I.C.U(unlike U.S.C) got recruits from every single Somalia; and got Fatwas from major Somali Ulema. I also showed you how flawed your claims about the " haters" whom are the supporting the I.C.U and other Somalis to defend themselves being nothing other than U.S.C sympathizers and Somalilanders. By the simple fact of the people on this forum whom hail from different clans and regions such as Xiin,Nur,M.M.I,Me and various other whom are neither USC sypathisers nor Somalilanders. Thus,Mr Khalaf, Somalia might be a dirty, qabilist and unwanted state, but not all Somalis are Qabilists nor are all Somalis resisting because of their clan. I know if you make yourself believe then perhaps the Ethiopian occupation can simply be dismiised as proxy war between Somalia clans, as some of you like to wish!

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But why would Somaliland be interested or need the defeat of Ethiopia? I mean, if you were a leader sitting in Hargeysa which of the entities below would YOU rank highest in terms of posing a threat to Somaliland:



Alitixaad, I.C.U





If I was a Somaliland leader Ethiopia would probably be at the bottom of that least..that is if we talkingg in terms of Zero sum Games without the morality..

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^I think you missed the most important one that would rank at the top of the list.


A viable Somali government in Mogadishu. And the corollary of that is Ethiopia. I hope you get the picture.

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Waryaa GL Oodweyne is not the leader of SL. In his recent writings he has shown genuine concern about the plight of the Mogadishu people. He though both PL and SL leadership, though in a different degree, are partially to blame for Ethiopia’s atrocities in Xamar.


So now I requested him to throw his two cents in strategizing how to remove Ethiopia from our affairs so Somalis can finally sit down and sort things out in their own ways under the traditional qurac tree!


ThePoint, do you know something we dont know adeer! What makes you think as the consequence of Ethiopia's acts in Xamar, there will be a vaible goverment in Xamar?

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