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Xizbul Islam recognizes the Somali Flag

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Ururka Xisbul Islaam oo shaaca ka qaaday in uu aqoonsan yahay Calanka Soomaaliya :D:D


Khamiis, January 07, 2010(HOL): Xoghayaha guud ee Ururka Xisbul Islaam Sheekh Max'ed Macallin Xasan oo maanta shir jaraa'id ku qabtay Muqdisho ayaa sheegay in ururkoodu uu calanka Buluugga ah ee dhexda Xiddigta ku leh u aqoonsan yahay calanka Soomaaliya.


Mas'uulkan ayaa sheegay in sidoo kale ay maamulkiisu ka warheleen qorshayaal ay ku doonayso Dowladdu inay ku weerarto deegaannada loo barakacay ee duleedka Muqdisho oo iyagu gacanta ku hayaan.


"Calanka Soomaaliyeed waa astaanta Qaranka Soomaaliyeed, mana jirto heshiis lagu gaaray in la badalo oo uu Xisbigu wax ka ogyahay, isaga ayaana u aqoonsan nahay inuu yahay calanka Soomaaliya" ayuu yiri Sheekh Max'ed Macallin Xasan.


Sheekh Mukhtaar Roobow Cali (Abuu-Mansuur) oo ka mid ah hoggaamiyeyaasha Xarrakatul Shabaabul Mujaahidiin ayaa dhawaan Magaalada Muqdisho ka sheegay in calanka Soomaaliya ay u aqoosan yihiin calanka madow ee Towxiidku ku qoran yahay, isagoo sheegay inaysan ogolaanayn in calan kale ay yeelato.


Xoghayuhu wuxuu sheegay in xogaha ku saabsan in weerar ay ku tahay DFKMG ah ay ka heleen xubno iyaga la shaqeeya oo ka tirsan Dowladda, kuwaasoo uu diiday inuu magacyadooda ka sheego saxaafadda.


"Qorshaha aan ka warhelnay wuxuu qeexayaa in weerar lagu soo yahay deegaano ay ka mid yihiin KM 13 iyo deegaanka Ceelasha biyaha, waxaana u sheegaynaa shacabka in taasi ay tahay mid lagu doonayo in lagu carqaladeeyo dagganaashaha goobahaas ka jirta" ayuu yiri Max'ed Macallin.



Sidoo kale xoghayaha warfaafinta ee Xisbul Islaam wuxuu sheegay inay jiraan weerarro kale oo ku wajahan Suuqa Bakaaraha, taasoo la doonayo in lagu boobo hantida shacabka ee suuqaas taalla.


Kala duwanaasho dhanka fikirka ah oo u dhexeysa Xarrakada Al-shabaab iyo ururka Xisbul Islaam ayaa soo baxaysay wixii ka dambeeyay markii ay labadan kooxood ku dagaalameen gacan ku haynta Magaalada Kismaayo ee Gobolka Jubbada hoose.




Maxamed Xaaji Xuseen, Hiiraan Online


Muqdisho, Soomaaliya

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Well hizbi islam is more aligned to "eritrea" as is clearly seen by sheikh dahir aweys who regulary visits that country to check up on of course "arm shipments" being docked down for him in somalia. Eritrea does not have anything against "somalia" their problem is the "tfg" which is seen to them as an ethiopian system and if successful ethiopia won't have an enemy in somalia. That is the only reason eritrea oppose sharif, but it doesn't have anything against what sort of government is set up. Be it islamist, democracy, traditional, whatever. Their concern is that government is pro eritrea and anti ethiopia. That's their priority!!!


Where as shabab is more aligned with al-qaeda and recieves their daily cheques thru the hawala from toro boro not to mention soldiers and training from an ultra neo radical islamist group who only recognize the black flag as the only FLAG of the whole world and never negiotate with anyone on setting up a powersharing system.


U can clearly see this in afghanistan, even with america attacks, they never come out of those caves to negiotate. It's either their way or they will just die. They never ever negiotate or set up a power sharing system. That is why I found it amazing that sheikh sharif was expecting shabab to negiotate with him. But then again it never hurts to try and show the world you are seeking peaceful resolution. :D


Usually you need to research the funders and see what they are like and u will know what the puppets in somalia will be like.

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Xisbiga waxooda waa: Shabaab iska bareejeeya e Calanka Buluugga ah iyaguba ma rabaanoo waa iyagii Iskoolka ka dejiyey oo tii dheereed ka raacday!.


Dorraad markii WFP ka bixitaankooda koonfurta sheegeen, mid u hadlayey wuxuu yiri: 'Lafoole, Ceelasha & Afgooye looma diiddana'!

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