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Puntland President says jobs will not be given to those that eat khat.

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Grudges grudges..I don't hold no stinkin' grudges! LMAO, oh man maba xasuusan I said that! Ragga uur ku qaad ma yaqaan maxaa loo lahaa? :D .

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Fair enough. I don’t think it will be possible, I mean will they do drug test to make sure no one is eating it? But the problem with the drug is that takes up so much time chewing it. People wake at 6 or 7, then nap at 12, then eat from like 2 or 3 until it's dark. At least that what I noticed. They sit there for hours and hours eating and then they are high for a long time after that, you can't employ someone like this.

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theres no legal ground to do such a thing, to penalize people for eating something thats legal and done in their private time. Those poor mothers in markets do raise children on what little money get from this product. Be that as it may, there is no doubt that this is an economic problem for a poor country like somalia where the little hard currency coming from the Diaspora mostly goes to khat growers in neighboring countries. there is also no doubt that there are some health problems with khat. Yet everything people do from eating too much or smoking or drinking coffee is a health hazard in some way. Lastly, cade's administration has no mandate to make such sweeping social changes. As for the islamic courts vs. cade's decision, can we let that movement rest in peace.

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This decision reminds of Golis Telecom, one of the largest companies in Puntland instituded the same policy of not hiring qat chewers. Everyone who was employed pledged they will not eat qat. Some of these former qat jewers are still employed by the company and they are very successful. If the Puntland govt can implement it without exception, then this will be one of the most effective way to fight qat.

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lol. I agree with this. All civil servants should not be seen holding, dealing or consuming Qad.


Qad should be banned in Schools, Univeristies and even work places. Much like the west has done with smoking

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Originally posted by NinBrown:

Neph...hormarka miyaa ku dhibaaya

War isku xishooda rag waaweyn baa tihiine. :rolleyes: . Mid kasta meeshanuu u soo xeet-xeetay sidii inaa gurigii hooyadiis gadaashiis benzino looga qodaayo. War waxan haddii ay suuroowdo waa xoolo Somali-yeed, Somali oo dhan bay ka dhaxaysaa! Puntland kaliya inay cuntaa waa habeenkii xalaa hoo tagay.

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Puntland kaliya inay cuntaa waa habeenkii xalaa hoo tagay.

Bal shidaalku ha soo buttaaco, hadii wax la iga siin waayo qorigeyga ayaan soo cabbeesan, dhuumaha saliida qaada ayaan dhaxda ka daloolin sidii neef ariyo la qawracayo smile.gif



Waxan dhan waa quud aan jirin qoryo u guro.



By the way, I am happy such steps is taking places, kolleey haamaan iyo qaaruun baa afka ku shuban cidna wax loogu tari maayo.


It would take years, and years to finalise any kind of production.

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lool. Are you going to build homes, hospitals, schools and create jobs in Puntland?


Well dont talk about its natural resources, as for your guns, you are doing your best now, so no need for these idal threats.


Puntland was only developed by its people, and this oil deal is a vehicle for more development.


All this talk is crap, coming from those who used to insult the state.

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as for your guns, you are doing your best now, so no need for these idal threats.

Duke, lol, now take it easy, war dhuuma saliid qaadana qarxin maayee bal is tartiibi :D

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