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Breaking News: Somali PM Announced

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Somali prime minister announced


Professor Ali Mohamed Ghedi has been appointed Somalia's new prime minister by President Abdullahi Yusuf.



The 51-year-old vet comes from the capital, Mogadishu, where the president lacks support. He is a member of one of Somalia's largest clans, the ****** .


"The government I will form will be a government of reconciliation and reconstruction," Mr Ghedi said.


He has a month to name a government, which it is hoped can bring political stability after 13 years of civil war.





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Maxamed Dheere oo kurisgiisa Baarlamaanka uga tanaasulay ninka lagu wado inuu noqdo Ra'iisul Wasaaraha


Nairobi :- Kulankii Maanta ee Baarlamaanka Soomaaliyeed ayaa waxaa qoraal soo hordhigay Xildhibaan Maxamed Dheere oo ku dhawaaqay in kursigiisa Baarlamaanka uu uga tanaasulay Prof.Cali Maxamed Geedi.


Qoraalkan oo ay si weyn ugu riyaaqeen xildhibaanada, ayaa loo badinayaa inuu salka ku hayo Jegada Ra'iisul Wasaaraha oo loo badinayo in loo magacaabo Prof.Cali Maxamed Geedi.


Waxaana arrintaasi hor taagneyd ayadoo Dastuurka qodobkiisa 47aad uu qorayo in Ra'iisul Wasaaraha laga dhex xulo Baarlamaanka.


Prof.Cali Maxamed Geedi ayaa asagu kasoo jeeda beesha Maxamed Dheere, taasoo keentay in Maxamed Dheere maanta ku tilaabsaday tanaasulid kursigiisa Baarlamaanka oo maanta si rasmi ah qoraal ahaan loogu wareejiyey Prog. Geedi kadib markii ay arrintan aqbaleen Xildhibaanada Baarlamaanka.


220 Xildhibaan ayaa maanta kasoo xaadirtay Kula fadhigii Baarlamaanka Federaalka ayadoo uu kulankan ahaa mid aad u muhiiim ah oo si qoto dheer looga hadlay Qodobka 47aad ee xakamada ku noqday magacaabida Ra'iisul Wasaaraha.


Xildhibaanada ayaa maanta isku dayey in ay Mooshin la qaaday ay ku bedalaan qodobka axdiga ee 47aad ee qoraya in Ra'iisul Wasaaraha laga soo dhex xulo Baarlamaanka, ayagoo markaa codbixin arrintan u qaadeen.


Cobdixintan ayey ku guuleysan waayeen Xildhibaanada in ay bedalaan axdigaan kadib markii la keeni waayey codka ah 184 ee loo baahan yahay in qodobkaasi lagu bedali karo, waxayna 122 xildhibaan ay maanta u codeeyeen in aysan khasab ahayn inuu Xildhibaan noqdo Ra'iisul Wasaaraha tiradaasi oo aan ahayn mid ku filan badelida Axdiga.


Kamid noqoshada Prof.Cali Maxamed Geedi ee Baarlamaanka ee maanta soo shaacbaxday ayaa la saadaalinayaa in ay soo de dejiso in Madaxweynaha Soomaaliya uu ku dhawaaqo Ra'iisul Wasaaraha cusub ee Soomaaliya oo wararku u badinayaan inuu noqon doono Prof. Geedi oo kasoo jeeda beesha Mundulood ee ****** .


Ahmed Musse

Nairobi, Kenya

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Nairobi:Ra'iisal Wasaarihii DFKMG ah ee Soomaaliya oo goor dhoweyd la magacaabay



Nairobi(Allpuntland)-Madaxweynaha DFKMG ah ee Soomaaliya Cabdullaahi Yuusuf Axmed ayaa waxa uu goor dhoweyd u magacaabay Ra'iisal Wasaaraha DFKMG ah ee Soomaaliya Mudane Cali Maxamed Geeddi oo maanta loo dhaariyey xilka xubinimada baarlamaanka ka dib markii uu uga tanaasuley Maxamed Cumar Xabeeb (Maxamed Dheere).


Munaasabada magacaabista ayaa waxa goob joog ka ahaa Guddoomiyaha baarlamaanka FKMG ah ee Soomaaliya Shariif Xasan Shiikh Aadan, Wasiirka xiriirka iyo iskaashiga gobolka bariga Afrika ee dalka Kenya John Arap Koech ,diplomaasiyiin iyo xubno ka tirsan urur goboleedka IGAD.


Magacaabista Ra'iisal Wasaaraha oo in muddo ahba la sugayey ayaa waxay ka danbeysey ka dib markii labo qodob oo beryahaan la isku khilaafsanaa wax ka bedelistooda iyo iswaafajintooda maanta xildhibaanadu ansixiyeen inaan waxba laga bedelin ee sidooda loo qaato ,taasoo qodobka 47aad ee Axdiga KMG ah uu qorayo in Ra'iisal Wasaaruhu uu noqdo mudane ka tirsan xubnaha baarlamaanka.


Madaxweynaha ayaa ka dib magacaabistiisii waxa uu ka codsaday Ra'iisal Wasaare Geeddi inuu sida dastuurku qorayo ku soo dhiso muddo bil gudaheed ah golihii wasiirada oo xildhibaanada dhexdooda uu ka soo dhex magacaabo,taasoo Ra'iisal wasaaruhu aqbalay xilka loo dhiibay iyo waqtiga loo qabtay inuu ku soo dhiso xukuumaddaba,tan ayaa waxay noqonaysaa tallaabo kale oo xaga hore loo qaaday ,iyadoo markaan ka dib loo fadhiyo magacaabista Ra'iisal Wasaare ku xigeenada ,Wasiirada iyo Wasiiro ku xigeenada DFKG ah ee Soomaaliya.


Iimaan Cali Cabdi



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Somali president appoints Ghedi as PM 2004-11-04 03:29:08


NAIROBI, Nov. 3 (Xinhua)net -- Somali President Abdullahi Yusuf Ahmed took a bold step in the Somali peace process here on Wednesday by appointing the 51 year-old vet Ali Mohammed Ghedi as his prime minister and asked him to form the Transitional Federal Government of Somalia in one month.


"After exhaustive considerations and reading all the CVs of all leading contenders, I nominated Prof. Ali Mohammed Ghedi as prime minister," Yusuf told a news conference in Kenya's capital Nairobi.


The 51 year-old Ghedi, an animal doctor, is an active politician and member of the powerful ****** clan, one of the four major clans in Somalia.


"I wish to ask him to form a government of his choice within the time allocated in the constitution which is one month," Yusuf said.


Analysts here say the appointment is likely to be a delicate balancing act of clan and regional interests in the Horn of African country.


However, the newly appointed Somali prime minister pledged reconciliation during the news conference.


"I have accepted my appointment and pledge to form a governmentof reconciliation and reconstruction which will restore good relations in the region and I urge my fellow Somalis to support meas I embark on the task of building Somalia," Ghedi said.


He said within 30 days, he would form a new government which hehopes would cover the entire country.


"In that period, I hope to engage in full consultations with the president, speakers, members of parliament and all the stakeholders," he said.


Meanwhile, he said the main challenge facing his administrationwould be to build the public service and mechanism for public policy in the country.


Somalia has been without an effective government since 1991 when the regime of Muhammad Siad Barre was toppled, following which the country plunged into anarchy and factional violence. Conflict and famine have killed hundreds of thousands of people since then.


Under the auspices of the Inter-Governmental Authority on Development, which groups Djibouti, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Kenya, Sudan, Uganda and Somalia, Somali National Reconciliation Conference began in October 2002 in the western Kenyan town of Eldoret, and was moved to Nairobi in February 2003.


As a result of the conference, Somali Transitional President Abdullahi Yusuf Ahmed was inaugurated on Oct. 14 in Nairobi. End item

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Very Very very good news...! Professor Ali Mohamed Ghedi is capable of the task and kudos to the president for not selecting a warlord as a PM.

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Very Very very good news...! Professor Ali Mohamed Ghedi is capable of the task and kudos to the president for not selecting a warlord as a PM.

Could not ave put it better.

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We could open the longest descussion ever held in this site but to leave it to the simple side




I just want to say this, I CANT WAIT UNTIL Decemebr 4th when they shall god willing the new goverment of the federal republic of somalia

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Ok, this is getting good, so let's go to Muqdisho and get to work, but waite, we are not done here (Nairobi) yet.............ok




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Right people we can either talk the talk or walk the walk.I say we are the young who have the unfortunate task of rebuiding our nation.I have an idea how about we all share with each other our knowledge and maybe come upo with a plan.First things first how about we all tell each other what knowledge we posses for instance what is your expertise.This way we can liase and maybe form our own group of purely young fresh minded energetic teram of experts that the nation needs for rebuilding.So everyone Get your CV's out no need to mention personal stuff just your expertise so we can see can see our knowledge pool!!!!.C'mon guys no time for shyness.As for me my area of expertise is Finance

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