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How do you expect legitimacy fighting against this?

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Wiil yar 10 jir ah oo ku jira jiida hore ee dagaalka ee aagga Fagax, isagoo rasaas ku ridaya ciidamada Ethiopia

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Originally posted by Che-Guevara:

When did you change teams Horn?

Che, is everything so simplistic with you, so black and white? Even if someone supports governance, law, and order and believes the TFG has the best institutions to see about that result that, that individual must be with that TFG in every single thing? Must I support what is going on in Mogadishu just because I do support the TFG?


I do not know what you mean by teams, but I do see the TFG as having the potential to bring back the state. It is capable of having the necessary institutions but no I do not support what is going on in Mogadishu, nor have ever given reason for you and anyone else to think so, and in fact I have spoken out about it numerous times if you cared to remember.


Anigu hay moodin dad intay meesha soo galaan qabaa'ilkooda iyagoo u doodaya iska dhigaan inay dawlad iyo diin uu doodayaan ama kuwa kaloo wax kasto ee dawladu samayse raacdo sabatoo iyadu ah adeerkood baa xukumo ama kuwo seddexaad oo xiniinya aanun u lahayn inay mawqifkooda cad sheegaan ee la jaan qaado wax walba ay moodaan inay siinayso popularity vote...

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^^^ This child may have had his home, his parents and his siblings bombed to pieces by the invaders. And while this is most unfortunate, as long as he can carry a gun, he has every right to fight.


Or would you prefer he left town to live in the open 30 miles out of Muqdisho?

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I haven’t seen any of the ICU leaders in the battle-field for the war they called for, but young milita kids like this one. yaab!

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^Castro - what you have a right to do and what is wise to do are not always the same. Don't tell me you're conflating the two also.


BTW - welcome back.


PS - interesting answer Horn. Somalis generally have difficulty understanding anything but an absolute unequivocal embrace of a 'political' position.

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Khalaf, that picture could easily have been taken anywhere. Anyone who understands propaganda would know that discrediting your enemy is a vital tool of warfare. And what better way to do so than accuse your enemy of employing child soldiers.


Now, the resistance may have children in it but, as I explained above, it could be for many reasons not the least of which is the leadership purposely employing them. This, however immoral, pales in comparison to the carpet bombing of civilians the puppet government you support is guilty of.


Originally posted by ThePoint:

^Castro - what you have a right to do and what is wise to do are not always the same. Don't tell me you're conflating the two also.

No, I'm not. I'm sad to see a picture like this, if it is genuine. But I'm considerably more sad to read about what happens in Muqdisho. This, in my view, is a much lesser evil. Justified, too, in some ways.

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Castro lets not get things twisted, Khalaf here doesnt support anyone and their corrupt agendas, yep i c everyone as tuug fighting for huungri. I certainly do not support TFG, never did never could and nor support what is happening in mogdishu, ma garthey? Thats is war caad, take it or leave it. I am not intereested adeer in going in circles as happens, the bottom line the ICU called for this war, n their leaders are not in the battle-field the battle they called for....but young kids as shown in youtube videos are the ones least Bin ladan is in frontlines of his wars as any commander would be, not somewhere in 5-star hotels @ Europe calling for more attacks instead of peace and ceasefires.

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Originally posted by xiinfaniin:

^^War dadka tfg kasoo horjeeda hannoo batteene ninka daa ninyahow...

looool.....malla hubaa hee inay soo noqdeen amay tahay inta guuldarradu xagga TFG jirto.

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