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United Ethiopia or United Somalia...???

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Dowladda Somalia oo ku howlan mideynta dalalka Ethiopia iyo Somalia


Mogadishu 02, Jan.07 ( Sh.M.Network) – Dowladda Somalia ayaa sheegtay in ay sameyn doonaan qorshe lagu mideynayo dalalka Somalia iyo Ethiopia, iyadoo la baabi'inayo xuduudaha u dhaxeeya dalalkaasi, lana qaadanayo hal baasaboor, xilli kumanaan ka tirsan ciidamada Ethiopia ay joogaan gudaha Somalia.

Ra'isulwasaare K/xigeenka ahna wasiirka arimaha gudaha dowladda KMG ah ee Somalia, Xuseen Max'ed Ceydiid ayaa maanta markii ugu horeysay shaaciyay qorshe lagu damacsan yahay in lagu baabi'iyo soodimaha u dhaxeeya dalalka Somalia iyo Ethiopia oo sida uu muujiyay ay yihiin dalal walaalo ah oo wadaaga xuduud aad u dheer.


Ing. Xuseen Ceydiid ayaa hadalkani ka sheegay kulan ay maanta ku yeesheen Odayaasha beelaha Guurtida Soomaaliyeed xarunta Villa Somalia, oo looga hadlayay arimaha amniga iyo wada shaqeynta


" Ethiopia iyo Somalia waa dalal dhinaca siyaasadda saaxiibo ku ah, lehna xuduud 2 kun oo KM ah, loona baahan yahay in la baabi'iyo xuduudaaasi, lana sameeyo hal baasaboor, hal dhaqaale iyo hal ciidan" ayuu yiri Xuseen ceydiid oo mithaal ahaan u soo qaatey in dalalka Yuruba ay midoobeen markii ay dagaalameen.

Waxa uu ku celceliyay isla markaana uu ugu baaqay beelaha Soomaaliyeed in la soo dhaweeyo ciidamada Ethiopia, isla markaana loo qalo xoolo.



Hadalka Xuseen Ceydiid ayaa ku soo beegmay xilli dhowaan Mudanayaasha Muqdisho qaar ay soo bandhigeen, xilli maxkamadaha ay maamulayeen Muqdisho, Qariirad ay tilmaameen in laga helay xafiiska RW Geedi oo aheyd qaaradda Africa oo ka maqan Somalia, iyadoo dhulka Somaliana ay ku jirto magaca dowladda Ethiopia, inkastoo qariiradaasi jiritaankeeda uu beeniyay ra'isulwasaaraha Somalia Cali Max'ed Gheedi

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ere Somali's vice PM says Somalia and Ethiopia don't need boundaries and should use the same pasport!! Is this the the beginning of forging new H-Africa planned by Amis??



"Somalia and Ethiopia will use one passport, Somali minister says

Aweys Osman Yusuf

Mogadishu 02, Jan.07 ( Sh.M.Network) -Somalia’s internal affairs minister and assistant prime Minster, Hussein Mohammed Farah Aideed, who has convened with tribal elders at former presidential house (Villa Somalia) in Mogadishu, said his government intends to wipe out the boundaries between Somalia and Ethiopia.


Husein Aideed

He said 60% of 2 millions Somali refugees live in Ethiopia and use Ethiopian passports. “Ethiopia and Somalia have 2,000 kilometers between them. The two Shabelle and Jubba rivers in Somalia come from Ethiopia. Now we need to eliminate the boundaries between us because we are brothers, and we will use one passport”, he said.


He said Ethiopia was the only country that was determined to set up a state in Somalia after more than years of without government. “No country in the world cared about Somalia”, he said.


He urged tribal leaders to support the government and the Ethiopian troops in the country.


Aideed, the son of a former warlord Gen. Mohammed Farah Aideed, has also indicated that the government will completely move to the capital Mogadishu.


The minister’s remarks came as Prime Minister Ali Mohammed Gedi officially announced that the country’s airport and seaport were open starting Wednesday in a press conference he held in his house, north of Mogadishu."

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^I knew this was coming.....Was he asked Which passport shall the two countries use?


Our so called government officially accepted that Somalia is a part of Ethiopia. It is time we start the real JIHAD.

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Im loving the stature of stairs behind him.. interesting design I must say.. 2 bad I cant stay the same about his huge 4head

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Haile Sellassie, the ageless personification of imperial

dignity, triumphantly returned to Ethiopia from exile. However,

events in the ****** took on another dimensions. Haile Sellassie

began a relentless campaign for the consolidation of personal

power and expansion of the Ethiopian State. He proclaimed, "I

have come to restore the independence of my country including

Eritrea and Southern Somalia whose people will henceforth dwell

under the shade of the Ethiopian flag."5 In a later memorandum

to the United Nations, his government proclaimed that prior to

the race of the European powers to divide up the Continent of

Africa, Ethiopia included an extensive coast line along the Red

Sea and Indian Ocean.6

The British, having betrayed the Somalis for reasons of

enhancing power, wealth, and influence, had yet another precedent

for doing it again.

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Ka daroo dibi dhal. Waa la yaaban yahay! Ina Caydiid ma iska hadlay mise qorshe cusub oo la soo dajiyey ayuu ka horbooday sxb-adii!!!!!! Listen BBC 1800


There is increasing call for greater clarity over what ina-aideed really meant with that,


Can someone decode this for us?

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Are you serious, same passport!


Brothers? We are not brothers, Somalis are killing their own brothers and you are saying that our nemesis is our brother.


I don't want some raw meat eating scavengers running around my property and I sure in hell don’t want to care an Ethiopian passport.


I rather use an Israeli passport rather than an Ethiopian one any day of the week.



We are two different countries, this will never work.

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Originally posted by mystic:

Are you serious, same passport!


Brothers? We are not brothers, Somalis are killing their own brothers and you are saying that our nemesis is our brother.


I don't want some raw meat eating scavengers running around my property and I sure in hell don’t want to care an Ethiopian passport.


I rather use an Israeli passport rather than an Ethiopian one any day of the week.



We are two different countries, this will never work.

umm..Lets see; They have handpicked a leader for Somalia,Fought a war for the same hand picked leader & finally control the capital city and the entire country.


"Gee,I Did not See this Coming,Yo"

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