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Violent Demos in Nairobi after Friday Prayers + PICS

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Iska horimaad xoog leh oo maanta ka dhacay Masjidka Weyne ee Jaamici Mosque ee bartamaha magaalada Nairobi


Jimco, January 15, 2010(HOL): Afar qofood ayaa la soo sheegay in ay ku dhaawacmeen iska horimaad maanta ka dhacay Masaajidka Jaamic Mosque ee ku yaal bartamaha magaalada Nairobi. Dhaawaca ayeey dad badan sheegayaan in uu intaa ka badan yahay. Warar aan la xaqiijin ayaa waxay sheegayaan in halkaas hal qof ku dhintay.

Iska horimaadkan ayaa wuxuu salka ku hayaa nin muslim ah una dhashay dalka Jamica oo ay dowladda Kenya ka masaafurisay dalkiida. Ninkaas oo la sheegay in dib loogu soo laabay dalka Kenya ka dib marka ay diiday dowladda Najeeriya in uu waddankeed (Transit) ku sii maro.

Rabashadii halkaas ka socotay ayaa hadda waxay isku bedeshay mid u dhexeeysa dhallinyaro ka socota shacabka Kenya iyo dhallinyaradii ku sugneyd Jaamici Mosque. Waxaan hadda muuqata in Masaajidka Jaamic ay dhagxaan ku tuurayaa dad reer Kenya ah oo ku sugan halkaas. Waxaa cabsi lagaa qabaa in rabshadahan sii ballaartaan oo aanan la kala dhexgalin dhallinyarada halkaas isku haya.








Source : HiiraanOnline

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Banaan bax Aad u Balaaran oo rabshado wata ayaa wuxuu Maanta ka dhacay Magaalada Nairobi ee xarunta dalka Kenya


Banaan bax Aad u Balaaran oo rabshado wata ayaa wuxuu Maanta ka dhacay Magaalada Nairobi ee xarunta dalka Kenya kaasi oo ay sameenayaan dad Muslimiin Soomaali ah oo ka careysan Wadaad Muslim ah ay dhawaan xirtay dowladda Kenya.

Wararka Naga soo gaaraya Xarunta Dalka kenya ee Magaalada Nairobi ayaa waxa ay sheegayaan in Magaaladaasi Nairobi ay ka dhacayaan Banaanbaxyo Aad u Balaaran .Sidoo kale Banaanbaxa ayaa waxaa uu ka bilowday Masjid weyn oo ku yaala Magaalada Salaadda Jimcada Kadib waxaana dadkani Muslimiinta Soomalida ah ee Dalka Kenya ku dhaqan banaanbaxooda ay kaga soo horjeedaan nin dhawaan laga soo tarxiilay wadanka Ingiriiska oo iminka ku xiran Xabsi ku yaala Magaalada Nairobi ee xarunta dalka Kenya Waxauyna Aad ugu careesan Yihiin Shacabkaan Xiritaanka Shiikhaan .

Daqiiqado kadib Waxaa goobta Banaanbaxa uu ka socday u soo gaaray Ciidamo ka tirsan Dolwada Kenya iyagoona ciidamada isku hareeyay gabi ahanba Masjidka Waxayna Isku Diyaariyeen in ay Kala Eryaan Shacabka u soo baxay Banaabaxa

Sidoo kale waxaana la soo sheegayaa in dadkii banaanbaxa sameynayay iyaguna ay ku carareen Masjidka markii cidamo fara badan halkaasi ay yimaadeen Maadamaa Shacabka Banaabaxayay Ay u badyaayeen Soomaali Qaarkood Aan haysan Sharciga Lagu Joogo Dalka Kenya .

Dhanka kale Wararka Naga soo Gaaray Goobta uu ka dhacay Banaabaxaas in uu Halkaas Ka dhacay Qasaaro Maadaama Ciidanka Goobta Soo Gaaray Ay Fureen Rasaas iyo Xabadaha Dadka ka Ilimaysa Lama oga ilaa iyo hada qasaraha dhabta ah ee ka dhashay rasaasta ay fureen Ciidamada amaanka ee dalka Kenya

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Rabshado dhimasho iyo dhaawac sababay oo maanta ka dhacay magaalada Nairobi

Banaanbax looga soo horjeedo xariga Sheikh Abdullah al Faisal oo ay dowladda Kenya xirtay December 31, 2009 xilli uu ka soo baxayay masjid Jamia ee ku yaala Bartamaha Kenya ayaa ka dhacay maannta oo Jimca ah January 15, 2010 magaaladda Nairobi kadib Salaadihii Jimcaha.

Banaanbaxan oo isku badalay mid rabshadeed ayay kadiba police-da dalka iyo dadkii banaanbaxa sameenaya isku dhaceen iyadoo la xaqiijiyay dhimashada 2 qofood halka tiro kale oo dad ahna way ku dhaawacmeen kuna jiraan qaar ka mid ah police-ka. Midka ka mid ah dadka dhintayna waxaa ku jiray wiil Somali ah sida ay dad xog ogaal ah ii xaqiijiyeen.

“Ma dooneeyno in dalkeena uu noqdo sida Somalia oo kale, halkani waa Kenya”, ayuu yiri engineer Aggrey Kaisha oo banaanbaxa goob jog ka ahaa.

Mid ka mid ah banaanbaxayaasha ayaa watay calanka madow ee astaanta ah ururka Al-Qa'ida iyo Alshabaabka Somalia. Iyadoo inta badan warbaahinta Caalamka ay qorayeen in Calanka Al-shabaab uu Qatar u keeni karo amaanka dalke Kenya.

Todobaadkii hore ayay aheyd markii banaanbax aan rabshadi wadanin uu ka dhacay banaanka hore ee Masjidka Jamia ee bartamaha magalaada ku yaal balse banaanbixii maanta ayaa isku badalay mid rabshada wata.

Sheikh Abdullah al Faisal oo u dhashay dalka Jamaica ayay horay dowlada Britain u xirtay kadibna dalkeeda ay isaga soo masaafurisay ayadoo lagu eedeenayo in uu dadka Muslimka ah ku dhiiiri galinayay in ay dilaan Yuhuuda iyo reer galbeedka. Sidoo kale dalal kale oo African ah ayaa iska soo masaafuriyay.

Sheikh Abdullah al Faisal ayaa dalka Kenya la rumeesanyahay in ay ka soo galay xuduudka dalka Tanzania ay dowlada Kenya la wadaagto inkastoo dowladda Tanzania ay arrintaasi ka biyo diiday.

Dowlada Kenya ayaa Sheikh Abdullah al Faisal u masaafurisay dalka Gambia ee galbeedka Africa ku yaal balse dib ayaa loogu soo celiyay dalka Kenya kadib markii Shirkahada duulimaadka iyo dalalka uu transit-ka ku noqon lahaa ay diidan shiekhan.

Banaanbaxan ayaan maanta geestay qasaaro naf iyo maalba isugu jira iyadoo isi socodkii magaaladana uu hagad galay.


Dalke Kenya waxaa dagan boqolaal kun Somali ah, Magaalada Nairobi waxa ku nool Somali fara badan waxaana laga yabaa in ay arrintani saameen ku yeelato dad badan oo Somali ah.


Sanadkii 1998 ayay aheyd markii safaaradda dowladda US ee magaalada Nairobi ay bur-buriyeen kooxda Al-Qa'ida, Dowladda Kenya ayaa taxadar kaga jirta sidii aysan dalka ooga dhici laheen falal argagixiso.


Ibraahim Da'ud Abdalle “Gentleman”










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It's not about Sheikh Abdullah Faisal per se. It is the principle that is the issue. The Kenyan gov't is being encouraged (by everybody knows who) to excersize more control over the curriculum in the kenyan muslim community. In other words, who is allowed to speak and what they are allowed to teach.


ie. Certain Surahs, and ayahs are not to be taught w/ tafsiir. Of course certain ahadeeth and Islamic literature are not to be taught. Those Sheekhs who do not comply simply are not allowed to teach. Sheikh Abdullah Faisal is one of those. For example British authorities confronted him for giving a lesson on Suratul Bayyinaa, calling it racial hatred when Allah says "Sharrul Bariyya".


They realize that if they are to control the Muslim community, they must control the curriculum. So what is at stake here is the principle, & not an issue of 1 man.

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^So, they used the presence of this man as means to voice their concerns? If it is not about the Shiekh Faisal perse, then why make him about it.


This man has no stake in what happens in Kenya, Somalis and other Muslims must choose wisely who they would throw their support behind and who they won't. They are so much at stake for Somalis, fighting on behalf of this man won't worth the trouble!


If the Muslims have concerns, this is not certainly the venue to express it.

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Originally posted by Saddiiq:

ie. Certain Surahs, and ayahs are not to be taught w/ tafsiir. Of course certain ahadeeth and Islamic literature are not to be taught. Those Sheekhs who do not comply simply are not allowed to teach. Sheikh Abdullah Faisal is one of those. For example British authorities confronted him for giving a lesson on Suratul Bayyinaa, calling it racial hatred when Allah says "Sharrul Bariyya".

So you consider the following words by "shiikh" Al-Feisal are accurate reflections on Islamic Surrahs and hadiiths? Everyone of these excerpts are from official court documents -- appeal hearing -- in the case of Crown vs Al-Feisal. Personally, I don't think he is "hate-preacher" but an honest and devout Muslim unlike the hypocrites.


The words of the "innocent" and harmless Sh. Al-Feisal who is denied his freedom to preach:


Excerpts from the videotape Jihad DAT:


"Before continuing let us define the word Jihad… whenever Allah used the word Jihad in the Koran it means to kill the Kaffars…That's the legitimate meaning of Jihad."


"So the 1st condition for you to call your war Jihad is that is, it has to be against Kaffars."


"Hypocrites would have said maybe Allah meant the Jihad of the pen or the Jihad of the tongue so Allah said …fighting is prescribed for you and

you can't say that Allah meant you can fight with a pen on the battlefield [laughter from audience]."


"…anytime you love the world‐earthly life and fear death the Kaffars will not fear you anymore. Therefore for you to be a formidable foe…you need

to conquer your fear for death…and you need to look to die in the path of Allah…"


"So the way forward can never be the ballot. The [way] forward is the bullet."


"We spread Islam by the sword and so what, and today we are going to spread by the Kalashnikov and there is nothing you can do about it"


"I'm sure that after September 11th everybody knows about Islam and Muslims [laughter in audience]"


"The fifth aim and objective of Jihad is to lessen the population of the Kaffars… Even today in modern times you should cut the throat of the Kaffars with machete."



"Allah used the word to terrorise…So we terrorise the Kaffars. However you are only allowed to strike at military targets. You are not allowed to strike at civilian targets. This is debatable. Is that clear? What I've just said

to you is debatable because I've read to you a Fatwa from Saudi Arabia last week and the Sheikh said there is no such thing as an innocent Kaffar

because before they attack Muslims they will vote for war…They take a poll and 90% of Kaffars said kill them…so whenever a Kaffar vote for war they are like Kaffar soldiers."


"…one of the aims and objectives of Jihad is to lessen the population of the Kaffars and in order to inspire us to kill Kaffars the messenger of Allah said any time a Muslim kill a Kaffar that Kaffar will take his place in hellfire…If you kill a Kaffar on the battlefield that Kaffar will take your place in hellfire."


"The sixth aim and objective of Jihad is to terrorise the Kaffars… Allah said you should terrorise them"


"Jihad is to wage war against the unbelievers"


"Is there any peace treaty between us and Hindus and Indian? No, so you can go to India and if you see a Hindu walking down the road you are allowed to kill him and take his money, is that clear, because there is no peace treaty between us and him his wealth isn't sacred nor his life because there is no peace treaty between us and him…"


"…assassination is Hallal Lawful, so if you know that the person is plotting, you are allowed to send somebody to kill him."


"The sixth aim and objective of Jihad is to spread terrorism. To terrorise the unbelievers…if terror didn't work Allah wouldn't have commanded you to terrorise the unbelievers and the best way to terrorise them is to exterminate them with Jihad."


"Every Muslim hates the unbelievers and you want to see their extermination…Allah said kill them and did Allah tell you what to use. That

means you can use anything, even chemical weapons…to exterminate unbelievers."


"The apostate leaders and the scholars of the apostate leaders, you have to kill them because they preach the wrong Islam…you have to abduct them and kill them and you kill the unbelievers and you kill the hypocrites and…the apostates…these are the 5 people you kill when you do Jihad"


... and it goes on and on... all of these excerpts are from one tape; there are several other tapes.


Muslims hunt down and discriminate against Ahmadiyyas for "perverting" true Islam but remain silent over people like Sh. Al-fiesal.



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Don't be a snake in the grass. Didn't you say South African apartheid would be a more accurate reflection of "Islamic Surahs and hadiiths". So what difference does it make to you, & why are you wasting your time and ours when you have your mind made up.




Don't you think Somalis have been affected by Kenyas rendition program? Of course. Sheikh Faisal is only the latest casualty.

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Originally posted by Saddiiq:



Don't be a snake in the grass. Didn't you say South African apartheid would be a more accurate reflection of "Islamic Surahs and hadiiths". So what difference does it make to you, & why are you wasting your time and ours when you have your mind made up.

Excuse me? What does my views on Sharia in another thread have to do with this thread? Feeling uncomfortable with damning words of "shiikh" al fiesal? The man you defend as "innocent" whose "rights" to preach Islam are denied.


My question to you still stands: are his words accurate reflection of Islam (Quran and Ahadith)?

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Originally posted by Saddiiq:



Don't you think Somalis have been affected by Kenyas rendition program?
Of course. Sheikh Faisal is only the latest casualty.

Where's Faisal being renditioned to, there's so much publicity surrounding this man, I doubt he will be thrown into some God forsaken prison and as far as we could tell Gambia has volunteered to host him. And I'm aware rendition Somalis suffered where the TFG was willingly accomplice-Ina Makhtal comes to mind, but I rather fight for Makhtal's case and choose my fights carefully. I wouldn't stick my neck who chose to be in his current. Dying for your principle is great, but is it worth the lives and properties of hundreds and thousands of Somali refugees who in no doubt will be target of government crackdown.


Considering how much is at stake for Somalis, I would not go out of my way in making Mr Faisal the central argument. And don't get me wrong native Kenyan Muslims and Somali refugees have many grievances but this is hardly the place or time to voice their concerns.



Aamiin to that Ibti,

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Originally posted by Che -Guevara:

quote:Originally posted by Saddiiq:



Don't you think Somalis have been affected by Kenyas rendition program? Of course. Sheikh Faisal is only the latest casualty.

Where's Faisal being renditioned to, there's so much publicity surrounding this man, I doubt he will be thrown into some God forsaken prison and as far as we could tell Gambia has volunteered to host him. And I'm aware rendition Somalis suffered where the TFG was willingly accomplice-Ina Makhtal comes to mind, but I rather fight for Makhtal's case and choose my fights carefully. I wouldn't stick my neck who chose to be in his current. Dying for your principle is great, but is it worth the lives and properties of hundreds and thousands of Somali refugees who in no doubt will be target of government crackdown.


Considering how much is at stake for Somalis, I would not go out of my way in making Mr Faisal the central argument. And don't get me wrong native Kenyan Muslims and Somali refugees have many grievances but this is hardly the place or time to voice their concerns.



Aamiin to that Ibti,
For once, Che, I couldn't agree with you more. The resentment against Somalis in that region is growing - fueled by a rise in right-wing Evangelism and a local attempt to curry favor with Western donors by painting the Somalis as a dangerous menace to the region.


Add to that, envy over growing Somali economic power. Most of these countries(East Africa) were a closed shop economically for the Indian business community and the progeny of White settlers. The growing Somali business community has opened the market wide open with an increase in the choice of products as well as lower prices.


So, there are many to whose interest it plays for Somalis to be the bad guy. For Somalis to feed this fire for an obscure Sheikh, who probably doesn't even know what a Somali is, seems simply plain clueless

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