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I am not smiling today:

Ciidamada Soomaaliland oo soo Weeraray deegaanka Puntland iyo dagaal kharaar oo ka dhacay duleedka Laas Caano

Garowe :- Wararka naga soo gaaraya magaalada Laas Caano ayaa sheegaya in ciidamo kamid ah maamulka la baxay Soomaaliland in ay weerar kusoo qaadeen deegaanada ay ku sugnaayeen ciidamada Maamul gobaleedka Puntland.


Weerarkan ayaa la sheegay in ay ka qeyb qaadanayeen gawaarida Tiknikada loo yaqaan wuxuuna ka dhacay dagaalkan sida lasoo xaqiijinayo deegaanka Ari cadeeye ee u jirta magaalada Laas Caano 30km dhanka Waqooyi.


Dagaalkan ayaa la sheegay in si weyn loogu jabiyey ciidamadii Somaliland ee weerarkaa ahaa ayadoo la sheegay in laga gubay mid kamid ah gawaaridooda Tiknikada ah, halka wararka qaarood sheegayaan in ay jiraan qalab ciidan oo laga furtay ciidamadaasi.


Dagaalka ayaa weli socda ayadoo ay jiraan ciidamo gurmad ah oo ka socda labada dhinac ee dagaalka dhexmaray oo kusii jeeda deegaanada dagaalka laga soo sheegay.


Dagaalkan ayaa ah kii ugu horeeyey oo ay ciidamada maamulka la baxay Soomaaliland si toos ah ugu soo qaadaan deegaanada hoos yimaada maamulka Puntland ee dalka Soomaaliya, ayadoo ay horey u jireen weeraro ay soo qaadeen maleeshiyo taageersan maamulka Soomaaliland kuwaas oo guuldaro ku danbeeyey kadib markii loo awood sheegtay maleeshiyooyinkaasi.


Ciidamada Somaliland ayaa in dhawaale isku aruursanayey xuduudka u dhaxeeya Somaliland iyo Puntland ayagoo horey u sheegay in ay ka go'antahay in ay gacanta ku dhigaan deegaano uu sheegto maamulka Soomaliland inuu kamid yahay dhulkii horey loo oran jiray British Somaliland.


Maamulka Soomaaliland ayaa ku dhawaaqay sanadkii 1991dii inuu ka goostay dalka Soomaaliya intiisa kale ayadoo ay si weyn uga soo horjeesteen qaar kamid ah beelaha ku dhaqan gobalada Maamulkaasi uu sheegto in ay ka qeyb qaataan qorshaha ka gooshada dalka Soomaaliya.


Dagaalkan maanta dhacay ayaa kusoo aaday ayadoo uu magaalada Nairobi ka socdo shirka dib u heshiisiinta Soomaaliyeed oo hada maraya marxalad kama danbeysa ah ayadoo la dhameystiray Baarlamaanka Federaalka isla markaana la sugayo doorashooyinka Madaxweynaha.


Maamulka Soomaaliland ayaa sheegay inuusan aqoon saneyn shirka ka socda dalka Kenya iyo waliba xabad joojinta lagu saxiixay magaalada Eldoret isla markaana ku nuux nuuxsaday in ay awood ciidan u adeegsan doonaan deegaanada mara khadkii uu xariiqay gumeystihii Ingiriiska (British Somaliland) oo uu maamulka Soomaliland sheegto.


C/risaaq Shiino

Garowe, Puntland

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This is a sad development, specially at a time when the world is celiberating the international peace day. :(


Here is a Somaliland view of how it happened.







Hargeysa(HAR)-Ciidamo Maleeshiyo ah oo ka tirsan Maamul goboleedka ******teeniya, ayaa ku jabay dagaal gaadmo ah oo ay saaka Waaberigii ku soo qaadeen Ciidamada Qaranka Somaliland ee fadhigoodu yahay jiidda hore ee gobolka Sool.

Weerarkaa ee ay soo qaadeen Ciidamada Maleeshiyada ah ee ******teeniya, ayaa waxa ka soo gaadhay khasaare. Sida uu sheegay War ka soo baxay Wasaaradda Gaashaandhigga Somaliland, waxa ciidamada Somaliland ay ka gubeen Ciidamada ******teeniya Laba Gaadhi oo kala ah B10 iyo Suug, waxaana ay gacanta ku dhigeen Saddex Nin oo ka tirsanaa Maleeshiyadaas ******teeniya.



Sida uu sheegay warka Wasaaradda Gaashaandhigga Somaliland, Ciidamada Qaranku markii ay jebiyeen ciidamadaas ******teeniya, waxa ay ku ruqaansadeen dhinaca Magaalada Laascaanood oo ay hadda Kaabiga u fadhiyaan.


Warku waxa uu sheegay in Ciidamada Qaranka Somaliland 10km u jiraan Magaalada Laascaanood.

Weerarkan ay soo qaadeen Ciidamada ******teeniya oo ahaa mid gaadmo ah, lama garanayo sababta ay u soo qaadeen, haseyeeshee, waxa uu ahaa Duullaan Gardaro ah oo ay ku soo qaadeen Ciidamada Qaranka Somaliland ee fadhigoodu yahay jiidda hore ee Gobolka Sool.


Wixii warara ee ka soo kordha wararkaas kala socda Hargeysa News.



Author: HARGEYSA NEWS (9/22/2004)

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Originally posted by Mr WD:

I don't trust Col Jaamac Cali Jaamac's mouthpieces.

Oh..! My God..! who do you trust then.?The sole circle around colonel yeey I bet..damn! :confused: :confused:

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Only because you don’t want to humiliate yourself when you use as ammunition of proof ;) .


Jamaac Cali Jaamac and CY are not even in the same caliber. It’s probably an insult to Mr. Jaamac even mention them in the same sentence.

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Originally posted by Kenya:

Somalialand what are u u want a country that is no country Somalia is one and Puntland is part of it but u are not

You’re right we aren’t part of Somalia anymore.

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Why war at a time where Somali Unity is coming back, where Somali partiament is formed in Kenya, where everybody has higher hopes and waiting for change and the sucess of the SNRC.


This war will bring no victory to any1 but death and destruction to both, no gain but can ruin the peace process in Kenya. I think Somalis know each other no one can defeat the other for good, is always a circle thats goes around. Its all a nature that we cant change, we are good on creating havoc but not always bring victory nor peace and prosperity.


Well everyone thinks he is stronger than the other, Somaliland believe they have an army that cannot only destroy Puntland but Somalia, so does Puntland believe they have the army that destroyed Former Somaliland Colonial master the dervishes, not to forget under the control of that man graduated from the school of War.


War, what is it good for??



NOthing we can do but keep our mouth shut open our eyes and watch

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rahima, is your name xarago?

It's called a discussion dude :rolleyes: . Don't get all heated up smile.gif .


Honestly waryaa, you're not showing very much maturity here brother. Please ease it up ;)


jaamac is a socalled wadaad colonel who took $350.000 USD for himself from carta, to bring Puntland under Carta rule. He also only cares about his own jilib and thinks as the Boqors of Qardho they should be also the presidents of Garowe.

So says a CY supporter.


Who interests does CY serve? That's right!


Your sub-sub clan.

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Rahima, why the attention on Puntland? Its starting to make sense to me that people here, like yourself Otali and Xarago dont really hate C/Y but hate Puntland itself. The proof is in the JUBA, youd defend the actions of the MOORIYAAN in Dhoobley and keep attacking Morgan, you seem to be cheering Somaliland on against the people of LAS ANO, in this case I understand Xarago, after all she is a Somaliland supporter.


The issue of Jama Ali, he is one of our leaders, he tried to beat ina Yey, he lost, however I belive there is a place for him in Puntland's future. However right now, A/Y is the leader of the state.

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like yourself Otali and Xarago dont really hate C/Y but hate Puntland itself.

Do not put Rahima's name in any "group". Just by reading her posts without having a bias will open up your eyes and I guarantee that. You should try it.


You are confusing Abdulahi Yusuf without "Puntland" again, a grave mistake I daresay. Because if that becomes the case, then no one will have anything remotely good to say about "Puntland", as no one has anything remotely good to say about Beer-Laawe.

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Rahima, why the attention on Puntland? Its starting to make sense to me that people here, like yourself Otali and Xarago dont really hate C/Y but hate Puntland itself. The proof is in the JUBA, youd defend the actions of the MOORIYAAN in Dhoobley and keep attacking Morgan, you seem to be cheering Somaliland on against the people of LAS ANO, in this case I understand Xarago, after all she is a Somaliland supporter.

Brother, i could not care any less about all the parties fighting over Kismaayo. As far as i'm concerned there are all the same (i've said this so many times, have you missed something?).


As for the Somaliland issue, did i in anyway support any group? All i said was that we should not be wishing for war. You're a sane thinking man are you not? How can you have a problem with that then?


Anyway, you're speaking irrationally (i think you will realise that yourself in a short while ;) ), i just have been making these certain comments because i don't like a "monopoly" and detest propaganda. You guys bestow sainthood on some individuals and groups whilst demonising others, when in fact they're both the same.


All i'm doing is highlighting your bias.


I do the same with all factions on SOL :D . So i promise i'm not singling you guys out.


As for the massacre in Dhoobley, believe you me, you have no clue how close to home that is for me. You would then realize how ludicrous your claims are.

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You are confusing Abdulahi Yusuf without "Puntland" again, a grave mistake I daresay.

No its you who confuses the leader with the state. I cant go over this again, Abdullahi is our leader, we chose him, we will get rid off him. He is running for the Presidency of Somalia. If you have a problem with him its your business, just dont tell me what I am confusing, he is the sole leader of Puntland. Like it or not

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No its you who confuses the leader with the state. I cant go over this again, Abdullahi is our leader, we chose him, we will get rid off him. He is running for the Presidency of Somalia. If you have a problem with him its your business, just dont tell me what I am confusing, he is the sole leader of Puntland. Like it or not

As Rahima was saying in another post, it is understandable that you and Waryaa Dude think that as you guys and him are close, lineage wise ;)


Now is that the opinion of other "Puntlanders", even some on this forum like Nugaali, who truly believe that Abdulahi Yusuf with his jilib in north Mudug/lower Nugaal stole the presidency of "Puntland" over its rightful occupant Jaamac Cali Jaamac. (I remember Waryaa Dude dismissing JCJ's claim as leader as nothing, but trying to bring back their titles as "Kings" of the northeast :rolleyes: ).


With that much doubt on the rights of Abdulahi Yusuf as the "democratic" leader of "Puntland" and with so much more parties involved in then just his jilib, it's fair to say it is you who is confusing the man, Abdulahi Yusuf, with the state, "Puntland".


Again a grave mistake I daresay!

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