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Galkacyu: security sweep starts following the success of Garowe Bosaso

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Magaalada Gaalkacyo ee Xarunta Gobalka Mudug ayaa Maalmahan Waxaa ka Bilawday Hawgalo Amniga ku salaysan oo ay Wadan Ciidamada Amniga, kuwaas oo Dawladu ay ku bartilmaamaydsanayso Dadka lala Xiririnayo Amni Darada.


Tan iyo Markii Magaalada Gaalkacyo lagu Xiray Sh, Ismaaciil oo ka Mid ah Culimada Gacanta ku haysa Masaajidka Salaaxu Diin ee Magaalada Gaalkacyo ayaa Waxaa Magaalada soo Buux dhaafiyay Ciidamo Aad u farabadan oo Wata Gawaarida Dagaalka kuwaas oo Dawlada Puntland ay u Qorshaysay in ay Amaanka Magaalada Wax ka Badelaan.


Magaalada Waxaa Sidoo kale ku sugan Saraakiil sar sare oo ka Tirsan Kuwa Ciidamada Puntland, Waxaana la Xaqiijiyay Magaalada in ay u Joogaan Hawgalo Baaxad leh oo Dawladu ay la Damacday in ay ka samayso Magaalada Gaalkacyo oo Noqotay Meel Qaybaha Bulshadu ay Shegaan Dawladu in ay u aqoon satay Deegaan ka baxsan Meelaha ay Dawlada Puntland ka Arrimiso.


Magaalada Waxaa si Hoose uga socda Kulamo u dhexeeya Waxgaraadka, Maamulka Gobalka, Kan Degmada iyo Saraakiisha Ciidamada Gobalka iyo Degmada Gaalkacyo iyo Dhinaca kale oo ah Saraakiisha Ciidamada Puntland, Waxaayna Wararku sheegayaan in laga wada hadlayo Hawgalo Dawladu ay Damacday in ay ka samayso Magaalada.


Goobaha lagu Qaxweeyo ee Magaalada ayaa Waxaa Looga sheekaysanayaan Hawgaladan Waxay Noqon Doonaan, Iyadoo Dadka Qaarna ay Tilmaamayaan Hawgaladu in ay Yihiin kuwo la mid ah Midkii lagu soo Qabtay Sh Ismaaciil oo ka mid ahaa Wadaada Gacanta ku ahaya Masaajidka Salaaxu Diin ee Magaalada Gaalkacyo.


Hadaba Waxaa Isweydiin Mudan Hawgaladaasi Maxay Xaalada Magaalada ku soo Kordhin karaan, Mase Noqon Doonaan Kuwo sidii la rabay uga Higala Magaalada?


Waxaa iyana ka mid ah Su,aalaha Taagan Hawgaladani Ma Noqon Doonaan Kuwo Magaalada ka sii Socon Doona oo ay kala Mid Noqon Doonto Magaalooyinka Boosaaso iyo Garowe oo Xilli Walba Hawgalada Dhinaca Amniga ah ay ka socdaan.


- kala Soco Warbaahinta Allidamaale Warar Xaqiiqada ku salaysan oo dhinacyo badan laga eegay.



Cumar Afguduud

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Boosaaso waxay ahayd meesha Somalia ugu ammaanka badan, oo ugu ammaan-ka wanaagsan. Maanta waxa sidaa ka dhigay waa PIS. Xiin, waakee Wadaadka la xidhay?

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Awoowe, ayyaamahan waan mashquulsana laakiin wadaad reer Galkacyood ah oo masaajid ka hadlay baa la xiray, sadex alifle duke baa meelahan ka faanayey oo lahaa PIS yaa ku dhaca, cidday rabaan bay qabtaane :D


Hunguriyow, PIS waa caddowga koowaad ee Reer Puntland leeyihiin, Faroolana inuu baqay baa muuqatta (waan ogahay oo ma jecla nimanka), marka waxaan u malaynayaa in caqligii Qanyare ee Banaadir yaalay uu maanta Puntland tegey. Wiilal caato u baqtiyey oo qori ku jeeni qaaran baa maalinba ninkay rabaan iska kaxaysta


Markii caddaaladu saa noqoto, caqligu meesha waa ka baxaa, waxaana sida caadiga ah la aqbalaa in gacan ka hadal iyo nin walbaa siduu ku ciil beeli karo yeelo...ifafaaladeedu baa muuqda

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The PIS is just a tool for the state to ensure that security prevails, the "wadaad" whether he is released or not I am not sure but that will be decided by the government. The PIS went through a thorough change and things seem to running quite nicely.


We need to stop attacking ever security apparatus that we have. It as if we think that certain segments of society is immune from arrest and should not be touched, even if they make threats towards the government.


No matter who it is, no one is above the law!


Back to the thread…..Well its good that the rest of the state security is being addressed, the people definitely want to live in a peaceful atmosphere.


Things are looking good!

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^^^Indeed Galkacyu is no longer seen as a "front" and the new Mayor is doing a great job.


The security situation over all in the state is improving greatly alhamdulilah...

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PIS serves the interests of a very narrow segment of Puntland does not serve the state. It is a foreign entity that is paid to perform specific tasks . A lot of people attempted to reform this entity...if that does not work as it seems now, people will not accept to live in fear in thier own land.

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PIS, PIS, bay hadaayaa ku muusonowdaa... Immisaan lahaa war PL ha la badbaadiyo, immisaan lahaa, war maamulka yaan la beellayn ee beelaha ha la wadaajiyo, immisaan lahaa war nabadgelyada yaan agoon laga dhigin, immisaan lahaa m.O.o.r.y.a.a.n.i.m.a.d.a Madaxweyne Faroole ha laga hor tago, mushkilada maamulka iyo shacaybka PL haysata ma aha mid maanta iyo shalay dhacday ee waa sheeko beryahanba isa soo taraysay, wixii reer PL isugu dulqaatay baa maanta midheheedii la guranayaa.


Allow sahal ummuuraha.

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The PIS is just an excuse, those who never supported Puntland will never run out of excuses. "Ethiopia", "Yusuf" then it was "Cade" and now PIS>?


Give us a break, the service has been reformed and is a Puntland State tool, those who dont break laws wont be touched. those who do will be hunted down..

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War ninkan Duke hadal cad caddaa, waxaad moodaa buuggii miinkaaf, amaba Marximska, amaba the Green book of Khadafi inuu saaka soo akhristey, adeer meel hoo doonaysa hadal waxba kama taro, PL leadership is failing both the land and its people, if you can see that then mercy lord.

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Let me be more clear brother. There is no perfect institution or system, and in Puntland there are mechanisam to reform things. If Faroole is a problem, then vote him out. However as I have said before on many an occasion throwing the baby with the bathwater is more than counter productive. The people who support Puntland will not tolerate the garbage and insults thrown at the PIS forces. While these same people support local silly militias and a well known terror group that sends children to their deaths.

Look at this thread, why would people get allergic at the mention of improved security for the city of Galkacyu?

Whats in it for them to keep reinforcing the absurd notion that this important city is a lawless town, a front between two enemies? Its ironict that these same people support fake bearded losers who could not bring a days peace to their small villages.


I hope that was clear.

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Dhankaas waad ku saxan tahay oo islama diidanin, ee dhankaan marin habowday waa inaad wax ka sheegto habka gurucan ee maamulka PL uga taliyo deegaanaadaas iyo in sidan lagu sii jiri karayo.

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I really hoped that Faroole would dismantle the group, we do not need it in Puntland. It is specifically because of PIS that the security situation has become rotten. Puntland's security can only be guaranteed by safeguarding the peoples' freedoms (including freedom from the state) and their well-being. The second we start to setup a police state in a volatile part of the world we will crumble. The only hope we have is a return of Abdullahi Yusuf or a forced disarmament of PIS.

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