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LayZie G.

SHARIF SHEIKH AHMED: Why the President should step down on his one year anniversary

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5 Reasons why the President should resign:


1) He can not go on being a ceremonial figure. The people elected him to be more than a figure that we call President. We expected a more close engagement with the public should have reflected his role as a President, and after nearly a year, he has shown no improvement and I have no faith he will in the future, for this reason, he should step aside.


2) To the Presidents credit, his diplomatic work this past summer has worked because the Security Council imposed sanctions on Eritrea. The council overwhelmingly voted for the resolution to impose arm, travel sanctions on the country of Eritrea on December 23, 2009. For this reason, President Sharif should be recognized for his tireless effort in diplomatic work and engagement with the international world and his close work with Secretary Clinton that finally made this resolution pass. Kudos to President Sharif but being a diplomatic President does not earn you praises in the battlefield, you must do the work that you were elected to do and that is to fight insurgency when diplomacy fails and you continue fighting until they plead and beg you to sit down for peaceful talks, for this reason, President Sharif is a failure and he should step down.


3) The President has fooled the Somali public, abroad and at home into believing that he would protect the public, engage the public, when in fact he has been confined to his Villa, specifically the bomb room that the AMISOM troops build for him in this past year, in hopes of keeping him safe. Mr President, you are the President of Somalia, not the President of Villa Somalia, therefore, the President of Villa Somalia should step down.


4) The President has failed in improving security when in fact he has failed in proving his own security personnel consisting of Somali intelligence forces, instead his security is provided by foreigner troops 24/7 and has no single one security official that is a Somali descendent. For this reason, I fail to see how he can command authority in his cabinet when the cabinet members and those government bureaucrats are a threat to his life. The President has isolated himself from the public, from the administration and he is not deemed as a threat to the corruption of officials and the disloyalty shown by army personnel, for this reason, the President should step aside.


5) The President has failed the public in that, he can not form a simple and effective police force, army, for this reason, he is a failure. (his idea of forming an army is keeping the company of AMISOM soldiers in armored vehicle)

He has failed to secure security for the public, more innocent civilians died under his watch in one year than in the last 5 years. The average Mogadishu resident does not know or engage the president, nor does the average resident have faith that SHARIF, SHEIKH VILLA can protect them, much less restore the country. What more can be said of Sharif Sheikh Ahmed? What more is left? Step aside Mr President


All in all, President should step down as he is disgraceful to his people and to his country and he should not look back. I hope he hands in his resignation on his one year anniversary. We all due respect, I supported Sharif Sheikh Ahmed under the assumption that he will restore the republic, put the militant force in their place, instead, under his watch, militant activity increased, Suicide bombing became a Somali Phenomena, heavily depended on foreign fighters by a President who relies on foreign troops to assure his safety.



Disclaimer: I still adore SHARIF the man,not SHARIF the president.

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Its imperative that we find a new solution to the Somali dilemma, and stop wasting time on individuals. The fake religious groups and the ludicrous caravan has failed. Now lets move on and build real institutions for the republic,

Well don’t Lazy Girl my dear..

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After Shariff compromised to have a secular makeover, and he was turned into a beardless, anti shariah, pro occupation, sharp suited, fitna creating, muslim dividing, warmongering, two tongued speaker, and a cimamadless, Xabashi appeasing, unrecognisable figure from yestyear; indeed, it seems those who used him for their own purposes are ready to discard him today. They( his western backers, the atheists, the ultra seculars and the misguided muslims tribalists) allege that he has not changed enough, that the man is too soft against the Islamists and thus he is not ruthless enough for the game. The words from one Somali atheist highlight this fact:


QUOTE]Originally posted by Raamsade:

Lets not forget that Sh. Shariif was himself part of this Jihad madness only a couple or so years ago. Although he has toned down the Jihad or the religious rhetoric he employed while a member of the UIC... I suspect he still has a soft spot for his erstwhile allies now turned sworn enemies. How else can one explain his calls for negotiations with people who blew Madina Hotel in Beledweyne killing and maiming nearly a 100 people? I'm afraid Sh. Shariif simply doesn't possess the right stuff the occasion calls. In another time, he would perhaps make a good leader. Not today though.


What Somalia needs today is savvy, pragmatic and at the same time ruthless and opportunistic leader willing to play both soft and hard in dealing with the Jihadi miscreants.


Fa Qalla tacala:


Surah 7:175-177


Relate to them the story of the man to whom We sent Our signs, but he passed them by: so Satan followed him up, and he went astray. If it had been Our will, We should have elevated him with Our signs; but he inclined to the earth, and followed his own vain desires. His similitude is that of a dog: if you attack him, he lolls out his tongue, or if you leave him alone, he (still) lolls out his tongue. That is the similitude of those who reject Our signs; So relate the story; perchance they may reflect. Evil as an example are people who reject Our signs and wrong their own souls.

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^Do you go around telling people they stepped in the left foot first when entering the majsid, thus become Murtad?


He shaved, dressed in a suit and threw away the cimaama. Big deal. Huge problem. The end of the world. Sign of the time. Dajaal is here.

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Originally posted by Jacphar:

Caku talo islaan. Say stay the course Mr. President.

:D:D:D All this for Madaxweynuhu adeerkay maahan...this is really sad

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^^^What has he achieved? You have all failed adeer, the fake clan opposition you blindly supported has resulted in Somalia falling further into the abyss.

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Originally posted by Jacphar:

^Do you go around telling people they stepped in the left foot first when entering the majsid, thus become Murtad?


He shaved, dressed in a suit and threw away the cimaama. Big deal. Huge problem. The end of the world. Sign of the time. Dajaal is here.

No, brother, we only make takfir on those who wear liverpool shirts and those who wear skinny jeans. ps. nice try at spindoctoring. try to come up with something more original next time, matey. ;)

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finish your term mr.president.

Never has so much been asked of an individual with such meager resources.


You are the only homegrown solution to Usgaaga al-shabaab, no tribal bantustan or swirling sufi represents what you do.


Qaran.midinimo.diin iyo daqaan.

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this fantastic article writen by brother hiraabo is a must read. all you dowladiids out there should read it. only then when you understand the Importence of dowlad and madaxweyne can we have Serious Discussion.


the terrorist from toora boora and thier

Abd dont have future in somelia.







Wadankaan Soomaaliyeed oo dawlad la’aanta ku jira muddo labaatan sano ah wuxu soo maray iskuday la iskudayey in dawlad loo dhiso. Shirar badan ayaa la soo qabtay oo lagu soo dhisay dawlado kumeel gaar ah. Dhawr gole baarlamaan ayaa la sameeyey oo ay qaybgaleen dad fara badan oo iskood isu soo magacaabay iyagoo ku doodaaya iney beelahooda ka wakiil yihiin. Dhawr madaxweynayaal dawlado kumeel gaar ayaa la doortay oo ay ka mid ahaayeen:


B) Mudane Ali Mahad Mohamed (waa iska tegay asigoo la eedeynaayo)


T) Mudane Cabdiqasim Salaad ( waa iska tegay asigoo la eedeynaayo)


J) Mudane Cabdullaahi Yusuf ( waa iska tegay asigoo la eedeynaayo)


X) Sheekh Shariif Sh. Ahmed oo haatan ah madaxweyne (waa la eedeeynayaa)


Su’aashu waxay tahay sideedaba maxaa madaxweyne qaban karaa?


Madaxweyne kasta oo dawlad madax u ah waa in uu haystaa waxyaabaha hoos ku qoran oo dhan si dawladiisu wax qaban karto:


1. Ciidamo Militeri iyo Boolis xoog badan oo aad u hubeysan, lehna aqoon buuxda oo ay ku isticmaali karaan hubkaas,kana awood badan xoog kasta oo ka hortimaad.


2. In Ciidamadaasi ay yihiin kuwo daacad u ah dadkooda iyo dalkooda.


3. In Ciimadaas loo awoodo in la siiyo mushaaraad fiican , gunnooyin, xannaano kaamil ah haddey ku curyaamaan difaaca dalka iyo in qoysaskooda la daryeelo haddey shaqada ku geeriyoodaan.


4. In Ciidankaasi ka fayoobaado cudurka qabyaalada.


5. In dhammaan xubnaha bulshada uu madaxweynaha u yahay ay yihiin dad fahmi kara in dawlanimadu tahay gacmo wadjir ayey wax ku qabtaan.


6. In dadku fahamsan yihiin iney dawladda u yihiin:


Ø indhaha ay dawladu wax ku aragto,


Ø dhegaha ay wax ku maqasho,


Ø gacmaha ay wax ku qabato


Ø awooda ay amar ku bixiso.


Haddi aan si daacad ah u garawno, inta aan kor ku soo tixay sow run ma aha? Maxa lagu eedeyn karaa madaxweyne xukumadiisu aysan haysan waxyaabahaas oo dhan.






Cunno la’aan, biyo la’aan, daryeel caafimaad la’aan iyo nabadgelyo la’aan socota muddo dheer oo labaatan (20) ah ayaa dhammaan ummadi Soomaaliyeed geyisiisay iney udhaqmaan sida dugaag. Qoysaski waxay dantu ku kaliftay in wiilashoodi qoryo qaataan oo ay reerka u qaraab tagaan; cid kasta iney dhacaan, cid kasta oo iyaga kireysata una dirta in qofki loo tilmaamay soo dilaan. Waxaas oo dhan qoysaska ayey ku qasabtay iney raali ka noqdaan waayo reerka noloshiisa ayaa ku xiran. Xaalad nololeedkaan xun oo qoysaska Soomaaliyeed ku jiraan ayaa Al-Shabaab u noqotay fursad dahaba oo ay xoogaa lacag ah siiyaan dhalinyarada qoysaska si ay u laayaan dadkooda. In baahidu dadka ku qasabto iney xalaaleystaan xaaraanta, bal aqrista arrinta dhacday inti dagaalada sokeeye socdeen, waana dhacdo run ah:




Marki Xamar laga qaxay ayaa nin ka mid ahaa dadki Xamar ka qaxay baadiyaha ugu tegay Adeerkiis oo ah oday waayeel ah oo reer miyi ah, mar ninkaasi la sheekeysanaayay adeerkiis wuxu adeerki yiri “ Reerku baahi ayuu u dhammaan lahaa haddi wiil aan dhalay uusan qori noo haysan lahayn. Ninki adeerka loo ahaa wuxu weydiiyey waxa wiilku reerka u qabtay. Adeerki wuxu farta ku fiiqay dhawr jawaan oo bariis ka buuxo, wuxuna yiri “ soddonkaas (30) jawaan oo bariiska ah ayuu noo keenay haatana waa noo maqan yahay. Sheekadani waxay muujineysaa in odagaas reer miyiga ah uu cabsi uu baahi ka cabsanaayo reerki u xalaaleeyey xaaraan.




Ummada Soomaaliyeed badidoodu waxay ku sugan yihiin xaalad la mid ah tan odayga reer miyiga oo reerki xaaraanta u xalaaleeyey.




Waa lagu caasiyey oo ma jirto cid wax ka maqleysa. Dhalinyaro beeleed ay ayagu gacmahooda ku abaabuleen oo hub beeleed gacmaha loo gelshay ayaa aqyaarti beelaha maamuli jiray hawsha ka fadhisiyey. Waxaa taas uga sii daran, Kooxda Al-Shabaab ayaa dhalinyaradoodi ciidama ka dhigatay, kuna amray iney midba mar gawracaan.




Waxay ahaayeen kooxda rajada weyn laga lahaa maadaama ay yihiin dadki bulshada wax usoo bartay oo ay u suuragashay iney indhooda ku soo arkaan wadamada horumaray oo dadkoodu gaareen dawlad wanaag iyo kala dambeyn. Waxay ahayd iney la soo noqdaan masayr ay ummadooda ku hogaamiyaan. Waxay ahayd in aqoonta sare oo ay heleen ka sara mariso cudurka qabyaalada. Waxay ahayd iney aqoonta ku midoobaan, bulshada qabiilka ku fikirtana ay iska wada dhex arkaan. Waxay ahayd iney dhisaan urur weyn oo ay ku mideysan yihiin, ayaga ayaa kaligood noqon kari lahaa kuwa dhammaan ummada Soomaaliyeed ku daba faylaan, bulshada caalamkuna taageeraan waayo waa lafdhabarki dalka wax soo bartay kontonki (50) sano ee dalku xurnimada haystay. Nasiibdaro, sida muuqata taasi ma dhicin oo waxay noqdeen qoon ku dhexmilmay qabaa’ilki ay u kala dhasheen. Mid kasta oo aqoonyahanka ka mid ah wuxu dawlad kasta oo la dhiso la daba taagan yahay cambaareyn iyo qoraalo majaxaabinayaa dawlada oo deb ku shidaaya. Shaki kuma jiro in waxa ay sheegayaan ku salaysan yihiin damacooda oo kaliya oo aysan dan ka la hayn dadka iyo dalka. Mid kasta wuxu ku mintidayaa in jago loo dhiibo asigoo adeegsanaaya magaca qabiilkiisa si uu wax uxado, waayo wuxu rumeysan yahay in wax dawlad la yiraahdo aysan weligeed Soomaaliya ka dhismi karin. Waa kee aqoonyahanka ay umuuqato in uu inta madaxweyne Soomaaliya ka noqdo, muddo kooban ku xallinaaya xaaladaha gaamuuray oo sida biyaha iyo caanaha isugu qasantay, asiga oo og iney jiraan waxyaabihi dawlad kasta cuuryaamiyey? Miiyuusan ogayn in kii uu diiday isna wuu diidaayo?




Waxay ahaayeen rajadi ugu dambeysay oo ummadu ay lahayd, waayo waxa la filaayey in culumaa’udiinku yihiin kuwa kitaabka Illaahey ku mideysan oo iska ilaalinaaya cawaaqif xumo aduunyo iyo mid aakhiraba. Nasiibdaro, waxay noqdeen firqooyin fara badan oo dhexedooda ka dagaalamaaya oo aan isku mabda iyo diin ahayn. Waxay noqdeen maxiibo ummadi lagu salliday oo ficiladoodu yihiin kuwa ka xanuun badan wax kasta oo Soomaliya ka dhacay labaatanki (20) sano ee nasoo dhaaftay.


Bal hadaba waxaan aqristayaasha weydiinayaa: Ma shaqayn karaa Madaxweyne ummada uu xukumo yihiin?:


1) Qabaa’ilo fara badan oo iswada qiyaanaaya


2) Aqoonyahano wada qaa’imeen ah


3) Culumaa’udiin wada qaa’imeen ah


4) Odayaal beeleed wada qaa’imeen ah


5) Dhalinyaro wada qaa’imeen ah


6) Waa madaxweyne aan haysan ciidan daacad ah


7) Waa madaxweyne aan haysan dhaqaale uu qof kasta ku raali gelisho.


Dadka dhibanayaasha ah waa kuwa ka soo haray ee ah waayeelka tamarta yar , hooyooyinka iyo carrurta oo u dhimanaaya cunto la’aan, biyo la’aan, daryeel caafimaad la’aan iyo iyadoo korkooda lagu dagaalamayaa oo madaaficdu ku kor dhacayso.




Jawaabtu waxay tahay: Maya, ma shaqayn karo, waayo madaxweynuhu wax kale ma aha ee waa “Kabtan daadihinaaya markab weyn oo ummadi oo dhan saraan tahay”, haddi qof kasta oo markabka saraan uu si qarsoodi ah markabka udalooliyo, saw markabku quusimaayo?


Waxaad meeshaas ka fahmi kartiin in ummadu ay jaahil tahay waayo waxay garan weysan yihiin in haddey markabka daloolshaan ay gidigood markabku la wada quusaayo.




In Ummada Illaahey abuuray kala fiican tahay: bal fiiri dalka yar ee Rwanda oo qabiilka “Tutsiga” Qabiilka Huutuhu ka dileen dad garaaya 800,000 oo qof usbuuc gudihiis. Waxaa u suuragashay iney iska illoobaan dhacdadaas oo ay dalkood dhistaan. Wararka aan ka heleyno Rwanda waxay sheegayaan in dalkaasi uu ku tillaabsaday horumar aad u weyn muddo gaaban. Dhibaatooyinka ka dhex dhacay Soomaalida waxay ahaayeen kuwa aad uga yar wixi ka dhacay Rwanda, haddaba iskadaa iney heshiiyaan oo ay wax dhistaane, gumaad aan dhammaad lahayn ay isku hayaan muddo labaatan sano ah,wax rajo ahna sooma muuqato.




Gunaanad: Dadka Soomaaliyeed waxay ku qasban yihiin iney seddex waxyaabood kala doortaan:


1) Al-Shabaab iyo Xisbul Aweys iney isu dhiibaan iyaga oo arkay nuuca xukunkoodu yahay;


2) Dawlada tabarta yar iney dhammaantood isugu geeyaan xoogooda oo ay taageeraan oo ay kobciyaan si loogu gaaro dawlad xoog leh;


3) Iney ku jiraan dagaal joogta ah,burbur, balaayo, baahi, daryeel caafimaad la’aan iyo dulli aan dhammaad lahayn. .

Qore: Abukar Hirabe

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lool.The Sharif's failure and that of all the clan/religious fake groups spells the beggining of the new republic. The madness of Mogadishu is coming to an end.


Finish your time Sharif, or step down it wont mean a thing, you are relevent only in humouring us so. :D

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What’s the point if he steps down another puppet will take his place let him enjoy his time and after that a new reconciliation deal will be some where in Djibouti or Kenya

Marka ha dag dagina somaliyey.

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Stay the course.


90% of the reasons you have stated are simply economic.


He simply has not received any where near the donor support pledged by International Donor nations, but only a very small fraction of that.


Without total support of course he will fail. His cabinet has done a good job of reminding these donor nations of their pledged obligations.


Let the money come in so the man can do his job.

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I say stay the course hopefully it will not get worse. Let us hope the TFG has been working to build an army according to the PM and almost ready to take over the capital.

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