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Puntland is the only solution for Somalia

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Al Shabaab justice


It is clear that the self appointed guardians of heaven [Al Shabaab] have failed horribly in delivering either peace or a coherent argument for them to rule. Their unintelligent strong man tactics have resulted in a halt to their advance and several defeats in central Somalia has destroyed their myth of invincibility.


The Somali population while still afraid have no respect for these lunatics who carried out the suicide bombings of Beledweyne & Shamo Hotel, Mogadishu which killed scores of innocent civilians. The blowback from the Shamo hotel was so bad that they could not publicly claim it.


Yet they should have sent an email to their overlord Ayman Al Zawahiri who a day after was claiming this was a great attack against the “apostates” obviously the Somali’s are all apostates that can be murdered in their homes, at the order of weird men hiding out in caves.


Al Shabaab are a curious bunch, they roam around the country side, desecrating old graves and bullying the public with absurd declarations of war, they declared war on the Hague, promised to liberate Alaska , no doubt for the indigenous Eskimo’s..


They also have no set courts, or justice system, they interpret the Sharia as they like, freestyle justice has seen, warlord Xabsade set free after being fed by Abu Mansuur , yet they stone alleged adulterers without an appeal or any due process.


This retarded gang wont go far, they have already peaked and anyone who supports them, is either a lunatic or just plain ignorant of reality and needs

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Didn’t puntland tried once before I believe it was in 2004 some where in October , but they failed miserably, And Brought 30.000 Ethiopian troops in the capital city of Somalia.

I think puntland can never be a solution to anything called Somali.

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Sharif Hotel & the Djibouti group;


Sharif Ahmed, the man we have dubbed, Hotel, realized early on that the Al Shabaab & their father Xasan Dahir were a crazy bunch hell bent on self destruction, so he jumped ship and changed his whole political stance, one does not blame him. His supporters thought they had gained a clear advantage, they had the international community support, the “Islamic” Courts militia and the “Mogadishu society” support. However Sharif proved to be the worst leader in the history of Somalia.

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Mahamud M. Yahya, PhD, summs it up nicely when it comes to Sharif Hotel.


My disappointment with the selection of Sheikh Sharif Ahmed to lead Somalia at this very critical stage of its history was sufficiently vindicated by the very poor record of his government for the past one year. The current TFG – which some writers flatter by calling it a Government of National Unity (GNU) – has virtually done nothing worth mentioning. Today it controls only a few blocks of the Somali capital, Mogadishu, comprising the Presidential Palace (or Villa Somalia) and the air- and seaports. That is why one of the insightful commentators on Somali affairs, Mr. Ismail Ali Ismail, characterized the Sheikh as
“less than the Mayor of Mogadishu"
(this is true because the other two notorious extremist outfits, Al-Shabab and Hizbul Islam, occupy the greater part of our capital). And what Sheikh Sharif’s government controls is much less than what the preceding administration of Abdullahi Yusuf had previously controlled. The country has also witnessed during the Sheikh’s tenure some of the fiercest fighting in its approximately 20 years of civil war; thousands have been killed or maimed; and thousands upon thousands of Somalis have been driven out of their homes and rendered internally displaced persons (IDPs) or made destitute refugees in neighboring countries – all the way Yemen.

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Puntland is the only solution for Somalia. It is run by a competent leadership, has a sober world view, and is pro union, pro Somalia and has achieved a great deal of stability all on its own. No where else is the flag of the Somali people free, any Somali can reside in without being stoned to death from warlord justice. Puntland admin while still weak has control and enjoys a great deal of legitimacy. It has had a smooth transfer of power from one admin to another, an opposition leader came to power and incumbent stepped down without so much as a fuss.


The other state, while it enjoys both security and economic stability, is anti Somali, has become beholden to the secessionist myth, and is unable to hold elections due to Riyaale’s fear of losing.

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It is time for any future Somali government to be moved to Puntland.

Garowe can house all the embassies and NGO’s in Nairobi right now.

Puntland can be used as a spring board to restore the republic, it is already 40% of the land mass, and 50% of the sea coast.

Why should Somali be beholden to a single city and a region for more than two decades? smile.gif

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No election happened in puntland it was like this imisa farood baa loo tagay faroole affar imisa farood ba lo tagay ilka faruur. Haye farta ku duuga intay nay fransiisku badahheena qabsan , Calling that a election is a crime against Democracy :D

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I don’t understand why the secessionist Xaji Hunduf is crying? Adeer who is stopping you from helping the Somali? Adeer, why are you so angry,, when you dont want to be part of Somalia? :D


As for Castro, clan bigotry will get you no where adeer, one always could see through you and your hatred for the people of Puntland, even all that wailing and anger was againt Yusuf & his clan and never about nationalism.


Castro adeer, I can say lets bring the government to Garowe, I dare say can you say the same about Borama? :D

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Shankaroon "Somaliland" wants to go alone.

Al Shabaab have yet to figure what’s their priority is, wage a war on women’s bra, or liberate Alaska?


Sharif Hotel will visit a new hotel somewhere, what is left Somalia?


Only one state, Puntland the hope for a new dawn.

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Originally posted by Xaji_Xunjuf:

No election happened in puntland it was like this imisa farood baa loo tagay faroole affar imisa farood ba lo tagay ilka faruur. Haye farta ku duuga intay nay fransiisku badahheena qabsan , Calling that a election is a crime against Democracy


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