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General Duke

Built on lies...President Yusuf audio clip..

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Saxib, i am not losing the plot. I am perfectly fine, or at least i think i am. Let us for once get to the facts.The issue at hand here was the allegeed clanish remarks of Abdullahi Yusuf.Then, i asked youa bout his remarks about the Hijab/Jalibiib, which you seemed to be oblivious to.... As usual you tried your usual propoganda technique. Which you think can fool everybody on sol. The trick you believe is to cry:


Secessionist, Clan Courts, Indhacade, Looted properties,Abdiqasim, Dahir Aweys, Fertile lands in the Shabelle. Your entire argument is based on nothing else and nothing more. Know, even in this thread you have once again said:


quote:The Eritreans, Oromos and other desperate groups were backing the rebel anti-government fake religious movement that was occupiying large parts of the fertile south.



Know, let me break it down for you!You play the moral highground on the above issue of occupied lands and tribal movements. However, you still manage to support an even worser regime, that is, the regime of Meles Zenawi. Therefore, the question is: How can you support one "thief" over another? If you were really a moral person, would you support the anti human regime of Meles Zenawi? As for them supporting the legitimate government of Somalia. I have told you many times on here. The Somali Parliament, People, nor the International community has never authorized any troops to Somalia.Infact the United Nations has called on all foreign forces to remove their armies. I dare you to find one law or authority that legitimized their invasion? The only people who claimed to do so are Abdullahi Yusuf and Geedi. If you know anything about politics, you will know governments and cabinet cannot simply allow other state armies into their country without the consent of their parliament. You know this perfectly well thus why you said there was no Ethiopian troops on this very forum. You even claimed you would never support the Ethiopian invasion on sol. If you now any legitimate authority apart from the Ethiopian parliament authorizing Ethiopian troops in Somali, please let me know!


Here is what you said:


quote: The Eritreans, Oromos and other desperate groups were backing the rebel anti-government fake religious movement that was occupiying large parts of the fertile south.


You see this is were the contradiction sets in. On the one hand you shamefully use alleged occupation of Shabelle as propoganda. On the other, you support an entity that occupied Somali territory and subjected them to the worst human rights possible, as evidence by the International aid agencies.


The Question is: Why do support the Tribal Tigray regime in invading occupying Somali Galbeed and know Southern Somalia? But complain about the occupation of Somali fertile lands and clan dominating? Are you saying Ethiopia is allowed to abuse Somali citizens in Somali Galbeed and know Somalia, just Abdullahi Yusuf invited them? Or are you saying you will support any injustice as long as it is not commited by Someone in Hargeysa or South Muqdisho?Here are a few quotes about the Tribal Tigray regime in Ethiopia:



Quote:Quote:Meanwhile, there was the pressing issue of 1.3 million Ethiopians living in the Somali region who had somehow gone missing from official figures. Someone had “forgotten” to include them in estimates of the hungry. After a long conversation with a colleague at the UN Office for Co-ordination of Humanitarian Affairs (UNOCHA), the truth dawned on me that the majority of members of the Government belonged to the Tigray ethnic group and that only certain tribal groups actually mattered to them. It became even harder to do my job as I uncovered some grim facts,....


Tell us how a tribal dominate regime in Adiss Ababa, which denies food to starving Somali people and subjects them to awful humans rights abuses can find peace in Somalia?Tell us how a regime which tortures it's own citizens can bring peace and harmony to Somalia?


Answer without resorting to the following words:

Seccecionist, Clan Courts, Indhacade, Looted properties,Abdiqasim, Dahir Aweys, Fertile lands in the Shabelle.......

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Geel-Jire, I am glad you are ok and have not lost the plot.


As for the last post, nothing new saxib.

I have listed and stated facts, all of which one can either disporve or like you and others tend to do ignore.


The TFG is a recognised legitimate government of Somalia. It was has a legal madate and a large support within the country.


It was faced with numerous armed groups anti to any governemnt which they were not the central players. The strongest of these groups was what became the clan courts or the Guriceel junta led by Abdiqasin, Galaal & Xasan Dahir.


The TFG has overcome all the armed groups using diplomacy, which resulted in getting the support of the UN security council, the US, EGAD and the AU.


The TFG was building up an armed forces made up of all clans in Baidoa, it wanted negotiations but was attacked by the Eritrean backed Oromo staffed clan courts millitia. The TFG requested the support of the international community it got the support of Ethiopia in terms of heavy armour to counter th ASMARA group, it gained the support of the US, Kenya and Yemen.


After a week the TFG defated the bulk of the clown courts millitia and took over the south.

The AU forces have started to arrive in the form of 1500 Ugandans and other are on route Burundi, Ghana and Nigeria.


Its all well to bring layman arguments here, but we have a governemnt with the support of the international community facing a desperate group.


Hence the fake audio with the aim of turning this into 1991 But again this is not 1991, the President is not the one who fled the country it was the rebels.

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Shabakadaha qaarkood oo dhoodhoobey war sheegaya in madaxweyne yusuf uu aflagaadeeyey beel ka mid ah beelaha soomaliya.

Posted to the Web Apr 03, 07:31


PO: Qaar ka tirsan shabakadaha wararka ee xaruntoodu tahay muqdisho isla markaana taageera kooxaha ka soo horjeeda dawladanimada soomaliya ee dagaalka kula jira dawlada ayaa waxay faafiyeen war si aan qarsoodi ahayn loo dhoodhoobey oo sheegaya in madaxweynaha jamhuuriyada Md. C.laahi Yusuf Axmed uu yiri hadal aan habooneyn oo ah in beesha ****** ay diidantahay dawlada soomaaliya. Hadaba baaritaan dheer oo ay sameeysey shabakada wararka ee ay ka dib ayay ku ogaatey in cajladaasi hada la sameeyey ay tahay mid uu mdaxweyne yusuf oo 2000-kii mar uu ahaa madaxweynaha puntland ka jeediyey magaalada garoowe isagoo ka soo horjeeda dawladii carta. Hadad dhegaystid cajladaas 2000-kii la duubey waxaa uu madaxweynuhu ula jeedey in beesha ****** oo uu ka dhashey cabduqasim salaad xasan ay diidanyihiin dawladaas carta lagu soo dhisey isagoo madaxweynuhu dadka u sheegey in dadka xamar degan ay dhaheen cidii uu c.qaasim kaga adkaado xamar ha la arko. Tan kale oo ah waxii 92-dii dhacey baa dhacayana waxuu madaxweynuhu 2000-kii khudbadiisa ula jeedey koox wadaado ah oo bosaso iyo magaalooyin kale oo puntland ah ka wadey rabshadaha iyo qalaalse ay ku taageerayaan dawlada carta. isagoo madaxweynuhu kooxdaas wadaada ah u sheegey in ay dhibka joojiyaan hadii kalena ay iska difaacayaan sidii dhacdey 92dii markii madaxweyne yuusuf uu puntland ka saarey kooxo mayal adag oo uu hogaaminayey wadaadka ka tirsan uruurka al qaacida ee ah gudoomihii golaha shuurada maxkamdihii wadanka laga tirtirey sheekh xasan daahir aways. warkaasi beenta ah oo ay faafiyeen shabakadaha, iyo ayaa waxay beeninaysaa dhamaan wararka ay maalin walba ka qoraan dagaalada muqdisho. Si kastaba ha ahaatee xeerka saxaafada ayaa mamanuucaya in saxaafada loo adeegsado dano gaar ah ama cid gaar ah lagu taageero. Shabakadahaas ayaa had iyo jeer kiciya dareenka dadka qaarkood oo akhrista wararkaas, iyagoo so toos ah been uga sheega xaqiiqda jirta. Dadwaynaha soomaliyeed ee warkaasi beenta ah ka aaminey madaxweyne yuusuf waxaa haboon in ay maqalka cajaldii hore dhegaystaan isuna eegaan tan hada la sameeyey iyo tii hore waxay ku kala duwanyihiin.


Axmed Shiino X. Faarax

Puntlandonline Editor

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^^^Somalis are all the same. If there is an exception Shiekh Sharif would be it.


It is just Yeey qabyaalada aflagaado ku darsada. Iam sure he had uttured this and worse.

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^ I am sure many people think of a lot of worse things in their minds. However acting out a scenario in your own mind and saying it are two different things. Olol is ofcourse saying that he said these things. Some here are saying...



" Well he hasn't said this and that and this and that, but it's yey, he's a this and that". No substance = no stance.

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His voice, doctored piece. Needs no explanation. Adding clan names and splicing stuff is defermation of ones character. Now you wouldn't want to be accused of something you did not say, would you?

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Che, Somali;s are all the same, even Shiekh Sharif led a clan based court and fought a clan based war and even lied in the process, not to mention he was an in law of Xasan Dahir and so, what makes him any different to the older warriors?


Also the tape is a lie, are you still wishing it was not?

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It was better when they were fighting under the Courts Movement rather than HaW... movement, it is 16 years and fighting for a clan which ever yeilds No result, and most somalis are tired of it, but ICU was a bit different.


SHeikh Sharif may look like a saint, but I believe this guy had other motives and there are so many questions on his credibility? some alarming new evidences suggest he was agent.So Guys, you have to dig more, there is more abt this guy you dont know.

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General Duke, you couldn't answer my questions, therefore, once again, you resorted to the usual get out clause: Abdiqasim, Indhacade, clan courts etc.........

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^^^Somalis are all the same. If there is an exception Shiekh Sharif would be it.

I admire him very much. Am sure amongst all somali's their are many who shared his vision.

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Run ama yaysan rumoowin, there is no doubt he believes in such.Him being a puppet and foreign driven slave is an evidence to that.

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