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Originally posted by General Duke:

The world you [Juje] live in and the government that reside in it will not get far.

I will hold you that.

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Originally posted by Juje:

quote:Originally posted by Peace Action:

Where is Juje, looks like he agrees with the "humilation" in his thread covering the same subject.? Or on May be not.

Tell the SSU, CBA, ASW, UUS, or any other trio you can pick that Dalxa should be in Xamar and part of the delegation seeing the President off during one of his foreign trips - and not in foreign capital cities welcoming the President. We have ambassadors and Diasporas for that role.

Any thing other than that is pure rubbish.
Oh no Juje ka daa...Mr Dalha wanted inuu Hillary la kulmo oo dadka Shariifka soo dhaweynaya isku dhex daro ee maxaad sidaas u

To be honest I am not a fan of Ali America or his like but he got this ONE right!

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^^ I had to google and go through the dirt just to understand what the big fuss is all about! :D


Peace Action,

Juje is not free right now. But he says hello and sends you this:



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The irony here is Professor Dalxa is one of the true educated members of that so-called Parliament. Imagine a man like Cali America controlling a Somali president's entourage and calling shots on Dalxa, a man he should be driving for if Somalis had any respect for true calibre of worth.

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Mohamed Ali Nuur “Americo” was named as ''Ambassador'' to Kenya by the foreign-created regime headed by A.Yusuf in 2005.


Moreover, the old man A.Yusuf himself is a silly racist who has humiliated the bantu Somali community worse than this incident with Dalxa. He even denied them their Somali nationality:


Mowliid Macaane "Col: Yuusuf wuxuu yiri Jareerweyne Somali ma ahan"

Posted by Baydhabo

Sunday, January 06 @ 06:22:17 PST

Waiirkii hore ee dhallinyaradda iyo isboortiga Mowliid Macaane oo xalay wareysi siiyey Idaacadda HornAfrik ayaa eed kulul u soo jeediyey madaxweyne C/laahi Yuusuf Axmed oo uu ku eedeeyey in uu yasmo iyo xaqiraada ku wada beesha Jareerweyne oo ku tilmaamay beel aan Soomaali aheyn oo shisheeye ah.



Xildibaan Mowliid Macaane ayaa sheegay in dhawaan isaga iyo rag wasiiro iyo xildhibaanno ah ay salaan ugu tageen madaxweynaha, markaasi kadib sida uu xusay Mowliid Macaane Col. Yuusuf uu ku yiri, isagoo salaan uu salaamay ka qaadayo '"Jareerweyne Somali ma ahan, ee waa Zinzinbarian". ayuu qeexay Mowliid Macaane in hadalkaasi uu ku yiri Col. C/laahi Yuusuf mar isaga iyo rag ka tirsan dowladda ay ku booqdeen madaxtooyada Baydhabo.



Mar la weydiiyey Mowliid Macaane sida hadalkan looga rumeysan kara in uu ka soo yeeray madaxweynaha iyo in uu Mr Mowliid u oranaya sidan kadib markii uu iska dhex waayey liiska golaha wasiiradda ayaa waxaa xusay in ay marag u yihiin ammuurtan mas'uuliyiin ay kamid yihiin wasiirkii gaashaandhigga C/risaaq ***** Biixi, Maxamed Ibaarin Xaabsade, wasiirka gaadiidka circa iyo dhulka iyo rag kale.



Mowliid Macaane ayaa sheegay in beeshiisa Jareerweyne aysan ku qanacsaneyn xubnaha laga siiyey golaha wasiiradda, isagoo meel kasta oo ay waxgaradka beesha ku sugan tahay ugu baaqay in aysan aqbalin waxa ay soo dhoodhoobeen C/laahi Yuusuf iyo Nuur Cadde waa sida hadalka uu u dhigaye.



Wasiirkii hore ee dhallinyarradda iyo isboortiga dowladda KMG ah Xildhibaan Mowliid Macaane ayaa xilkiisa golahan cusub ee wasiiradda waxaa looga magacaabay Axmed C/salaan Xaaji Aadan oo kamid ah milkiilayaasha raadiyaha madaxa banana ee HornAfrik.

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Juje wrote

Tell the SSU, CBA, ASW, UUS, or any other trio you can pick that Dalxa should be in Xamar and part of the delegation seeing the President off during one of his foreign trips - and not in foreign capital cities welcoming the President. We have ambassadors and Diasporas for that role.

Any thing other than that is pure rubbish. .


You are still not getting it? To ask Dalxa to go back to Xamar is one thing but to say that he was "humilate" for being denied to welcome President Sharif is totally childish. I am surprised that Sharif camp keep shooting themselves in the foot by supporting the foolish action of a mere ambassodor.

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Originally posted by Gabbal:

The irony here is
Dalxa is one of the true educated members of that so-called Parliament. Imagine a man like Cali America controlling a Somali president's entourage and calling shots on Dalxa, a man he should be driving for if Somalis had any respect for true calibre of worth.

I wouldn't care about Ali America as I already stated that I am not his fan and I would not disagree with you that Dalxa is one of the educated MPs(he almost became my teacher but the civil war intrupted that? The point here is Ali America is selected as the Ambassador and Dalxa should have been in Mogadishu if he wanted to accompany the Sharif rather than Jomo Kenyati Airport baan kaga lug darsanayaa...teeda kale how far do you know Mr Dalxa?

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