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Garowe: Puntland cabinet passes new constitution

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Meiji adeer: You are indeed desperate this is a positive issue.

Qodobka 6aad



Dhulka Puntland waxa uu ka kooban yahay
gobollada Bari, Nugaal, Sool, Cayn, karkaar, Gobolka Waqooyiga Mudug, Heylaan iyo Gobolka Bariga Sanaag.


Sohdimaha Puntland waa kuwii Gobollada iyo Degmooyinka ay ka kooban tahay la lahaayeen deegaannada dariska la ahaa Jannaayo 1991kii ka hor, hase yeeshee wixii khilaafaad ee hore u jiray (1991kii ka hor) waxaa laga xaajoon doonaa marka Dawlada-Goboleedyada kale ay dhismaan.

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Dhulka Puntland waxa uu ka kooban yahay gobollada Bari, Nugaal, Sool, Cayn, karkaar, Gobolka Waqooyiga Mudug, Heylaan iyo Gobolka Bariga Sanaag.

Ka dar oo dibi dal! Heylaan iyo Bariga sanaag su isku gobol maha?

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We can all feel proud today of Puntland. If the historical significance of this day can not be grasped by the folks in here in SOL, then inshallaah one day, they will indeed concede to its forthcoming reality.

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Barlamanka Puntland oo la horgeeyey Dastuurka cusub

26 May 26, 2009 - 10:47:41 AM




Dastuurka loo gudbiyey aqalka Wakiillada DG Puntland ayaa waxuu ahaa mid ay horey u soo ansixiyeen golaha Xukuumadda kadib dood dheere iyo falanqeyn kadib.


Madaxweynaha Puntland Cabdiraxman Maxamad Farole oo golaha u gudbiyey Dasturka ayaa sheegey in lagu qeexay ku dhaqanka shareecada Islaamka islamrkaana lama taabtaan muqaddas tahay.


Mudane Faroole ayaa intaasi ku darey in Dastuurkan uu ka koobanyahay 141 Qodob iyo hal Lifaaq oo loogu magac darey Marxaladda kala guurka,


Qodobbada ku jira Dastuurka ayaa waxaa ka mid ah:


Baahinta xukun wadaaga, maamul wanagga, wada tashiga, isku dheeli tirka awoodaha Dowladda iyo dhowridda xuquuqda aasaasiga ee Muwaadiniinta,


Haddaba Golaha wakiillada oo loo qeybiyey Nuqullada Dastuurka ayaa marka ay soo akhrisaan iyagu ka doodi doona maalmaha soo socda sida uu sheegey Guddoomiyaha Golahaa Mudane Cabdishiid Max’ed Xersi,


Gudoomiye Cabdirishiid ayaa intaasi ku darey isagoo la hadley warbaahinta Garowe Online ineysan jirin buuq iyo gacan ka hadal ka dhacay hoolka Baarlamaanka intii ay socotey soo gudbinta Dastuurkan,


Xilli Warbaahinta qaar oo aan intooda badan goob jog ka aheyn ay sheegen ama ay qoreen in xildhibaannada Puntland ay ku sigteen iney gacanta isula tagaan,


Xubnaha Xildhibaannada ee Golaha Wakiillada DG Puntland ayaa Dastuurkan wax ku kordhin kara ama ka dhimi kara haddii ay isku raacaan iyadoo ugu dambeyntiina looga fadhiyo iney meelmariyaan.


Cabdulqaadir Max’ed Mursal, Garowe online

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Mudanayasha baarlamaanka Puntland oo ka dooday dastuurka cusub ee ay xukuumadu ansixisay.


Garowe, May 26 | Fadhigii maanta ee baarlamaanka Puntland ayaa waxaa ka furmay dood ku saabsan dastuurka cusub ee Puntland ee ay shalay ansixisay xukuumada M/weyne Faroole.


M/weyne Faroole oo uu weheliyo wasiir al dawlaha dimuqraadiyaynta iyo arrimaha federaalka Dr. Jimcaale ayaa mudanayaasha baarlmaanka u gudbiyey nuqul kama dambays ah ee dastuurka cusub.


Dast ... [Akhris ...]

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Somalia: Puntland MPs to debate new constitution

27 May 27, 2009 - 1:39:07 PM


GAROWE, Somalia May 27 (Garowe Online) - Lawmakers in the Somali semiautonomous State of Puntland were formally presented the region’s new constitution on Tuesday, Radio Garowe reports.


Dr. Abdirahman Mohamed “Farole,” the president of Puntland, opened the extraordinary session of parliament with a speech detailing the process and contents of the new constitution.



Puntland President Abdirahman Farole

“It [constitution] is composed of 141 Articles,” President Farole told Puntland MPs, adding: “After parliament’s vote, the constitution will be up for a public referendum.”


The 66-seat Puntland Parliament is supposed to read and debate the new constitution on Saturday, parliament sources said.


Mr. Abdirashid Mohamed Hersi, the Speaker of parliament, told Radio Garowe afterwards that some MPs expressed disappointment with the use of the phrase “Northeast Regions” instead of “Puntland” in the constitution’s preamble.


Lawmakers from the regions of Sool and Sanaag were disappointed with the phrase, arguing that those regions are historically and geographically located in northwest Somalia.


But Speaker Hersi rejected media rumors that a fistfight erupted inside parliament hall in Garowe, the capital of Puntland State, suggesting that it was “propaganda and speculation” since no reporters were allowed inside parliament at the time.

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Wasiir Dowlaha Madaxtooyada iyo dimuqraadiyada ee Puntland aya shir jara,id Oo laga hadalyey arimaha dastuurka ku Qabtay Garoowe.>>>>


Ama ka dhageyso hoos......


Garoowe-(Allidamaale )Maanta aya Magalada Garoowe ee Caasimada Dowlad Goboleedka Puntland waxaa shir ja,id ku qabtay Wasiir dowlaha Madaxtooyada iyo dimuqraadiyada arimaha federralka Puntland Dr:Cabdi hasan jimcaale.


Shirkaan ja,id Oo laga hadlayey arimaha Tastuurka cusub ee Puntland Tastuurkaan ayaa in muddo waxaa lagu guda jiray qaabkii loo Dhamaystiri laha Hase hatee Dastuurkaan ayaa waxaa la doonayaa in la horgeeyo Barlamaanka Puntland Sidii ay u ansixin layeen ama ay u diidi lahaayeen Dastuurkan cusub ee ladoonayo in ay ku Dhaqmaam Dadka reer Puntland


Wasiir dowlaha ayaa sheegay in Dastuurkaan uu yahay Dastuur ay xukuumada Puntland ku meel marisay Ogolaanshihiisa Cod Midaysan (unanimous) Taariikhdu Markay ahayd 24kii March 2009 ayaa ah Nuqulka kama danbaysta ah ee la horgeyanayo Golaha Wakiilada Si ay iyaguana ugu baraandegaan una ansixiyaan Dabadeedna loo qaado afti Dadweyne,


Hadab shirkaan ja,id ayaa lagu sheegay in uu ka kooban yahay 141 qodob iyo Hal lifaaq Oo loogu Magac daray Marxalada kala guurka loolana jeedo is bedelka Labada Guddi ee doorashooyinka Puntland Dastuurkaan oo qodobadiisu isugu xiran yihiin Mowduuc Mowduuc ayaa waxaa saldhiga u ah arrimaha Soo Socda.

1:Shareecadda Islaamka

2:Baahinta xukunka

3:Maamul wanaaga

4:habka wada Tashiga

5:isu dheeli Tirnaanta awoodaha Dowlada Sida B:Golaha xeer-Dejinta (Barlaamka)

T:Golaha Fulinta (xukuumada)

J:Golaha Garsoorka

6:Habka xisbiyada Badan

7:Lahaanshaha Gaar ahaaneed iyo Suuqa xorta ah

8:Xuquuqda Asaasiga ee Muwadinka

Dastuurka aya saan u Qoran


ISku soo wada duub Tastuurakan aya sidi uu u hir geli lahaa Itii la waday waxaa uu soo maray Marxalada kala duwan hase ahatee Haatan aya waxa lafilayaa in uu hir galo lana hor geeyo Golaha Baarlamaanka Dowlad Goboledka Puntland.

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Nice development, the only great thing that's coming out of this new constitution is the Multi-party system... Wonderful staff

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Naxar-Nugaled, It's Sanaag and Haylaan, two different political regions.

Haylaan includes the Sool Plateau and the Gebi Valley and parts of Bari region. Its capital is Dhahar. Whereas Sanaag's capital is Badhan and covers the Calmadow area up to Waqadsiinya Coast, Darasalaam, and eastern Ceerigaabo.


The Puntland Legislature passed the formation of Karkaar and Haylaan jurisdictions back in 2005. A political map that shows Haylaan region and redrawing of its boundaries might be needed now.


The legislative process of these two regions' formation and redrawing of their maps dates back to the last two years of Barre's Government. It was put off due to financial and budgetary problems, unfortunately, right before the civil war.

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