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Sheekh Sharif C/nuur - Ethiopianka iyo Kuwa raacsan ha lagu jihaado

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Muftiga Soomaaliya Shariif Cabdinuur oo Fatwadiisii ugu horeysay soo saaray kagana hadlay Xaaladda Dalka kuna baaqay in halganka halkiisa laga sii wado.


Muqdisho,23,February-07 ( Caalimka Cilmiga Diinta ee Ummadda Soomaaliyeed Al-Waalid Sheekh Shariif Cabdinuur Shariif Xassan ayaa markii ugu horeysay kala hadlay Qalabka Warbaahinta Islaamka Umadda Soomaaliyeed meel waliba oo ay dunida kajoogaan.




Sheekh Shariif Cabdinuur oo fatwadiisa soo gudbinteeda ay sahashay Shabakadda Islaamiga ah ee Addacwah qolka ay Paltalk ku leeyihiin ee ISLAMIC DACWAH CENTER ayaa waxa uu ku fatwooday Shariif Cabdinuur in lala dagaalamo ciidamada cadowga Itoobiya ee qabsaday Ummadda Soomaaliyeed iyo maleeshiyooyinka kaalmeynaya cadowga intaba.




Shariif Cabdinuur ayaa ugu baaqay Ummadda Soomaaliyeed in ay la dagaalamaan oo aaney u kala harin dagaalka lagula jiro ciidamada cadowga Itoobiya ee qabsaday dalka iyo dadka Soomaaliyeed, isla mar ahaantaasna aan laga daalin dagaalkaas illaa laga xoreynayo dalka.


Sheekha ayaa guud ahaan shacabka Soomaaliyeed ugu baaqay in la taageero dagaalka xaq u dirirka ah ee lagula jiro cadowga qabsaday dalka iyo diinta.


Mar la weydiiyay Sheekha waxa ay diintu ka qabto maleeshiyooyinka Soomaalida ah ee u shaqeeya Tikreega Dalka kusoo duulay ayuu Sheekh Shariif Cabdinuur ku jawaabay in lala dagaalamo cid kasta oo la safan cadowga Itoobiya.


Sheekha ayaa ammaanay xoogagga xaq u dirirka ee dagaalka kula jira cadowga Itoobiya, wuxuuna Allaah ka baryay in uu guusha siiyo xoogagga xaq u dirirka.




Sidoo kale mar wax laga weydiiyay mala oran karaa Shaqaalaha Tikreega mudane ama Madaxweyne IWM ayaa waxa uu sicad ugu jawaabay Shariif Cabdinuur oo ah Muftiga Soomaaliya MAYA wuxuuna ku tilmaamay nin gaal u shaqeeya in aanu marnaba sayid ama mudane la dhihi Karin oo shacabka uu kaga digay.


Fatwada Shariif Cabdinuur ayaa ah mid shakiga ka saareysa qof kasta oo xaq doon ah oo horay mar marsiinyo uga dhiganayay in aanu Shariif Cabdinuur ka hadlin arrinka maanta ka taagan Soomaaliya.


Culumadii wey hadashay, Culumadii wey fatwootay, waxeyna isku raaceen oo ku baaqeen in lala dagaalamo ciidamada cadowga Itoobiya iyo cadow kalkaalka Soomaalida ee la saftay cadowga.


Culumadu waxey ku baaqday in la taageero xoogagga xaq u dirirka ee dagaalka kula jira ciidamada cadowga, illaa laga xoreynayo dalka, leyskana dul kicinayo cadowga qabsaday dalkeena.




Waxa uu ammaan u soo jeediyay Shariif Cabdinuur Guddoomiyaha Golaha Fulinta Mawqifka adag ee uu weli ku taagan yahay, waxaana loo baahan yahay ayuu Muftiga Soomaaliya yiri in aanan loo kala harin iska dhicinta cadowga Dalka Soomaaliya qabsaday.




Ugu dambeyntii waxa uu sheegay in Cilmiga laga barto cid kasta oo aqoon dheer u leh diinta islaamka isagoo tusaale ahaan u soo qaatay Sheekh Maxamed Cabdi Umal oo Nairobi kusugan oo uu kusheegay in uu yahay Nin dhalinyaro ah ilaaheeyna u fududeeyay Cilmiga Diinta ayna ku haboontahay Shacabka Soomaaliyeed in ay ka faa’idyestaan.




Faafintii : Qaadisiya + Aayaha +

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Actions do speak louder than words,old man go to the front urself for its useless in telling the other cowards to use the public as human shields for neither u nor them will stand up to fight.

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^Well said, he is advocating for civil strife from the safety of his home but who is he trying to fool?


There's simply no viable resistence right now in Somalia and the only people that are going to suffer are the local populance, so what is he advocating for the old man?


Is he advocating for criminals that are throwing one mortar or grenade and then hiding behind innocent women, children and elderly people?


Why can't they come out and fight a man's war instead of throwing one mortar from an area where they don't even live themselves (they don't want to put their mothers, wifes and children at risk but are too happy about putting other innocent people to their early graves).


Shame on them, shame on them I say. The Sheikh is calling for another evil and instead of issuing futile fatwas he should have said that the criminals should come out of their hiding places and fight according to the Sunnah and Islaam or put their weapons down for once and all.


There is no other option let the people not suffer any longer as they have suffered enough. This time its lasting peace inshallah and the criminals will be squashed and defeated inshallah.


Victory for the TFG inshallah,

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^With the grace of Allaah brother, let's hope so and I hope more victories come on our way as you have put it brother. I sincerely hope for the pacification of the capital in due time inshallah.


The grenade throwers defeat and downfall is immiment inshallah.

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Does it say in the Quran and sunnah, Muqdisho must surrender to the illegal invaders(who hide in schools and hospitals) and welcome them with open arms?

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No, i don't know any Quran that says what you mentioned. But let me ask you, do you or "sheikh" m.k.a Yoonis, know any Quran that says illegal invaders of a nation can hide in their hospitals and Hotels?

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Somalia got no illegal invaders,but u can criticize the government and even so,the good hadith says that a bad government is better than no government.So there again,u have no say or the choice of defying this government.Its unity,willingly or unwillingly.

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ahhh, Somalia has no illegal invaders.Well according to the U.N resolution no neighbouring states could send troops into Somalia.According to the latter U.N resolution all forces who had troops within Somalia should withdraw them! Sounds, pretty illegal to me, an interim government created by the International community supposedly inviting a foreign entity to it's state.Am i not even allowed to criticize the Ethiopian Parliament and army, which authorised the invasion of Somalia?


Do you i have to willing by force, Captain Xalanow except Melez Zenawis declaration of war on Somalia. Does the Quran say i must welcome his army, willingly or unwillingly.........?

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Those troops were invited by the somalian federal Government and are involved in part of the peace keeping force that the president has asked for,when he was sworn in.That aside,the clan courts have been talking alot and at the same time,they have been having their own little dramas.Its about time they faced reality,and reality they faced.Now,no one is asking anyone for anything,no one is negotiating.U either accept it willingly or u are made to accept it.Simple terms indeed.

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^True Xalane.


Abu Geeljire do you know that it is forbidden in Islaam to pursue actions that will bring further and a greater evil, chaos and civil strife?


What does Islaam say if you cannot fight your enemy effictively and you do not have the appriopriate preparation nor weaponary to engage in full out war?


They had their chance in the eight day war in which Mogadishu was captured and instead of running away they should have showed their bravado and what intelligent and able mortar launchers they're on that battefield.


Their bravado was needed in Idaale, Diinsoor, Qansaxdheere and Modo Modo but they lost the war and no are fighting on top of innocent and weak women, children and elderly folks.


Adeer such kind of war is alien in Islaam and not supported, why can't they come out in the daylight and fight man-to-man, because maybe they don't have the right preparation and power to challenge the authority?


What does the aayah say? Prepare yourself adequately for battle and if you can't then don't hide behind innocent women and children.


Are you telling me now these morons are adequately equipped and prepared for this war?


Can they uproot the people their opposing? Can they challenge the 'invaders' firepower? No because if they could we would have seen it in the eight day war.


So, they have been defeated and their leaders fled into thin air and exile and with no real leadership, they're going about to harm innocent people with no real hope of evicting them out of the city, with minimal lost of lives.


Prepare yourself adequatel for battle and fight but don't hide and throw one grenade. Aren't this people after jannah and get martyred? Yes, I would guess so, they they should come out and fight a proper war but not roaming the streets like thugs and criminals and as soon as they fire two mortars nobody knows of where it will hit or who it will kill.


It's up for Mogadishu civilians to stop these morons and they're in consultation about this matter and soon they will chase those criminals out from their midst, then they will be brought to justice inshallah and they will pay for the atrocities and civil hardship they caused.


This is not a resistence and we all know that nothing good nor sophisticated about it, only disgruntled individuals throwing one mortar here and there, nothing to suggest anything apart from that.

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Xalane, firstly, can you please stop the ultimatums, you are beginning to sound alla ubahane.....


Secondly, clearly you are lying(no offense) when you say the 20 00 Ethiopian troops where part of the peacekeeping force.If you know anything about politics, no government can invite an entire amrmy without the consent of it's parliament.The Somali parliament never signed any bill allowing Ethiopian troops to Somalia.In fact i remember when they brought this idea to the table fist fights broke out in the Somali parliament.


The Somali Government, as you remember, maintained that there were no Ethiopian troops in Somalia!They said there were only a few advisorsWhy? because they knew they had no right to bring foreign troops to Somalia without the consent of the Somali parliament.


Furthermore, even the Ethiopians denied they had no any troops inside Somalia apart from "advisors, again because it was illegal under international law. Tony Blair and George Bush did not go to war in Iraq and Afghanistan without the consent of their parliaments.George Bush cannot simply bring 20 000 troops from Mexico to America without the consent of the congress.Are you saying the President and a few of his close advisors can "invite" 20 000 invading troops to Somalia?


Secondly, the Ethiopian troops are not peacekeepers.Firstly, they came for a war as their own parliament authorised them do so.Secondly, the first U.N resolution specified no neighbouring state could troops into Somalia.Whilst the second resolution(during the war)that all entities should withdraw troops from Somalia.


Therefore the invasion was illegal. The only place it wasn't illegal was the Ethiopian parliament. Unless you are the son of Caydiid, prove to me otherwise!

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Originally posted by Abu_Geeljire:

Xalane, firstly, can you please stop the ultimatums, you are beginning to sound alla ubahane.....


ehehehehe, alle-ubaahnow xaal qaado!


Wallee waxaad joogtaanba Captain Xalane oo amxaar ah ayaad tusaale iigu soo qaadatay!


Allow Alle!

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