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Xamar-warlord media’s: shock anger @ the ARABS

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Xamar-warlord media’s: shock@ the ARABS


After informing their listeners that the Yusuf/Geedi government was hated by the Arabs due to its Ethiopian links, and that because of this it [government] was destined to fail.


After the fake, visa ban of Egypt on President Yusuf created in part by the BBC/somali section and the supposed deep rooted relationship between Abdiqasin and Qadafi.


It seems the denial of the Mogadishu media has now turned to betterness and anger which has resulted in a backlash against many Arab countries. Now Yemen is a front line state that should not send troops, and is going to blockade Mogadishu. Egypt was never even handed. Yesterday’s darling Muamar al-Qadafi is a now painted as a dictator who opposes progress and democracy and is in fact the man who destroyed Somalia.

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Hogaamiyaha Liibiya oo Cabdilahi Yusuf u sheegay inuu kaalin weyn ka qaadan doono taabagelinta dowladiisa ‘Korneyl Qadaafi kaalin intee la eg buu ka soo qaatay kicinta Colaadaha Sokeeye ee Somaliya. 01.04.05 Tripoli


Hogaamiyaha Dalka Liibiya oo mudo afar cesha ah kadib Madaxweyne cabdilahi Yusuf kula kulmay dalkiisa Liibiya ayaa markii ugu horeeysay dhigiisa Somaliya u balanqaaday dhaqaalo farabadan oo uu ku sheegay inuu ku bixinayo taabagelinta dowladda dibad jooga ah ee Somaliya.


Hogaamiyaha Liibiya waxaa kale oo uu Madaxweyne Yusuf u sheegay inuu iska baxo balse ay la sii joogaan wafdiga uu horkacayo Ra’isulwasaare Geedi ilaa maalinta Isniinta ah si ay ula kulmaan madaxda dalkaas Liibiya.


Mucaamir Al Qadaafi ayaa ah Hogaamiye carbeed ee sida weyn uga qeeybqaatay hurinta Colaadahii Somaliya ka dilaacay wuxuuna sida la wada ogyahay saaxiib weyn la ahaa qaar ka tirsan hogaamiyaashii soo maray Somaliya kuwaas oo uu siin jiray dhaqaale iyo saanad Melleteri si ay dagaaladda dhankooda u xoojiyaan waxaana hadda muuqato inuusan wali daacad ka noqon dowlad dhexe ee ay Somaliya yeelato marka la eego heshiiska uu xilligaan la gelayo Mudane Cabdilahi Yusuf oo ka mid ah horjoogayaashii Colaada Somaliya walina aan haba yaraatee ka soo dabcin cadiifadiisii qabiil iyo hadafkiisii kaligii talisnimadda.


Dad badan ayaa dhaleeceeynayo Hogaamiyaha Liibiya maadama uusan waligiis raacin wax ku dhisan rabitaanka Shacabka Somaliyed,waxaana hada muuqato inuu saaxiib gaara ka dhiganayo Mudane Cabdilahi Yusuf si ay uga wada shaqeeyaan la dagaalanka dimoqoraadiyada.


Mucaamir Al Qadaafi waa nin dalka Liibiya ku qabsaday awood Melleteri walina ku maamulo qaab boqortooyo ah waxayna dadka Reer Liibiya sheegaan inay dowlada ka jirtaa Liibiya tahay mid ay ka arrimiyaan Juffada Korneyl Qadaafi.


Cabdi Cali Bulxan,Liibiya.

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ciidamada Yemen ee loo soo dirayo Soomaaliya oo soo shaac baxday




Dowladda Yemen oo ka mid ah dowladaha gacansaarka la leh madaxweyne C/llaahi Yuusuf Axmed ayaa waxaa soo baxaya warar dheeraad ah oo ku saabsan tirada ciidamada ay u soo direyso Soomaaliya, si ay dowlada federaalka ku meel gaarka ah ee Soomaaliya uga taageeraan inay dib ugu soo laabato dalkeeda, hubkana uga dhigto maleeshiyooyinka hubeysan.


Wararka qaar ayaa sheegaya inay dowladda Yemen u diyaarisay hal cutub oo ka tirsan ciidamadeeda, iyagoo qeyb ka noqonaya ciidamada Urur goboleedka IGAD ee Soomaaliya ku soo jeeda, si ay uga barbar shaqeeyaan, waxaana arrintani ay dowladda Yemen horeba uga sheegtay shir madaxeedkii Jaamacadaha Carabta ee ka dhacay Dalka Al-jeeriya magaalo madaxdiisa Al-jeris.


Dowlada yemen ayaa noqotay dalkii ugu horeeyey ee Carbeed ee ciidamo u soo diraya Soomaaliya marka laga reebo Suudaan iyo Jabuuti oo iyagu ka mid ah dalalka IGAD waxaana la sheegayaa tirada ciidamada Yemen ee loo soo dirayo Soomaaliya inay gaarayaan illaa (1000) askari.


Madaxweynaha dalka Yemen Cali Cabdalla Saalax ayaa ka mid ah madaxda sida weyn u taageersan dawlada federaalka oo saaxiibbtinimo gaar ay ka dhexeyso madaxweyne C/laahi Yuusuf Axmed.


Lama garanayo sababta ay dowladda Yemen ay u goosatay inay ciidamo u soo dirto Soomaaliya iyadoo la ogyahay in uu baarlamaanka Soomaaliya gaashaanka ku dhuftay in ciidamada Dalalka Deriska kala ah badda iyo berrigaba loo soo dirin Dalka Soomaaliya.



Cabdishakuur Cilmi Xasan ,Dayniile Muqdisho

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Yemen Proposes Maritime blockade and military aggression against political opponents of Abdullahi Yusuf.


Monday, March 28, 2005


According to the Somali media: ever since the election of Abdullahi Yusuf, there have been endless traffics between Abdullahi Yusuf and his supporters on one hand and the Yemen President and his officials on the other hand. The Yemen government has become the most ardent supporter of Abdullahi Yusuf in the Arab world. Yemen has been channelling military hardware, financial kickbacks, and political support to Abdullahi Yusuf. It also lobbed addictively and fiercely for the support and the promotion of Abdullahi Yusuf’s supremacy over other Somalia’s factional leaders. On the other hand, Abdullahi Yusuf’s immediate advisors and blood relatives such as his son (mohamed and political advisor Ashari) have been on and off making trips to Sanai which created more suspicions in regard to the sudden change of heart of Yemen policies favouritism towards Abdullahi Yusuf and alienation of his opponents.


His envoy and a long time friend and financial backer, Engineer Munye bas been the linchpin of this sudden rapprochement between Yemen and Abdullahi Yusuf. Engineer Munye is the most political king maker and personal trustee of Abdullahi Yusuf. Munye is also a holder of dual nationalities of both Yemen and Somalia and he is unofficial envoy and acting ambassador of Abdullahi Yusuf to Yemen. Munye’s connection in the Yemen’s political elites and political decision making bodies have made him the most influential and the driving seat that behind the thrown of Abdullahi Yusuf and intoxication of Yemen towards Abdullahi Yusuf. Engineer Munye is wealthiest man of Somali-Yemen extraction since he acquired the Somalia’s maritime and national shipping assets with the help of Yemen and its protection. In the recent months he has been making some uncharacteristically political threats and intimidations against a particular Somali groups.


According to Somalis military eminent officials, the Yemen President has been promising recently that, he will apply a maritime blockade against any region, territory or group of Somali politicians who try to defy the orders and the wishes of Abdullahi Yusuf, without due care and considerations or calculating its consequences and ramifications. It seems the Yemen president is telling the Somali people to kowtow and submit their will to the dictatorial demands of Abdullahi Yusuf. Many Somalia’s political pundits have been asking questions of why on earth, the Yemen president or his government is hell bent to support Abdullahi Yusuf against the rest or the entire Somali clan people.


The answer may lie with the Abdullahi Yusuf’s skilful racial exploitation, and using various channels in order to marshal any support that he can gain on his interests and political supremacist. Abdullahi Yusuf and his supporters have claimed that, they are Yemenis and belong to a Yemen tribe and originally came from. This tribe name is “Jabberti Ismailâ€


Therefore, Abdullahi Yusuf and his followers have been politically challenging some Somali tribes who are none Arabs in the last 34 years. Additionally, Abdullahi Yusuf and his trusted Mr. Munye have been pleading that they are jointly standing for the interest of Yemen and Yemenis minorities who live in Somali and Diaspora but lack political and military clout since the collapse of the Somali Republic.


For this reason/s they are in need of financial, diplomatic backing and active military supports in order to validate Abdullahi Yusuf’s pseudo presidency, which needs a solid protection and undying constant support.


Having discovered these dubious and unfounded conspiratorial accusations and illegal co-operation between the Warlord Abdullahi Yusuf and the Yemen President, up-to now, the Somali people had no qualm with the Yemen people and their officials, but we have great concerns in regard to the ill-advised policy of Yemen and its politicians. If Yemen government goes ahead its well-publicized policies, it will not bring any good than harms for the future of Sino Yemen-Somali relations. It will also damage the brotherly and the long-standing fraternity between the two nations and their people. Yemen should be advised to stick its status quo of neutrality in regard to the current conflicts between rival Somali tribes and it should not be easily fooled by the greedy and the dictatorial ambitions of Abdullah You and his minions. Yemen should decide whether it wants to tie its future and national relations with an ailing and dictatorial minded individual who has no any grass root popular support nationally and internationally. It would be a wise for the Yemen administration to rescind its embryonic and ill advised and misguided policies towards the Somali nation.


If and when Yemen decides to ally with the dictator Abdullahi and undertake its well-judged military aggression and maritime blockade, then, Somalis have no option but to resist any external aggression or oppressions. But before that scenario happens Somali people are anxious to keep the status quo of Sino brotherhood and centuries old relations.


Once again, we hope and extremely anxious that the wise and seasoned politicians of Yemen will not be lightly fooled into unknown territories of the messy Somali politics. Yemen neutrality and honest endeavour of finding a neutral reconciliation and impartial support for all those Somalis who are misguided and off- the track politically will be best served for both sisterly and brotherly nations of Yemen and Somalia

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Originally posted by Duke_Valantino:

Lama garanayo sababta ay dowladda Yemen ay u goosatay inay ciidamo u soo dirto Soomaaliya iyadoo la ogyahay in uu baarlamaanka Soomaaliya gaashaanka ku dhuftay in ciidamada Dalalka Deriska kala ah badda iyo berrigaba loo soo dirin Dalka Soomaaliya. Cabdishakuur Cilmi Xasan ,Dayniile Muqdisho

LOL Yemen is now a "safka hore" entity? I suppose Qanyare Afrax didn't offer any geography classes to his goons at Dayniile University :D


Originally posted by Duke_Valantino:

Many Somalia’s political pundits have been asking questions of why on earth, the Yemen president or his government is hell bent to support Abdullahi Yusuf against the rest or the entire Somali clan people.


The answer may lie with the Abdullahi Yusuf’s skilful racial exploitation...Abdullahi Yusuf and his supporters have claimed that, they are Yemenis and belong to a Yemen tribe and originally came from. This tribe name is “Jabberti Ismailâ€

"Entire Somali clan people"? What can of English is that? Another laughable point. Why oh why is Yemen suddenly supporting Abdullahi Yusuf's "race"? LOL Good to know I'm a member of a race that's not Black or Somali. icon_razz.gif HOWEVER, I gotta ask this question: when Abdiqasim Salat was begging for money from these Arabs, what card did he play? I'm pretty sure he didn't play the "race" card AHAHAHA


All in all, a comedic turn of events. I'm sure its only gonna get funnier as time continues.

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lool at skillful racial exploitation, like c/yussef would ever say he descended from arabs, dude cant even speak a word arabic for goodness sake. forget it, hes a negro. lool


reer muqdisho though the arabs were on their side with mubaraak (the most powerful arab leader) being supposedly the enemy of c/yussef and all. i think that the anti-ethiopian card doesnt matter if you think of it, safke hore safka dambe, no freakin difference comprende.

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^^^^ Indeed the warlords dont want any troops because they would be at a disadvantage.

Funny these brothers are. I read an article on [based in the UK] a few weeks ago after Abdullahi went to Cairo, it read something like aL-Qadafi snubs Yusuf and his government.. A 360 degree about turn..


Dawladda Cabdullahi Yusuf oo idaacad loogu deeqay.

Posted on Friday, April 01 @ 16:56:40 CEST by editor


Wararka ka imaanaya caasimadda dalka Libiya ee Tripoli ayaa waxay sheegayaa in wafdigii uu hogaaminaayey Madaxweyne Cabdullaahi Yuusuf ay kala kulmeen wadankaas soo dhaweyn heer sare ah iyo Deeq is kugu jirta Lacag iyo Qalabba.


waxaa la sheegayaa in Ra'iisal wasaare Cali Maxamed Geedi lagudoon siiyey Idaacad Gaareysa dhamaan wadanka soomaaliya iyo meela kamid ah Bariga Afrika , oo ay Dowladda Geedi uga faa,iideysanayso sidii ay ugu gudbin laheyd Dadweynaha Barnaamijyada ay dowladda doonayso in shanta sano ee soosocda ay dalka ka qabato.

Dhinaca kale wasiirka Arrimaha Gudaha ee DFKG Xuseen caydiid ayaa waxa uu lakulmay wasiirka Arrimaha Gudaha ee dalka Libiya. waxayna kawada hadleen Sidii xabsiyada dalka Libiya looga sii deyn lahaa dadka soomaalida ee ku xir,xiran .


waxaa kaloo ay ka wada hadleen arinta kale ee Libiya dhibaatada weyn ku heysa oo ah Dadka u Tahriibaayo yurub ee iskaga Gooshaayo, Bada u dhaxeyso Libiya iyo yurub.


Arintani waxay sababtay in sanooyinkii lasoo dhaafay ay ku dhinteen soomaali badan iyo Afrikaanba. waxayna isku Afgarteen labada wasiir ee Arimo gudeed in ay Libiya dadka soomalida ee Diyaarka u ah in ay dalkooda ku noqdaan ay dib ugu celiso ayna ka bixiso Tikitka ay dadkaas ku noqon lahaayeen ayna siiso xoogaa gacan qabsi ah oo ay marka ugu horeyso ee ay dalka ku noqdaan ay meelo ku dagaan, wararka waxa ay sheegayaan in dhamaan kulanadii ay yeesheen labada dhinac si weyn la iskugu afgartay.


Booqashada ay wafdiga DFKG ah ayku tageen dalka Libiya ayaa waxay noqdeen wafdigii ugu badnaa oo dawladda ka socda oo intaas la Eg oo booqasho ku taga wadan Dibada ah wuxuuna qaatay safarkooda waqti dheer.


Abdirahman Zaylaci.


onkod News, Qahira.

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what a great idea for the federal somali government to have its own idaacad. radio is such a powerful thing, the problem of the TFg will be solved wich is lack of contact with the somali ppl from kismaayo to hargeysa. informing the ppl with the TFGs plans, intentions and goals is very good. and also to counteract against propaganda and downright lies from some media like dayniile and bbc soomaalis manipulation.


i can allready see it in front of me. a website and a broadcasting radio station with frequent interviews with government officials, parliament members, somali peace loving citizens etcetera. debates between MPs and Mps and government officials. news about socdaalada c/yussef and m/geddi. and a name like radio qaran or somali national radio.

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Lama garanayo sababta ay dowladda Yemen ay u goosatay inay ciidamo u soo dirto Soomaaliya . Dayniile

Desperado :D:D:D

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Originally posted by Qorshel:


Desperado's are the lot of you in here oo been isku sheegaya iskuna camiraya, but then again one is not suprised cause it is heredity and part of your genesis


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Jumatatu, Adiga kacaan diidaa tahay Saxib. Dowladda iney hagaagto dadkoo dhaney dan ugu jirtaa. Ninkii isaga u dhaqmaaya in Adeerkii Aabihii la dhashey ama Aabbihiiba madaxweynaha yahay, oo dadka kale ka xigsado oo colaadiyo, isagey jirtaa. Adiga dantaada ka raaco. You need Dowlad in Xamar. You are most in need of it.

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^^^^ Xoogsade seems to be right once again, with those usaul sly remarks. As for the genes comment oh my, it seems one has promoted himself to the next level of ********* .


Yet neaither of the two commented on the topic, since when has Yemen become a frontline state and Libya an enemy of Somalia??? :D

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Originally posted by Xoogsade:

Adiga dantaada ka raaco. You need Dowlad in Xamar. You are most in need of it.

You are right Xoogsade, but I need a 'Dowlaad' build on national and mutual reconciliation not one with the mentality of Duke and co. that is unilateral in thinking and policy decision and has all the fabrics of repressive.

Mida kale saxiib Xoogsade I would have loved to get into intelectual stimulation in the analyses of the pros and cons of the Federal government, but when you have people like Duke and co. who assume this is a kingdom and that Yeey is the king and hence gives them the authority to always be right and know right, you hjave no option but to engage in their same language and used as a tool against them.


As for Sky African I see your response as pure Calacal and I guarantee you will be doing that for a long time.. :D

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^^What you want from Mogadisho's worlords now they are in their A.Y. should go to his puntland .. sit gedkesa hostesa and drink his goat milk.. or they eat kaluun there ..looooooooool


Heyy I am joking I don't want Duke and his gangs come after me to Qabri-dahare icon_razz.gif



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smith and the propaganda crew


before you get dillerious with excitment you should know arabs are the worse groups of people to rely on for political backing, you guys will admit that nobody had more backing whether financially or politicaly in the arab world than abdi qassim, look where it got him :D


so what ever the arabs say about c/y is only skin deep and really they will not support him with any tangible backing because thats the nature of arab leaders.


what yemen promised was mere 1000 soldeirs, and no other arab state promised one soldeir so what will 1000 deg cas who are scared of their own shadows do for ina yey.


i think ina yey should know that salad boy became a joke of the town because all he could do in the end was travel from one arab country to another with empty promises of monumentous proportion.


c/y should not consider moving from zenawis toilet to gaddafis kitcken he will rue that move

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