
Muuse Biixi's fake election should be rejected by the opposition.

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One month after the parliamentary and municipal elections were concluded, Muuse Biixi suddenly said: there will be a new election next year 2022. He said a race for new political parties must be prepared. Everyone was shocked. The question was: how could you prepare another election within six months while we just concluded two elections?

He and his cronies had argued that the three political parties will expire in December 2022, so we must prepare before that eventuality. What he didn't mention is his term expires before the parties. By rule he must either win the election by November 2022 or vacate the place for the winner. The most logical route was to hold the presidential elections and leave the next contest to the winners.

THe Guurti illegally extended their term for five years and his for two years. The day light robbery was that the Guurti term had expired already.

To confuse the people and drag his feet, he told the chairman of the election commission to sue the majority of the members who disagreed with him. Since NEC is independent they could debate and choose their  own chairman, but Muuse said " the election commission is in quarrel (Golihii baa is haysta). This corrupt group of Kulmiye has used every trick in the book  to not only postpone the presidential election and later claim the parties had expired.

Where in the world would a party who have a sitting members in the parliament expire? His time was the one that expired.

THere are clear reasons to delay the real elections and push the fake elections.

If elections are held today or three or four months from today, Muuse and his group will lose, but if he pushes this fake election of 13 parties, he will manipulate the results and choose two out of three and make the third party WAddani weak. Not only that, they will take their time and gerrymander the clans in order to stop the opposition. He might even choose an east Burco candidate and weaken the current coalition.

If he is allowed to delay the real election and hand pick his successor that will create a real conflict among the clans. He should not be allowed to have his cake and eat it. Biixi must pay for his blander, mess and everything else that is happening today including the Sool conflict.

He should be forced to hold the presidential election, anything else is rewarding transgression.

The election commission has no mandate to decide the date of the election or which election should be conducted. Also, their conduct throughout the year had shown that they are not real refries to adjudicate fairly but partisan functionaries of Kulmiye party. Rather than find the middle ground and bring the waring parties together, they have inflamed with their partisan decision.

No opposition should take part in  this elections. They must boycott this coming bogus election. For the opposition, it is now or never


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As long as the opposition don't have teeth, or can not do anything, Muse will stay, possibly next 5 years, why? In the past, the temptation of recognition, and trying to please West/EU, was pushing them to do elections, with recognition gone out of the window?  and opposition is weak, why elections?

Biihi, will follow and mimic now his biggest fan, dictator IOG.


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There's no real opposition. There's no reason for Biixi to change his ways. On top of that, all important positions are held by HA and HJ, from election commission, High Court to the Guurtada.

The only advantage the opposition had was the speakership and that's gone.

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22 minutes ago, Che -Guevara said:


There's no real opposition. There's no reason for Biixi to change his ways. On top of that, all important positions are held by HA and HJ, from election commission, High Court to the Guurtada.

The only advantage the opposition had was the speakership and that's gone.

very valid points

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Galbeediyaw anagu hadaanu East Burco Clan nahay , dhinacii loo tukadaba salaadayadu waa ansax.  rag waxooda isku aadistay baanu nahay.   Dadkan buuqaya waanu la yaabanahay ba.  

Hadii mucaaridka iyo dawladu madaxa isla galaan , Anagu ciidanka qaranka baanu walaalo nahay  xiliga xun hubka culus  baa loo dhawaada.     Hadii muuse sii joogo , anagu dhulbahantana waa karbaashayna biyo iyo shidaal Waxan qodan karnana waa qodaynayna.

Hadii doorashada madaxtooyada la hor qabto, labada xisbi qaran ee waaweyn ba dhaxal kooda anaga iska leh kii soo baxaba shidhkaanu u gelayna.. Hadii ta ururadu soo horaysana  ururkayagu muran kuma jiro.   Siyaasadu waa turub.   Hal outcome lama expect gareeyo,     Maan ragna waa mudacyo afkood.

Nimanka GX bahasha way Ku dawakheen.   They need  atleast 1 year training to develop a winning strategy. 



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If the opposition boycots the elections,    No problem  There will be a second extension for the president.     And he will be thankful. 😃

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Xooluhu shugux shugux kama ilbaxaan. :D

Guys, everytime your deepest desires are kindled and you are about climax, Somaliland just pulls the plug. What a disappointment indeed. :D

 Speaking of fake? You can say a lot of things about Somaliland but fake is not one of them. The Somaliland elections are cut-throat business, probably the best in the whole of Africa in terms of transparency, credibility and free contest between stake holders..  

The mud-sledging season between the politicians is all but coming to an end, people are gearing for Election season. And when the time comes, Somaliland will shock & awe its distractors, by holding the freest, the most competitive and most transparent Elections in Africa.

Get used to it folks. Like Social media folks say, Somaliland is not easy. 

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16 hours ago, Game changer said:

Hadii doorashada madaxtooyada la hor qabto, labada xisbi qaran ee waaweyn ba dhaxal kooda anaga iska leh kii soo baxaba shidhkaanu u gelayna.. Hadii ta ururadu soo horaysana  ururkayagu muran kuma jiro

I agree with you.

Xirsi Gaab haddii doorashada la galo oo Cirro dhaco isagaa xisbiga u hadhaya. Kulmiyana ama idinkaa horboodi ama number two. Dadkan baarlamaanka fadhiya 20 ka mid ah waxa maalgaliyey Mohamuud Xaashi including Mohamed Abiib.

7 years  of Siilaanyo really made the difference.During the election of 2010 each diaspora member of east Burco paid $5000 to the campaign, and many of them got back their money somehow. Probably Dahabshiil made easy for the to loot and deposit without questions.

Waxa la yidhi HJ waxa u taliya siyaasi, xataa boqor Buurmadow waa siyaasi, HY waxa u taliya oday dhaqan, HA waxa u taliya ganacsatada. That is west Burco are losing.

Any way, tribal loyalties could change anytime. The east Burco are acting like tough right wing irredentist now, but in 2003 after they lost the election to Rayaale many of them wanted to abandon the ship and go to Mogadishu including the campaign manager of Siilaanyo , Mr. Sifir. When I met Faysal Waraabe few years ago he told me that they all decided to abandon the project but Ahmed Siilaanyo insisted and forced them. In Burco, they were using Somali Shillings, the Islamic courts passed through Burco on their way to Asmara, Eritrea. If they lost that election, they could have been a war.


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4 hours ago, galbeedi said:

I agree with you.

Xirsi Gaab haddii doorashada la galo oo Cirro dhaco isagaa xisbiga u hadhaya. Kulmiyana ama idinkaa horboodi ama number two. Dadkan baarlamaanka fadhiya 20 ka mid ah waxa maalgaliyey Mohamuud Xaashi including Mohamed Abiib.

7 years  of Siilaanyo really made the difference.During the election of 2010 each diaspora member of east Burco paid $5000 to the campaign, and many of them got back their money somehow. Probably Dahabshiil made easy for the to loot and deposit without questions.

Waxa la yidhi HJ waxa u taliya siyaasi, xataa boqor Buurmadow waa siyaasi, HY waxa u taliya oday dhaqan, HA waxa u taliya ganacsatada. That is west Burco are losing.

Any way, tribal loyalties could change anytime. The east Burco are acting like tough right wing irredentist now, but in 2003 after they lost the election to Rayaale many of them wanted to abandon the ship and go to Mogadishu including the campaign manager of Siilaanyo , Mr. Sifir. When I met Faysal Waraabe few years ago he told me that they all decided to abandon the project but Ahmed Siilaanyo insisted and forced them. In Burco, they were using Somali Shillings, the Islamic courts passed through Burco on their way to Asmara, Eritrea. If they lost that election, they could have been a war.


Jamhuuriyada weakness keedu waa ictiraaf la,aanta .   Markaa ninkii xanaaqaba xamar baan tegaya buu odhan jiray.  Laakiin arinkaa waanu   soo afjarnay.    Xamar waxaanu Ka dhignay xaafad Irir samaale . It's no longer sensitive issue.   As long as aanad Puntlanders iyo ilka yar  awr kiraale u ahayn , Dir Waqooyi oo dhan fasax bay u haystan inay xamar tagaan , ama nolol haw raadsadan ama holiday haw tagaane.  

Memorandum of understanding baanu kala saxeexanay HG iyo waceysle .  Taas oo dhigaysa in drodka la karbaasho siyaasad ahaan  minus cagdheer.   Cagdheer ta laftooda badaanu Ku dari lahayn laakiin waa niman macquula oo lala shaqaysan Karo , siyaasadooduna iskaashi Ku dhisan tahay.    Gala xamar  baan leeyahay dadkeena oo dhan. In fact dadka halkaas inaga tagaa they  appreciate inay Ka yimaaden homeland dhisan. Waxan odhan karaa waa kuwa inoogu wadinsan. 


Buurmadaw siyaasadiisa gudaha ee danaysiga shakhsiga ah Ku dhisan kulama socono. Waa sababta aanan Dan uga gelin markasta oo la xidho.   Laakiin dirismka iyo hawlahaas  marku dhaqdhaqaajiyo waanu kula socona, weliba waa legend.  By the way u malayn maayo in xaashi abiib wax siiyey.  Ninkaa yari waa fariid inyaroo waayo aragnimo ah baa u dhiman  iyo tacliin.  Mustaqbal kiisa siyaasadeed  waa bright  .

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Galbeedi mee, xisbigii kukmiye xalay baanu la wareegnay intan hurday kkkkkk.   Imikaan ogaaday.   Maxamed kaahin is the new chairman. Adkaatay.     Handaraab waa garac walaahi  wuxu ogaaday inuu kulmiye dhacayo hadaanu bahalka noo dhiibin.

HJ is open for business , cidwalba waa ugu ridayna doorkan.   Waa markii ugu horaysay ee aanu sagaal weji yeelano .   😃

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9 hours ago, Game changer said:

Galbeedi mee, xisbigii kukmiye xalay baanu la wareegnay intan hurday kkkkkk.   Imikaan ogaaday.   Maxamed kaahin is the new chairman. Adkaatay.     Handaraab waa garac walaahi  wuxu ogaaday inuu kulmiye dhacayo hadaanu bahalka noo dhiibin.

HJ is open for business , cidwalba waa ugu ridayna doorkan.   Waa markii ugu horaysay ee aanu sagaal weji yeelano .   😃

I wouldn’t bet on Kulmiye, no matter who becomes the leader. It’s an empty shell which no constituency will go near it.  Buuri maran oo dusha lagu x**** 

Second it’s not clear how these direct national party elections will take place, as it has been decoupled from local councillors elections and thus not clear how fair voting wil be ensured between 13 contenders who don’t have local councillors to guard their votes. 


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1 hour ago, Arafaat said:

I wouldn’t bet on Kulmiye, no matter who becomes the leader. It’s an empty shell which no constituency will go near it.  Buuri maran oo dusha lagu x**** 

Second it’s not clear how these direct national party elections will take place, as it has been decoupled from local councillors elections and thus not clear how fair voting wil be ensured between 13 contenders who don’t have local councillors to guard their votes. 


Muuse biixi peaple  fanatically support kulmiye ,  and They are numerous.  Kaahin xitaa yagaa wata,  xoogaa yaroo badhi taaro ah uunbay anaga nooga baahan yihiin.   Laakiin waxba badhi taari mayno hadaanu doono   ee waa  guruujaynayna.  Inay mayd nagaga cararaan bay doonayan,  fajidooda oo dhan baanu fahansanahay .

Komishankay u taal qaabkay codbixinta u maaraynayaan, kolay   it's going to be passed on xarshin  mathematics , waxan Ka baqaya in lixda labo laysugu celiyo  😃

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On 7/21/2023 at 5:35 AM, galbeedi said:

I agree with you.

Xirsi Gaab haddii doorashada la galo oo Cirro dhaco isagaa xisbiga u hadhaya. Kulmiyana ama idinkaa horboodi ama number two. Dadkan baarlamaanka fadhiya 20 ka mid ah waxa maalgaliyey Mohamuud Xaashi including Mohamed Abiib.

7 years  of Siilaanyo really made the difference.During the election of 2010 each diaspora member of east Burco paid $5000 to the campaign, and many of them got back their money somehow. Probably Dahabshiil made easy for the to loot and deposit without questions.

Waxa la yidhi HJ waxa u taliya siyaasi, xataa boqor Buurmadow waa siyaasi, HY waxa u taliya oday dhaqan, HA waxa u taliya ganacsatada. That is west Burco are losing.

Any way, tribal loyalties could change anytime. The east Burco are acting like tough right wing irredentist now, but in 2003 after they lost the election to Rayaale many of them wanted to abandon the ship and go to Mogadishu including the campaign manager of Siilaanyo , Mr. Sifir. When I met Faysal Waraabe few years ago he told me that they all decided to abandon the project but Ahmed Siilaanyo insisted and forced them. In Burco, they were using Somali Shillings, the Islamic courts passed through Burco on their way to Asmara, Eritrea. If they lost that election, they could have been a war.


Somaliland  who ever leads it will lead it , with the principles of SNM no matter what whether its siilaanyo ciiro ina bixii faisal ali wraabe mooge ina cigaal. tuur 



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On 7/24/2023 at 7:20 PM, Xaaji Xunjuf said:

Somaliland  who ever leads it will lead it , with the principles of SNM no matter what whether its siilaanyo ciiro ina bixii faisal ali wraabe mooge ina cigaal. tuur 



Since when have Ciro, Faisal and Cigaal aun, become part of SNM? And where did you leave Riyaale who has led SL for more then decade.

You are conflating clan with political clan ideology in blatant effort trying to rewrite history here, emulating narrow and divisive ‘TPLF’ strategies. 

Here is Faisal in his own words setting the record straight about those divisive principles; 


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On 7/24/2023 at 12:20 PM, Xaaji Xunjuf said:

Somaliland  who ever leads it will lead it , with the principles of SNM no matter what whether its siilaanyo ciiro ina bixii faisal ali wraabe mooge ina cigaal. tuur 



Except people those support Sland needs doesn't subscribe to SNM idealogy or historical perspective.

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