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Funny, Somalis Migrate to Yemen then Fight Against the Gov

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Yemen(HWN):-Xukuummadda Yeman ayaa shaaca ka qaaday in ay Xabsiga u taxaabtay dad Soomaali ah, doonayey in ay ku biiraan kooxda Mucaaradka ah ee Xuutiyiin.


Wararka ayaa waxay intaasi ku darayaan dhalinyaradan oo u talaabeysay dhanka Mucaaradka Xuutiyiinta ayaa laga soo qabtay goobtaasi.Sarkaal sare oo u hadlay ciidamada dowladda Yeman ayaa ****olka ka qaaday, in ay dadkani Soomaaliyadeed ay ahaayeen dad Qaxoonti ku ahaa Magaaladda Caasimadda ah ee Sanca.


“Dhalinyaradan Soomaaliyadeed u-jeedkoodu wuxu ahaa in ay ka barbar-dagaalamaan Mucaaradka Xuutiyiinta anaguna taasi ka yeeli-meyno”Sidaa waxa yidhi sarkaal sare oo u hadlay ciidamada dowladda Yemen.


Si kastaba ha ahaatee, lama sheegin tirada dhalinyaradani Soomaaliyadeed ee la qab-qabtay balse waxaa la sheegay in ay lacag xoog leh ka soo qaateen kooxda mucaaradka ee Xuutiyiinta si ay uga dhinac dagaalamaan.


Arintani ayaa walaac ku abuurtay Hay’adaha amaanka iyo Dawlada Yemen, oo ay ku noqotay mid aysan malaysaneyn in loo adeegsado Qaxootiga Soomaaliyeed ee ay marti galiyeen, waxaana Dawladda Yemen ay haatan sameyneysaa baaritaano xoogan oo ku aadan arintaasi.

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Cali Cadullah Salix always blames Somalis for all the ills of his country. He did the same when the South (Yemen) were trying to break away. He said it was a bunch of Somalis and Indians who were behind all the trouble.

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Originally posted by Fabregas_Bruv:

Maybe Abdullahi yusuf is behind the rebels.kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk

To Fabby:


Have you been drinking or chewing khat? Are you delusional? Are you presently taking any prescription or non-prescription medications? Are you hearing "voices" in your head? Are you feeling depressed or perhaps suicidal?


I pride myself on providing proper education to the assorted dumb animals I keep in my private zoo(also known as the Politics Section of SOL), and your present mental state concerns me greatly...If you don't come around quickly, I'll be forced to put you down - I won't have Mad Hate Cabdulahitis Disease infecting and ravaging the rest of my livestock.


The first sign of foam frothing at the corners of your cud chewing mouth and it will be a quick b1tchslap to the back of the head for you.


You've been forewarned!


Resume grazing peacefully...

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Everywhere they go they start trouble. They are as wretched as a plague of rats. 60% of them in America are on the poverty line and 80% are sucking the British dry with welfare dependancy.

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Originally posted by Mr. Somalia:

quote:Originally posted by Fabregas_Bruv:

Maybe Abdullahi yusuf is behind the rebels.kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk

To Fabby:


Have you been drinking or chewing
? Are you delusional? Are you presently taking any prescription or non-prescription medications? Are you hearing "voices" in your head? Are you feeling depressed or perhaps suicidal?


I pride myself on providing proper education to the assorted dumb animals I keep in my private zoo(also known as the Politics Section of SOL), and your present mental state concerns me greatly...If you don't come around quickly, I'll be forced to put you down - I won't have
Mad Hate Cabdulahitis Disease
infecting and ravaging the rest of my livestock.


The first sign of foam frothing at the corners of your cud chewing mouth and it will be a quick b1tchslap to the back of the head for you.


You've been forewarned!


Resume grazing peacefully...
all that xaartalk because I mentioned the old fellas name, eh?



Peacenow, surely you are not believing arab hearsay over your fellow somali negroes?

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hey walahi thats not a Britain forget 80% i think 95% of them are on some form of welfare. They make up the largest number of asylum seekers into the uk every year. They are all housed in government accomidation and this is one of the reasons why the population of england are so angry about migration.


Every country has an interest and that interest is that you contribute something to the greater system, i.e. become a tax payer. but forget taxes, Somali's i think are the biggest looters of government funds yearly.


in relations to yemen, the alhouthians, gained there name from there king who was overthrown, this group of people are shia's not the type that we know in iran but the another version on prozak. There aim is to re-establish the monarchy, as for D hailing from them...looooooooool ! thats almost laughable. D has no relation to these people what so ever, history shows contrary, he hailed from a cast of ethiopian peasentry that did routine manual labour in the southern part of yemen. they still exist and are known as jabartis.

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Ina Bucur bacayr adigoo habar xabuush ah yaad doonaysaa inaad wax ka sheegtid, dad kaa nasabsan. Taariikhda hadaanu dib ugu noqanoh, majiro odayga aad ku abtirsataan wiil uu dhalay oo aan ka ahayn gabar. Gabartaasna waxaa ureeyey nin Xabash ah oo Shiekha u shaqeyn jiray, marka firkiinu kaasuu kasoo jeedaa, kaasna Xabash buu ahaa. Daliilnah waxaa kuu ah, eega gacmihiina raadadka ku yaal oo watuu Sayid Maxamed idinkulahaa...


Inaad adoontii Muqlaad aad tihiin, eega gacmihiina! :D

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LOOOL wallahi waan qoslay. Eega gacmihiina aahha. Shall we post what the Zayid AUN said in regards to Mr. Buntland and ilk. Naah!

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