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Originally posted by -MARX-:

No! I am not saying that there is an invisible wall stopping people of Sool,Sanaag, and Buhoodle from culturaly, politically, economically, linguistically, and maritally integrating with the rest of Somalia. It just so happens that these same people are have more in common with the people of Somaliland. The point I was making was that Sool,Sanaag, and Buhoodle should not be annexed from Somaliland on the grounds of common clan membership. For many people, clan is a not a defining feature of their identity. Its a contributing factor. However you and I and the rest of SOL knew that those who claim that Sool,Sanaag, and Buhoodle are under occupation are using historical irredentist overtones to justify these regions annexation from Somaliland.


Can you also tell my brother, sisters and cousins and entire family that they are not part of Puntland. Who continuely indoctrinate people of Sool,Sanaag, and Buhoodle despite centuries of historical connection with the Somaliland people by advocating that they should leave them to join their clans peoples on Eastern Somalia.

You are insulting the intellegence of reer Sool, Sanaag, and Buhoodle by making them seem they could be swayed one or another that easily and even worse, potraying them as people with no loyalty to their country. Sool, Sanaag and Buhoodle doesn't belong to Puntland. Puntland is Qabiil construct, temporary solution to otherwise choatic Somalia and so is Somaliland. The people and land of Sool, Sanaag, and Buhoodle belong to Somalia and Somalis, so is every Somali land!! Their argument for staying with the brethen has little to do Puntland's indocrination!


Your argument with "common" cultural heritage is rubbish, even Jb diehard secessionist says so

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Mr. Marx,

Originally posted by -MARX-:

Mansa Munsa,

The people of Sool and Sanag have accepted the mandate of the somaliland governemnt and for you to insinuate that Somaliland is sustaining its jurisdication by ''oppression by iron fist, while the indigenous people against is unattainable task my friend'' is nothing short of travesty. While some of the people of Sool and Sanag are of different clans to the mainstay of Somaliland diverse population, it shows lacking of understanding on your part that Sool and Sanag should be annexed to Puntland or Somalia on the grounds of their inhabitants common clan membership. I reiterate yet again that Somaliland is based on interest not irredentist clannish dogmas sxb.


The people of Sool and Sanag shared with the people of Somaliland a land, marriage lineage, cultural heritage, tradition, common customs, history, similar dialects, folkloric dances, upbringing, educational system and a colonial system. With the people of Puntland, they share a common clan lineage.

Identity is constructed, its not biological sxb. Cut the irredentist nonsense marka.

Mudane Mr. Marx,


Dhankaan ka hadlay waa kaa Marx dhaafay hadalkiiye. First, have you even given a second of thought beforehand what you put up there? I wonder, how dare you say that the people of SSC gave their mandate to Somaliland, proof/source, places signatories required to backup your claim.


Secondly, if few mercenaries who dwell in Hargeisa and happened to be from Sool, Sanag and Cayn can give the mandate of the people and the land of that magnitude from thin air, then your clan is also represented in Sheikh Sharif's government, more than your proportion so, we have nothing to argue to this end.


Thirdly, when you said we've a common accent, intermarriage, and so on, I must agree with the rest. It is just a rubbish. Hence, I've strong ties with your folks but that doesn’t mean I've to accept their clan hegemony. I will honor Xeer Soomaali as far as possible, but haddii lays galo legdini walaal ma taqaan.


Fourthly, would you please put your facts out in the open and why do you always inject Puntland into our discussion, last time I checked PL neither claims Buroa nor Hargeisa. It is a known fact, whatever PL is, it is a clan admin, and the people of SSC has their inalienable right to have whatever political association that they see their needs are better served, in both their own timing and choosing. Don't give them free consultation until they ask so. In the mean time, the wise thing to do is leaving those people alone so, they can either establish their own admin, allied with PL, Mogadishu or what have you.


Fifth, Mr. Marx who is campaigning irredentism here, me or you, the old Somali adage still holds to be true here “Hasha geela cunta ee cabaada” a simple question regarding to this: Why are your militia from Borama and Hargeisa occupying Las Anod and subjugating its people?, why wouldn't they stay in their own turf if coexistence and harmony among the communities is what they are really after, indeed your peoples' true colors have surfaced. Too bad how much secret can one hide this time and age.


Finally, smell the coffee my friend and be happy with what you have and remember it is not only the interest of SSC people to seek peace in this part of the country, peace is a highly valued commodity.

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The correct terms are Sool and Eastern Sanaag. Western Sanaag is not contested as it is resided by clans of burco and Hargeisa. This SSC thing has been never dying issue for as long as I can remember though Somaliland fully controls "SSC".

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