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Apostate bandits shoot, injure students, teachers and other unarmed civilians

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Israsaaseyn ay ku dhaawacmeen ku dhawaad 10 qof oo rayid ah oo maanta ciidamo ka wada tirsan dowladda KMG ku dhexmartay Magaalada Muqdisho


Israsaaseyn ay ku dhaawacmeen ku dhawaad 10 qof oo rayid ah oo maanta ciidamo ka wada tirsan dowladda KMG ku dhexmartay Xarunta Villa Baydhabo ee Magaalada Muqdisho.

Israsasaeyntaani oo u dhaxeysay ciidamada ka wada tirsan dowladda KMG ee Soomaaliya ayaa duhurnimadii maanta waxaa ay ka dhacday agagaarka xarunta Villa Baydhabo ee degmada Wadajir ee gobolka Banaadir.

Inta la ogyahay ku dhawaad 7 qof oo ay ku jireen macalimiin ayaa ku dhaawacantay israsaaseyntaasi u dhaxeysay ciidamada dowladda KMG waxaana la sheegay in ay timid kadib markii ciidamo ka tirsan dowladda ay dhac u geysteen qaar ka mid ah ardayda wax ka barata jaamacadaha iyo iskuulaadka kuyaala agagaarka isgoyska Zoobe ee Magaalada Muqdisho.

Mid ka mid ah dadka ku ganacsatada nawaaxiga Xarunta Villa Baydhabo ayaa Shabelle u sheegay in israsaseynta mudo kooban ay socotay islamarkaana ay saameysay dad rakaab ah oo sarnaa gaari Bl- ah oo ciidamadii dhibaatada geystay ay si qasab ah ku galeen,isagoo xusay in aan si dhab ah loo ogeyn qasaaraha dhabta ah ee ka dhashay iska horimaadkaasi.

Maalmihii u dambeeyay ayaa waxaa isasootarayay israsaseynta ciidamada dowladda KMG ku dhexmarta goobaha ay ku suganyihiin iyadoona qasaaraha ugu badan uu soo gaaro dadka rayidka, waxaana maalmihii ugu dambeeyay gudaha magaalada Muqdisho gaar ahaan goobaha ay gacanta ku heyso dowladda KMG ka dhacay dhowr israsaaseyn oo dhexmartay ciidamada dowladda KMG taasi oo sababtay qasaare soo gaaray ciidamadii dagaalamay iyo dad rayid ah.

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I mention their apostasy to clarify the Islamic ruling with regard to their condition and because it fits within the framework

of the current reality regarding these people, since this is one of their characteristic features.

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Originally posted by Shaakirullaah:

I mention their apostasy to clarify the Islamic ruling with regard to their condition

Maasha'allah yaa akhi, but could you please elaborate on "their condition." What is the condition of those who permit what Allah has forbidden and forbid what Allah has permitted? What should come of them? How should they be dealt with?

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If you are genuinely interested in the islamic rulings with regard to this issue, (which I rather doubt given some of your previous posts on this forum),

I'd like to refer you to a valuable and highly beneficial lecture by the amir of Harakat Al-Shabaab Al-Mujahideen,

Sheikh Mukhtaar 'Abdur-Rahmaan Abu Zubayr (hafidhahullaah), for a scholarly explanation of this extensive and multifaceted topic.

You can download it here.

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Originally posted by Raamsade:Yaa akhi, Shaakirullaah, why is it important to mention their apostasy?

It is nature of humans to find justification for killing others.


I have listened to Ina Godane's khudbad before-nothing more than an attempt to justify killing his fellow Somalis.

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Sheikh Mukhtaar 'Abdur-Rahmaan Abu Zubayr (hafidhahullaah), for a scholarly explanation of this extensive and multifaceted topic.

You can download it here.

Since when Ina Godane become an Islamic scholar?

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Originally posted by Che -Guevara:

quote:Originally posted by Raamsade:Yaa akhi, Shaakirullaah, why is it important to mention their apostasy?

It is nature of humans to find justification for killing others.


I have listened to Ina Godane's khudbad before-nothing more than an attempt to justify killing his fellow Somalis.
No, did Che just say those words? lool. How the "Mujahid" lovers are changing their tune by the day.


The march to Garowe has been called off I guess./ :D

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OK, let's get down to what this all is REALLY about.


There is NO WAY Al-Shabaab is going to remove the President from power. If it was to be done, it would have been done in May of last year. All momentum has been lost and you (Shaakirullaah & co.) know that very well.


It is equally unlikely that the government is going to take over Shabaab territory. So what we have is a stalemate. No one is winning, and only the innocent people caught in the middle are suffering.


Sounds to me like the perfect time to negotiate. You can cry "apostate" all you want, it isn't going to get you anywhere. Even in the unlikely event that you DO manage to take over Somalia and put it under the black flag, Ethiopia or perhaps even the US will bomb everything into the ground. So this never-ending war has no winners.


Stop being stubborn, and take advantage of your superior negotiating position (you hold the territory, you hold most of the cards). The government has said it will talk (and it has little choice anyway), now it's your turn to talk.


We all know that there are international interests for this war to continue, but it's a pity Somalis have to play into this scheme.

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Originally posted by General Duke:

No, did Che just say those words? lool. How the "Mujahid" lovers are changing their tune by the day.

I share their political goals but I don't agree with these silly


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What kind of perverse logic are you using to distinguish between their Goals and Methods?


Calling your doltish stance ridiculous is an understatement-- IMHO... It's like saying, "I'm all for the wearing of fur coats, yet I am opposed to animal cruelty".


Che, you knew from day one, the sanguinary zeal with which these deviant mongrels called Al Shabab pursued their objective--i.e, political dominance in Somalia-- yet you, my friend, have always approved their behavior and showed much enthusiastic devotion to this vile cause. In fact, you tireless worked on its furtherance and justification on these here SOL forums for so long.


You have always been a sympathizer of theirs and I think it's too little, too late now, for you to bail on them just yet, now that their so-called 'jihad' isn't going so well nowadays.

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^In country where people are inflicted with deep rooted tribalism, religion offered the only option that would unite men for common good and it gives young marauding men a purpose. As with any movement, there are and will be drawbacks. I obviously don't approve what is being to that old man but if you weigh against the peace being enjoyed the masses in the south, I say it's with worth it.


You might disagree with Al-Shabaab's methods but they offer a better chance for Somalia to be at peace then say Sharif, Faroole, and Riyaale.Obviously, you don't buy that but I would like to know what are alternatives?

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