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Breaking News: Fighting closer to Villa Somalia + 100 injured, 30-50 dead

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Your Propaganda of ''close to Villa Somalia'' has been busted like Bagdad Bob's propaganda of ''There is no US tanks inside Bagdad'' LOL


Ever since you have let your emotions (bitterness) take control of you, you have failed to present a credible Propaganda news round.

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Meiji iyo Duke maxaa kala haysta? War Meiji sxb I agree with you on many points but remember that those who you call M Society will never bring peace to that city alone until that society becomes Somali society. Until all Somali clans are involved in bringing peace to that city and no single clans put a sole claim to it will the guns finally be silenced.

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faahfaahino ka soo baxaysa khsaraarooyinka uu gesytay dagaalkii maanta ka dhacay Muqdisho

Posted to the MOL May 22, 2009, 11:17 am


Ilaayo haata010n inta la ogyahay in kabadan 37 qof ayaa ku geeriyootay dagaalkii maanta ka dhacay magaalada Muqdisho kaasoo ilaayo hada lamaqlayo xabadaha ay iswayddaarsanayaan labada dhinac.


dagaalka oo saaka ka bilowday jidka wadnaha ee suuqa bakaaraha ayaa ku fiday deegaano hor leh islamarkaana dhaliyey khasaarihii ugu badnaa ee soo gaata dadka rayidkaa ayadoo rasaastii ay iswaydaarsanayeen kooxaha dagaalamaya ay dad badani ku dhinteen , dagaalka ayaa la sheegay inay ciidamada dowladu ku qaadeen fariisimo ay fadhiyeen kooxaha kasoo horjeeda inkastoo mar dambe ay sheegtay dowladu inaysan qaadin balse lagu soo qaaday waxaana jirta in dagaaladii maanta ciidamada dowladu ku qabsadeen goobo ay haysteen mucaaradku inkastoo dib looga qabsaday.


waxaa sidoo kalle jira in masuuliyin ka mida dowladu intuusan dagaalku bilaaban ay sheegeen inay dhawaan ka sifayn doonaan kooxaha mucaaradka magaalada muqdisho gaar ahaan wasiirka gaashaandhiga ee dowlada soomaaliya ayaa ugu baaqay shacabka muqdisho inay samraan maalmo inta kooxahaasi ay ka sifaynayaan magaalada.

madaafiic farabadan iyo duqaymo aan loo meel dayin oo maanta ay gesyteen labada dhinac ayaa sababtay inay dad badani ku dhintaan waxaa jirtay in 7 qof ay isku mar meel qura kuwada dhinteen ka dib markii gaari Bl ah oo ay raaci lahaayeen uu ku dhacay madfac ay soo rideen dhinacyada ku hardamaya magaalada muqdisho waxaa sidoo kalle lasoo sheegayaa inay magaalada ka bilaabatay qax iyo barakac baahsan ayadoo dadku lasheegay maanta inay dhoobnaayeen wadooyinka magaalada oo ay isku aamini waayeen xataa guryahooda.

magaalada muqisho oo dhowrkii bari oo ugu dambaysa yara xasiloonayd ayaa dad badani tani ay ku noqotay filanwaa maadaama ay ka rajo qabeen in magaaladu xasili doonto si kastaba ha ahaatee xabada ayaa hada yara qabowday ayadoo la maqlayo rasaas teelteel ah iyo madaafiic ay iswaydaarsanayaan labada dhinac waxayna isku hor fadhiyaan goobahay saaka ku dagaalameen gaar ahaan tarabuunka.



Rabiile Cabdikariin Gabanow Boosaaso

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Your Propaganda of ''close to Villa Somalia'' has been busted like Bagdad Bob's propaganda of ''There is no US tanks inside Bagdad'' LOL

Adeer how far is the fighting from Villa Somalia?

How far is the jidka wadnaha from Villa Somalia?


You are as weak as all the prediction you make. There is no Mogadishu society, now they are the displaced society because of the ego, pride and ignorance of your likes. :rolleyes:

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Xisbul Islaam Oo Sheegay Inay Qabsan Karaan Villa Somaliya.

22 May, 2009 02:41:00 Toronto t.

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Xasan Mahdi oo ah afhayeenka Xizbul-islam ayaa sheegay in dagaalada ay wadaan ay guulo la taaban karo kasoo hoyeen oo ay doonayaan in ay arimo siyaasadeed soo gabagabeeyaan ka hor inta aysan weerar ku qaadin Madaxtooyada Dawladda oo cid ka celinaysaa aysan jirin sida uu sheegay. "Waxaan madaxtooyada u gali la’anahay ama u qabsan la’anahay waa arimo siyaasadeed ee cidna nagama horjoogto waxayna noo jirta hal kilo Mitir” ayuu yiri Xasan Mahdi. Waxaa kaloo uu sheegay in dagaalku uusan joogsan doonin ilaa laga saarayo waddanka Ciidamada UMISOM ee kusoo duulay wadanka lana rido dowladda la dhoodhoobay, waa sida uu hadalka u dhigaye.


Ciidamada UMISOM ayaa waxaa ay u hayaan dawaladda howlo muhiim ah oo lagu xifdinayo amniga madaxtooyada, Airoporka iyo dakadda taasoo lafilaayo inay ku mitidi doonaan wax walba haday dhacaan oo ay ka difaaci doonaan xoogaga mucaaradka.

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Somalia: 45 people killed in single-day Mogadishu violence

23 May 23, 2009 - 6:15:24 PM


MOGADISHU, Somalia May 23 (Garowe Online) - The death toll from street battles in Somalia's war-torn capital Mogadishu has reached at least 45 deaths, with locals fearful of renewed clashes between government forces and insurgents, Radio Garowe reports.


Spokesmen for the government and the insurgents have declared conflicting statements on Mogadishu media, with a government military officer claiming government security forces "retreated from captured positions" as part of a military tactic.


"We have pushed back our [government] forces from captured positions…but that does not mean the war is over," said a military officer identified only as Col. Farhan.


He indicated that the Somali interim government was "intends to use force to expel the armed opposition" and to secure Mogadishu.


But a spokesman for the anti-government Hizbul Islam faction rejected the government's claim, telling reporters that Islamist rebels now "control new areas."


"We defeated the Djibouti Group [the government] and we are not ready for war but we were attacked and we defended ourselves," said Muse Arale, spokesman for Hizbul Islam.


Human and vehicle traffic resumed in parts of Mogadishu where at least 45 people were killed and 155 wounded in yesterday's armed clashes, described as the worst single day of violence since Sheikh Sharif Ahmed was elected Somali President at the conclusion of U.N.-sponsored peace talks in Djibouti last January.


The acting chairman of Mogadishu-based human rights group Elman, Mr. Ali "Fadhaa" Sheikh Yasin, told reporters Saturday that 234 people were killed or wounded during yesterday's fierce clashes.


"We have counted 53 deaths and 181 wounded persons, according to information collected from witnesses and hospitals," Mr. Ali Fadhaa.


He urged the warring sides to stop the violence, while declaring that "fighting among civilians is a war crime."


On Saturday afternoon, there were reports of bombardment as government forces and insurgents exchanged mortar shells in parts of Mogadishu, including explosions at Bakara Market.


Local radio stations reported three deaths and more than 10 wounded, although the reports could not be independently confirmed.


President Sheikh Sharif's interim government is the 15th attempt by the international community to restore national order since the outbreak of the Somali civil war in 1991.


Source: Garowe Online

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