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Goofka oo isdhiibay

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Since everybody uu isdhiibaayo these days, maxaa ka celinaayo if a webnews isdhiibo. Nothing.


The question is, though, what will they bring forth? Their old PCs? Their flashing digital cameras that used to capture every public moment of Qanyare?





"Kadib markii cabashooyin sida mowjadaha bada oo kale ah loo soo gaarsiiyey madaxa xafiiska wararka website-ka Dayniile ee Muqdisho C/shakuur Cilmi Xasan, uuna u gudbiyey cabashooyinkaasi milkiilaha website-ka Axmed Sheekh Cali (Kalaay) oo ku sugan Sweden, kuna wargeliyey in uu beri (Shaqo ku laheyn) ka yahay wararka ay magaalada Muqdisho ka soo dirto Maryan C/llaahi ee lagaga been sheegayo midowga maxaakiimta, laguna weerarayo qaar ka tirsan beelaha Soomaaliyeed, isla markaana haddii maamulka website-ku aanu wax ka qaban wararkaasi in madaxa xafiiska Muqdisho uu diyaar u yahay in uu joojiyo wararkii uu u soo diray jiray website-ka, maadaama wararka ku soo baxa magaca Maryan ay yihiin warar iska hor keen ah oo aan waxba ka jirin, isla markaana dhibaato u keenaya sumcadiisa.


Maamulka bogga ayaa la-tashi fara badan oo uu sameeyey & E-mailo uu ka helay aqristayaasha wuxuu go’aan ku gaaray in laga bilaabo maanta laga ceyriyo shaqadii ay website-ka u hayeen Maryan C/llaahi & Cabdi Xasan Gacal, wuxuuna maamulka sheegay in uu ka war-helay in Maryan C/llaahi & Cabdi Xasan Gacal ay lacago ka qaadan jireen shaqsiyaad diidanaa in magaalada Muqdisho ay hesho nabad & kala dambeyn, wuxuuna maamulka boggu sheegay in bogga Dayniile uu noqon doono mid ka nasahan warar aan xaqiiq aheyn & warar shaqsi ama beel gaar ah lagu weerarayo.


“Maamulka website-ka Dayniile wuxuu ka raaligelinayaa aqristayaasha sharafta leh in bogga Insha ALLAAH aan mar dambe lagu soo daabici doonin warar aan xaqiiqo aheyn†ayuu yiri maamulka.


Sii aqriso



Laakiin su'aasha kale waxee tahay goormuu awalba run sheegi jiray? Will they also apologize to others relentlessly ee mucaaradka ku ahayeen, including fabricating horrid stories about them?


Perhaps they are threatened. Or perhaps not. Or perhaps they completely realized Qanyare ain't going to get back in polical scene in the foreseeable future.

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Hilliarious Wallaahi! When, I saw that, I had to really laugh very hard!


They say that they have 'fired/sacked' the girl and the other guy called gacal!


Very funny indeed.

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Ba'a! Ari boowe maxaad tiri?


That would be even more hilliarious MMA! I can't wait for it to happen. Farayaamo would be surely handing in/over his laptop, so are the others!


But you've to remember, that aren't anti-courts!


They're in a different league to, who were the mouthpiece of Qanayare! Lol, I just wonder what would happen, if Qanyare reemerges from the 'dead', they will sure return then to Guulo Qanyarow!


They also lacked any kind of journalistic ethics like or was it .net?


War waa al-xamdulilaahi, hadda hadeeyna is dhiibeen cyperwarlordska Soomaaliya!


The funny thing, however in the report was, that the website did not switch its position due to threat from the courts, but due to the webmaster, who resides in Sweden, who said he's gonna hold his resources, if they didn't stop anti-courts 'propoganda' and badmouthing of the courts 'leaders' such as Indhacadde&co.


The other thing was, that said the girl and gacal were in recipient of money from anit-court groups, who urged them to promote 'anti-court hate propoganda', this is the most funny thing, I have ever heard!


When will realise, that Somalis ain't that daft, they like us to believe?


I guess never. Awalba mooriyaanta cyperspace bey ahayeen.


Laakiin hadda ayeeba cimaamad noo soo xirteen, walle aduuniyo xaalkaada ba'.

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Maamulka bogga ayaa la-tashi fara badan oo uu sameeyey & E-mailo uu ka helay aqristayaasha wuxuu go’aan ku gaaray in laga bilaabo maanta laga ceyriyo shaqadii ay website-ka u hayeen
Maryan C/llaahi & Cabdi Xasan Gacal
, wuxuuna maamulka sheegay in uu ka war-helay in Maryan C/llaahi & Cabdi Xasan Gacal ay lacago ka qaadan jireen shaqsiyaad diidanaa in magaalada Muqdisho ay hesho nabad & kala dambeyn, wuxuuna maamulka boggu sheegay in bogga Dayniile uu noqon doono mid ka nasahan warar aan xaqiiq aheyn & warar shaqsi ama beel gaar ah lagu weerarayo.

I dont think these charecters (maryan and Gacal) do exist at all.

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Very courageous of Dayniile to accept that they have printed misinformation about certain Somali groups. Instead of jeering them for taking this decision and assuming the worst of them, maybe other websites would take the same step; confess to their former misinformations. It is up to them whether they wish to invent inexisting individuals to lay blames with, so long as they promise not to print inaccurate and propaganda news. Kudos to Dayniile, it takes guts to confess.

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Was not long time ago when the dayniile webmester in sweden received hate emails and he published the emails. this man is sick and there is none like him.

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Nomads, please stop posting clan names on the forum. If you wish to take an article from another site, please make sure you edit out the clan names. There is no excuse whatsover.


Let us respect the rules of the site fadlan.

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