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I have secured three, so which one of you (som-sis-oline) would like to be the fourth

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Im assuming you mean you have three wives and you are in search for wife numero that case good Luck.

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I dont believe there is anything wrong with that, but kawaran haduu ilaahay kuuqoray in aad noqotit mid lagu afreeysto.



it is all balaaaaaaaaaa balaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

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Isn't it better if you wait and find someone worthy to be your forth wife and someone you fall inlove with? Asking us to be your forth isn't the way to go. So hun, I hope you find that women you searching for. Good-Luck!


.:peace n luv:.

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asalaamu alaykum,


There are plenty of widows in Somalia who could use a responsible man such as your self to take care of them and their children. I suggest you go down there and help a sistah out. InshaAllah you will be rewarded immensely for it.



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SomaLiaLover i didnt say nor did i impLy that there was anything wrong with it-so i dont know where you got that from.I wished you if you dont Like that than i wiLL take that back. :rolleyes:

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lucky nah don't take it back pass out the luck sweety lol. ;)icon_razz.gif


somalialover first wanna to say good luck findin mizz forth.. and my q is can u really handle all three that good that u lookin for one more?


i seriously have nothing against guy marrying 100 wifes if he wants. but it ain't gonna be only the 4 wives and u. there is gonna be kids in the story.. and do they find time for all of them? and do they love and treat them kids the same way? but good luck brother. wish u the best.. and i hope u don't die young(with headache) lol

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magoona and lucky thank you for giving me your opinion.


here where I live,having multiple wives is ok. seriousely, I can't even locate the first one so I just wanted to see your reaction. bye

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^^^^^Last time i checked poLygamy was not permitted in the USA-that is if you are residing in the states.



Mag-girL aight i wiLL try to.

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kool lucky u do dat my dear..



somalialover i see. so u was just seein how we would react huh.. kool well insha'allah u will locate the first one my dear and the other three soon hahahha lol :D

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Originally posted by Continental Batchelor:

What you need to do is to secure a few loose screws in your head before you try to secure a future habibti! :rolleyes:

Wow CB. Take it easy on the brother. If he wants to have multiple wifes, thats totaly understandable. Nothing wrong with that. And besides, its our dhaqan.

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