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So, ever been scared senseless?...felt that THIS was you about to meet the facE of god. But you lived to laugh about it?. Why not share your experiences? is mine. Oh's a true story, that happened to ME.


Anyhow we went to bed around 11 something but my sister and I just chatted and talked till like one in the morning. This would be a great time to give you a floor plan of our apartment aight?. When you come in the front door there is the lving room right in front you and you're standing near the dining area. To your left is the kitchen and a narrow hallway that leads to my mom's and brother's room (2 rooms) and their bathroom. I forget to mention that directly opposite the front door in the living room is our balcony (has a great view during the summer). So that covers the left side of the house. When you come in the front door to your right is the master bedroom with it's own bathroom. You guessed it, our ( my sister and i) bedroom. Note that there is the whole living room between us and my mom and brother o.k.?.

So to go on with my story; Eventually me and my sister fell asleep. We were both jerked awake at exactly 5:00 in the morning by glass smashing . You have to know that you can set a bomb off in my house and my sister WILL NOT GET UP. And so you know how bad it was, the smashing sound. We laid there for a couple of minutes holding our breaths expecting the worst. We figured that someone had smashed in our balcony and that our whole family was about to meet their ultimate demise. We expected our mother who is a very light sleeeper to get up, turn on all the lights and ask "who is it?". I tell ya my mother is fearless. 5 minutes and no mom, no noise..nothing. We decided it would be best if we got up and met our inturder instead of killing ourself with the wait before the killer could actually get to us. So my sister decides she's gonna get her weapons, which consisted of a hanger and her camera. I grab a cup full of pennies and pencils on our shelf.Lol..yeah yea..(I figured I'd throw it in his face and distract him for a min). I brave opening the door first but can't recall who stepped out and turned on the lights. We look around our living room and there is nothing there, no broken glass, no masked man. Nothing. We decided to explore further and go to my mom's room to find out why she isn't up. My poor mother is sleeping like a baby and so we wake her. We at this point are terrified. No, we were petrified!. My mom jerks awake and we hurry to check on my brother who is also sleeping like a baby and his window is in perfect condition. We go back to the living room and my mom grabs the phone. At this point my sister is so scared that she's about to pee in her baati. So we go back to our bedroom with my mom in tow and my sister opens our bathroom door. My mom goes directly to our window, but I'm standing right behind my sis as she opens the bathroom, however, I'm looking at my mother. My sister opens the door and says "oh my god" and takes a step back alomost stepping on me. You know about my active imagination right??, I didn't see what was in the bathroom but immediately start shrieking and run to my mother's side. I scream and scream and screammmmmmmmmmmmm I AM TERRIFIED.You just don't understand how terrified I was. My sister, goes into hysterics at my shreiking and tries to calm me down ,but she is shrieking too (taking her cue from me), I have reasons to believe that my shreiking scared her more than what was in the bathroom. My mom who I have never seen scared, starts screaming right along with me. I wish someone had taken our picutre right We finally shut up when nothing comes walking out of the bathroom. My sister, relieved at our quiteness finally says "it's our mirror". Somehow the screws holding the mirror to our bathroom wall had become undone and the mirror had fallen, smashing on to the sink then on to the floor. we can't figure out how the screws holding it broke, but we think maybe there was some sort of family dispute among the jinns occupying the place. My mother breaks out laughing and we all join in. We find our brother rock rigid in his bed eyes wide open. I'm telling you I have never been so scared in my life. Hell even after we prayed fajr we went back to sleep with the lights on and my brother decided he was gonna spend that time in our room.



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LOL petite, girl I couldn't stop laughing!!! You n' me are alike. Um, I can't think of an instance where I thought I was in grave danger.

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lol tamina. I's been a year since this incident happened and I crack up everytime I remember. I asked my sister why she screamed and she said "you should have seen the expression on your face..i thought YOU saw something I didn't" Hey..remember I was brave enough to suggest we go investigate AND i was the one who opened our bedroom door. Lol...I find solace in those two facts.

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lol petite


I am afraid i am a geesi geesi dhalay ;) the story happened to me many times lol.


There is this guy in baadiyo. He use to fake everything, and he use to cry in the mid of the night and say " war iga rida, libbaax baa iqaataye, helppp" lol. Most people got used to his jokes but one day, unfortunately libaax baa qaadey and he started crying for help and everyone thought, ye yeah..same old joke.

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jamaal, you are AFRAID that you are geesi geesi dhalay?. ironic. I've heard the story of the baadiya guy..but I heard it as "the lil boy who cried wolf".

What suprised me most is that NONE of our neighbors called the police or anything. I mean we was holleringggggggggggggggg. I remember in somalia, sometimes when we heard strange mom would simply open her bedroom windown and talk to the neighbors. And this neighbor of ours would get a BIG stick and come walking around to the front of the house. lol. And it was all very mom would just barely whisper out the window "war cabdi...war cabdiyoow"

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everyone just here to laugh huh?. That' o.k. at least half of my objective is met. Hard to believe I'm the only coward to be found in these parts. I am now..the self proclaimed, nomad village coward.I really need to move on..find a place with more people like

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I can understand the hanger, but what on earth did ur sister plan to do with the camera? Take the intruder's picture? :D


I've been scared witless on many occassions (yep, I'm a 1st-class fuleyad), but am only gonna share one story.


Usually I'm at the library until late on weekdays as I don't get much studying done at home. So on one occassion, I forgot myself and stayed until 11pm, which was quite late 4 me as it takes a while to travel from the Uni to my house.


To make a long story short, I was on the Tube on my way home, tired, bored and without my trusted personal stereo, when I spotted the only other passenger on the carriage....a normal-looking, middle-aged geezer. I didn't think anything of it, actually I wasn't thinking at all or I would hav legged it to another carriage....but my brain seems to automatically shutdown after dusk. :rolleyes:


Anyways, siduu ninku isaga fadhiyay ayuun buu bilaabay inuu kuraasida tumo :confused: ...then he started mumbling incoherently and pacing around the carriage....obviously not the actions of a sane individual. And only THEN did my brain start functioning! OOh! U should hav seen me, trying to make myself look smaller, staring at my feet and reciting every Surah I could remember, begging Allah to get me out of there in one piece!


Walaahi I've never been so scared in my life. I was sure my lifeless, mangled body would be found in some ditch come the next day.


Fortunately, we got to the next station b4 he reached my side of the carriage and I was off like bat out of hell! Alxamdullilaah.


Ilaahay baan u mahadnaqaa marwalbaan xasuusto that episode. Am a Paranoid freak nowadays tho. :rolleyes:

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