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SOLers your advise please!

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Red, you’re being kept emotionally hostage. My advice is to let her know you intentions clear, black and white, do not give her any hope and cut all communications with her. To be on the safe side, let a member of her family know, just in case, to keep an eye on her. She seems obsessive, 2nd wife an noqana ku laha, acudibillahi…


What is strange in this story is that you are in contact with this 2nd girl.


p.s. since when did you learn this level of Somali?


Koora Tunshee, can’t you make your avatr smaller? Is that even allowed?

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I'm surprised you are thinking of marrying both of them, specially when she seems so unstable to consider killing herself because some farah refused to marry her. She must be just pulling your leg or something.


What does your normal wife2be thinking about consider miid kaal before your wedding?? I think you have bigger worries than the American Sharici! :eek:


If you want a mad life, being emotionally blackmailed then marry them both. But you can imagine, she will be like, if you don't stay with me this week, I'm going to kill myself.

My advise is to direct her to the deen and leave her be, adgiuna don't complicate your own life out of guilty if you've not done anything to her. Inshallah via the deen, she will see logic and that the world is bigger than Red Sea. Uu ducee and leave her well alone.

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^^^^^As I howl myself up in here I’d need your help(just because I liked your advice above) and I know my words must come surprise to you, but I need your prayer. My manners are gentle and undiscerning, but I can’t help it any more. I wish I left these two girls alone. I don’t know what I have done nor failed to do. I sometimes wish that I never met these girls and never had to deal with the emotional whirl of wining two hearts at the same time. I find myself having easier time dealing with one at a time, but then these only last few minutes before I again find myself I wish I was with the other woman resting my palm under her fully breasted chest. I have hard time to believe that I’m really that naïve to let my emotion take turns between these women. Sometimes I suspect that my mind and my heart are not in sync. My mind is playing tricks and my heart is pulling me the other side. I still don’t know yet who I want to be with. I’m too heavy now to make any decision, but I guess your prayer will ease things for me. I know them that they are both faking to be in love with me just to afflict me with more indecision.I need a moment of silence and Prayer! J/K :D

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maxaa yeelay waxay igu tiri hadii aan iswayno oo iga tagtid waan Isdilayaa.

Red, this is easy to solve. The last time I heard someone say

" wey is dilayaan" was from a boy long ago.


He said it at the time to get me to change my mind about going out with him.


It didn't work, because I had a good friend who told me that this can't be real and no one is that crazy to take their life away for a date.


In any case, I followed her advise and told him go ahead and see what he will get out of taking his life.


When he realized that I wasn't going to fall for the act, he just cooled off.



In other words, call her bluff.


After all, you are not the one who is going to lose a life.


More importantly, how are you ever going to look at that girl in the eye? She will always be "tii oo jaceyl daraadeed iney isku disho rabtey". You can't respect someone who is that irrational.


No respect=no guur


PS:good luck


Psps:What is NG's take on the matter?? Red, bal please go to the great man.

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Nepth: Allah knows best, waa runtaa. Maxaad noo waydiinaysay markaa?

Lol, waad iga qoslisay walaahay.



Ma hal gabadh oo ku jecel baad la walwalaysaa. imagine hadii midii aad sheekaysataanba ku tiraahdo i guurso. dhibta na haystaadan ka warqabin.

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Heh@LayZie..fulay bad tahay.

Warya Red Sea, stop showing off, saaxib. TWO WOMEN? One is going to kill herself if you leave her?


Xaaaax, you're not supposed to add any sugar to this malab saaxib, it's too sweet already.

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Originally posted by NGONGE:

[ Xaaaax, you're not supposed to add any sugar to this malab saaxib, it's too sweet already. smile.gifsmile.gifsmile.gifsmile.gifsmile.gif

This made me laugh. Out loud

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Red sea


kolkaa ma SOL bay doob lagu roggo wixii 'is dili' joogaanbaa lagugu yidhi???????????//////////


Anyway, Yaa Muslin ah oo Gabadhaa islaanka ah asturaya here??


Serious. Don't worry. She won't kill herself. Just stop being nice to her. Make sure she doesn't get all she got from you in the past. It is hard to treat someone like that; but take comforted by the fact that you are doing that for her sake. I feel for the poor woman though.

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Why is everyone making out this woman to be a nut case,why not ask Red Sea[lugooyo .com] how he got this poor girl in such a state,despite his claims he hasnt done anything to make her love him to the extent she is contemplating suicide blah blah..No one just falls in love,am sure Red Sea had done his share of promises,seductions and all the BS men tend to throw at women..


I see this girl as a victim,a countless victim of Somali men lies and deception..Heh


Red Sea,unless this woman is a complete nutter even so you must have given her some indication you were interested in her plus more! Now you want to act as the victim? You want us to feel you..oh please! :rolleyes:


I trully feel sorry for the poor soul aa lugoysee..


ps..Oh,I was meant to give advice not rant,but what the heck! Now,stay away from her,you have done enough already.. smile.gif

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^^^Malika you cannot be serious :eek:


Lol That is conforming to the stereotypical view of women are led around by men with all the lies and bullishid. Where is her caqli iyaad. Waa stupidnimo on all account regardless of what promises or seductions he run on her. The point is haada maaraabo, so she needs to take a hike and stop making more of an ***** of herself.


Unless she is unbalance I really have no sympathy for her. I mean how could she treat herself like that and lower herself to such desperate level for a guy. There are billion men on this god given earth :mad:

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Unless she is unbalance I really have no sympathy for her. I mean how could she treat herself like that and lower herself to such desperate level for a guy. There are billion men on this god given earth

Clearly,You have not met nin kuwaalo oo ku jah wareeriyo. You would not have had this bravado and god knows whatelse smile.gif


Redsea,I am not one to give advice on issues relating to(choosing)girls. I have wanted it all for a while, i still do. If i were to give you any advice, it will be: "Dont play with people's hearts" smile.gif

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^^^I promise you, miidaan ii raabiin, regardless of my feelings, iskumaan tuuren. Nor would he be on a forum asking people yaa taan iga furfura! :D Waax kaal ee sheek, but not this. smile.gif

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Red Sea, I'd love to help but since you asked your question in af-soomaali, I don't really know what you're asking.


From what I've gathered, you have this problem: You're about to get married, but another girl is threatening to kill herself if you don't marry her instead, and now you're thinking of marrying them both. Please correct me if I'm wrong.


But if this is the case, then I would give you the same advice Layzie gave you:call her bluff. The only people who would kill themselves over a man or woman are those who are wax waalantahay or at the least have serious mental issues and you don't want to marry someone like that. Regardless, it's not your problem if she kills herself, she's just making an excuse to shift the blame for her problems on someone else. Even Allah SWT says in the Qur'an that we are all responsible for our own lives, not others. So don't let her try to lay the guilt trip on you.

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I have tried that already. Not gonna work.


Loool@Nephys...thanks for your good advice. I think you said it. This is emotional blackmailing. Nothing much. I too know she won't commit suicide.




Ibtisam. smile.gif Thanks.



you got it.




Victim? I am not playing no victim here so take it easy. I am very compassianate person to all people. Yes this girl has no interests in my looks (am not claiming to be good looking guy or anything) nor anything else, simply she fell for my good personality, that is my strength that everyone that knows me agrees with. However I have not sweet- talked to her or promised her marriage and haven't gotten intimate with her. This is an odd case, that is why I presented to you. It's an odd case that I can't find any solutions to.


She even told her whole family that we were getting married, although I swear I didnt' say or mention that to her. She told her mom and all her friends. That is not normal walal. That being said, she is not crazy or mentally insane, but she is simply looking to advance her personal wants on me, and I cannot except that. I want to be able to choose who I want to. That is a right that each and every human should have.


The only problem is how can I get over this without her suffering for another human being. I have already told her that there are many more men that alot better than I am and thus she should seek other men that would be interested in relationship with her. But just I am not into her, because I have already made other promises which I will not opt out of just because someone else is dying for me.




she has all that a woman could have, beauty, brains and everything. And yes the other girl and I have everything set up Insha Allah and I don't want any distractions right now. That is why I am complaining alot about this one here. smile.gif

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