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Hamas announces ceasefire in Gaza

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^lol, was that before or after you took off like flight 404?


In any case, Ngonge aan sugeynaa, asaga ayaa warka noo cadeynaayo oo noo sheegaayo farsamada debate-ka loo qabto, until then, you can think whatever you like. :D

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Originally posted by LayZie G.:

Ibti, how do you feel about the sudden "unexpected" ceasefire?

Well I don’t think it is sudden at all, they’ve been talking for almost 2weeks, Hamas has completely run out of rockets to fire and its access points cut off. Israel in the process lost the last pretence of why they were continuing the bombardment, not to mention public opinion even within Israel was starting to shift from strong unconditional support to reluctance and leaning towards withdrawal, this included some political and military figures who felt that they have reached their goals.

As an advocate for peace and part of ineffective social movement(not your fault by any account), that is far from being ideal, don't you think it would have been better for ceasefire to take place prior to the ground invasion?

I mean if we could reason and wish for what we wanted, then I would rather there was no military operation, failing that then a ceasefire before the ground invasion would’ve been the second best option. Now were left with the product of an option. The Israeli pull out will be slow and taken few more life’s in its awake, if they take longer than a week, Hamas would’ve had time to get a few more rockets and there is always the risk it can start all over again (that is if we assume the rockets are the reason)


I just want to pick your brain because I want to find out what your views are politically as a movement?

I don’t speak for a movement to be honest, I’m just an individual trying to do what I think is right. Other than minimize the humanitarian crisis and the civilian deaths, I don’t think there is much on the politics side that can be done by any movement. Most people understand that this is just a ceasefire till the next invasion, because the root problems still exist and have not been address. Till they are there won’t be a final ceasefire, everything is on temporary measures, and people’s live remain in jeopardy.

I know where you stand as far as advocating for peace, calling out injustice everywhere etc but I want to know your political views regarding this on/off ceasefire that always comes in the expense of thousands of innocent human lives.

My answer is the same as the above one, any ceasefire that is agreed now is short term and unless it is used as the basis for long term agreement will become ineffective, particularly as Israel continues to blockade the Palestine population keeping them in virtual prison, there would be several uprising which would take a few more thousand lives with it each time.

Don't you think that you should be picketting fence's on behalf of the palestinian people by condemning the hamas group who are just as much to blame as the yahuuda??

According to the Israel’s any male over the age of 16 in Gaza belongs to Hamas, who do you want me to condemn? Hamas is a reaction, an organization created as a direct result of Israeli oppression, Palestinians will forever be attracted to organizations like Hamas because they express the general sentiment the Gazans feel. If they were so extreme, so evil, no one would join them, nor would they have come to power. They were democratically elected by the people, regardless of whether I, or you or the west or even the whole Arab world condemns Hamas, the people who elected them continue to support them. So it would not be picketing on behalf of Palestinians, it would demonizing them and saying I KNOW better who you should chose, and I am going patronize you by condemning your choice.

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Watch this video that calls to attention the undeniable excessive force that Israeli uses against Palestinian public.This video clearly drops out the bottom of every injustice that Israeli attacks are inflicting with the Palestinians.With this kind of attack nothing can justify their execssive force.This man tragedy is the very symbol of how this war is inhuman.As a thinking, conscious people would realze that this is wrong....these only confirms that Some Israeli exist to deny the truth, but as human beings you will always find few good natured folks like the above journalist..This was a great journalist!



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