
Forcefully taking Kismaayo, mad?

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Yes, seriously.  Would it be mad to break the current impasse?  Just the city. 

And then alienate current Garoowe administration plus political pressure like ton of bricks. 

I mean, if the carrot isn't working why do the same thing and expect a different result?  Madness, isn't it? 


Time to be bold. 

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4 hours ago, Dhagax-Tuur said:

Yes, seriously.  Would it be mad to break the current impasse?  Just the city. 

And then alienate current Garoowe administration plus political pressure like ton of bricks. 

I mean, if the carrot isn't working why do the same thing and expect a different result?  Madness, isn't it? 


Time to be bold. 

It can be done, but not the best interest of the country at this moment. Cadowga Soomaaliya iyo jaajuusintooda dabadhilifka ah badan ayaa fursad helaayo.

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This matter concerns to the next government, farmaajo failed tremendously for his Beesha he didn't act during his 4 legal years so why now after his term ended?

And also so long Kenya stays in Somalia nothing will change in kismaayo.

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Hahaha @Cabudwaaq refugees. Who's going to defend Kismaayo against well trained, well equipped Somali forces? You and the Kenyan forces? 


Come off it, man. You know Kenyan troops and what they're like in fire fight. 

Say what you like about the Somali but when it comes to kicking a$$ in fire fight, we're the best in the region.  Not that I'm advocating for war though.  But sometimes, rare though it is, it might just be necessary.  

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1 hour ago, Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar said:

It can be done, but not the best interest of the country at this moment. Cadowga Soomaaliya iyo jaajuusintooda dabadhilifka ah badan ayaa fursad helaayo.

I understand brother but if it's done surgically and war gamed in advance plus the tacit consent and backing of the Turks, it'll be done in few days.  There, no more Madoobe issue. Another Somali of the same tribe (OG) will be installed. Then all of Juballand will be brought together.  Case closed. 

As for Mr. DENI, he will be isolated and made to come crawling and begging.  


No more carrot.  Time for the stick. 


For the greater good. 

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I think once they're detached, all if them traitors should be either imprisoned or shot for treason. 

They should be made an example for traitors to come. 

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An attact at this jjuntcture is a bad idea.  But eventually these states within a state need to be dealt and an actuall federalism introduced.

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It should be done with one way or another. Make deal with him to make the election or eliminate him for good. 

The elimination of Madoobe could close the chapter of southern Somalia civil war.. We all know he is unrepentant warlord. Why a warlord ruling central regions of Somalia in 2021?.

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With All these war mongers who needs peace. Imagine these people with real power 😂😂😂😂.

I don't know you guys are dumb or you don't read but we have been through war because of a man called Siyad Barre who thought he could rule Somalia with the barrel of the gun and it did not work for him and it will never work for you.

But good to know we have warlord Dhagaxtuur, Warlord Che Gueverra, Warlord Galbedi and warlord Miskin. History will put you in same bracket as the former warlords that destroyed our country.

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3 hours ago, Mastermind said:

because of a man called Siyad Barre

It has been 30 years, when are Somalis going this chapter to bed? If we rubber stamp every intention to rid this country of jackals and traitors as Barre-sque, then we will not move an inch. 

Rather than name calling, look at the intention. This surgical removal of Madoobe and Deni (tumors) is D block on D block, so there is no worry of wider conflict if it's conducted a la Ethiopia (on Tigray).  And remember, once they realise militarily they cannot either defend or defeat well spirited, equipped Somali forces, I guarantee you, they will either run or give in. They don't have popular support to speak of.

You have to understand that peace is always the best option but that's not always the case. If your very existence as people with dignity is on the line, one must take any possible means to that end. 

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Dhagaxtuur... maxaa tiri? A surgical removal huh? 😂😂😂

KOW KOW KOW... ii wad sheekada!

HADANA ii wad sheekada 

MISA NA ...ii wad sheekada, wey igu socotayee 

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3 hours ago, galbeedi said:


Sheekadan iyo arintan kore xagey iska qabsanayaan. Ma fahmin.

wuxuu ula jeedaa baan filayaa, adeeradii yuu super power u haystaa, markuu daawaday ayagoo la jooga kenya iyo midawga musharixiinta.

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8 hours ago, Tillamook said:

KOW KOW KOW... ii wad sheekada

Whatever it takes for a strong unified Somali state that has the ability to safeguard territorial integrity of the republic and peaceful coexistence of all of her citizens.  Not too much to ask, is it? 

If it takes controlled violence with predefined goals and strategies to achieve that, I'm okay with it. 

It's the end that justifies the means.

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