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Girls and Education

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A bit of a dilemma for me. Especially considering that in the countries we live in Educational institutions are a place where different genders mix and socialise together.


In an ideally world muslim girls would be educated separately from the male counterparts. They would have female staff and teachers all around their school.


I also can't see the point of girls going into further or higher education after they finish secondary or high school. What's the point anyway.


Yes we need educated mothers, women and girls but that does not mean that every women is obliged to go to university especially if she is going to sit in a lecture hall/theathre with men who she isn't related too.


Girls should be educated but not beyond high school and in some cases primary/elemtary school. We already got enough female doctors and the qoute is full so why do we need girls going into further education if they could do something more constructive like producting new babies.


We need to educate girls for their real future job which is to become a caring mother and a lovey housewife.


Why don't we start to educate them in something really useful and which will benefit them in the future.


Home econmics or the art of how to please their husband's and children should be made obligatory for all girls to take as a major or core subject because it will greatly benefit them.


Some of you might think it is not rocket science to know how to care for husbands and children but frankly it's really science which certainly everyone isn't equipped to learn or understand.


Girls should be taught in home economics how to cook delicious and tasty food, how to care for small children etc.


For example girls should be involved in role-plays like scenarios how to treat a tired husband who just came back from a stressful day at work.


Girls should be taught to prepare everything before the men comes home and when he finally arrives she should great him with a smile, a hug and a kiss. After that she should bring him a chair to sit for him in order to take off his shoes. Then she should bring him his slippers or home-shoes to wear for him prepare his towel so that he can have a bath or a shower whatever he desires ofcourse the bath is spotless clean and earlier cleansed by the wife.


Then she should prepare his meal/dinner to eat for him after that she should wash up the dishes and if he attempts to clean the bathroom she should smile at him and say "I'll take care of this love".


Then she should ask the children to go to their bedrooms so that their dad can watch TV and some soccer. Ofcourse the wife should bring him some refreshments for him to enjoy whilst he is watching his game of soccer.


After the game she should give him a gentle foot message.


End of story!


This is how thinks should be why do girls want to waste time for something they won't need anyway because anyhow she will end up as a housewife.


Therefore we need to educate our girls in the science of cleaning, washing, cooking, caring and the art of how to please their husbands.


Your views are very much appreciated.

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Dear sheltered Guy,


Clearly you have lived an extremely sheltered life and have never had to lift a finger to help yourself or wipe your own &*$#@. Did the society you grew up in do that for you? do you still live at home, or how are you managing that now? I'm very interested to hear.


There are great benefits of women's education. One, for exposure to other people to know that jerks like you exist and to have education to know what to do about it-- I think physiology would be a good example. Women having education will know about body parts and where in particular to kick you for the utmost pain accrued.


If you want to have a dumb pregnant wife you can't use the measuring cup to make you dinner (another benefit of education) you'll just have dumb kids who don't know anything either. Education is a social and moral obligation to the world at large and I'm sorry that you've never come out from under your rock to experience it.You don't have to stay home to be a good husband or wife.Dude what are the chances that you live in the medieval era? Your bigotry towards women is highly intolerated.


PS am in a bad mood today!

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Your views are very much appreciated

My view is that you need to grow up and start changing your own diapers. Your shidh is gettin to those around you.


You don’t appreciate this view, I hear? :D

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*Holds her nose*


Oh dear, that's a killer wiff.


Girls and education...blah blah blah. Frankly no one cares what any geel-jire thinks. Our mums were educated, we are educated and our daughters will be educated. :rolleyes:



*Waves @ STOIC: Hi!*

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lol @ 'shidh' love that word


"In an ideally world muslim girls would be educated separately from the male counterparts. They would have female staff and teachers all around their school."


^^i agree


"Girls should be educated but not beyond high school and in some cases primary/elemtary school."




"Girls should be taught to prepare everything before the men comes home and when he finally arrives she should great him with a smile, a hug and a kiss. After that she should bring him a chair to sit for him in order to take off his shoes. Then she should bring him his slippers or home-shoes to wear for him prepare his towel so that he can have a bath or a shower whatever he desires ofcourse the bath is spotless clean and earlier cleansed by the wife."


^^lol thats not a wife, you're describing a slave


if thats how all somali men think, i'd be ashamed to be one.

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Ladies don't even dignify this drivel with a response. The idea of peace on SOL irked the boy so badly he decided to bait the ladies. Is that the best you got Yoonis?


The boy is trying to cause division among SOL members.Yoonis, are you trying to steal Nur's role while he's on sabaatical? How un-boyish of you.


U sure made me laugh. :D:D Can I nominate you for the trash talker of the year? Springer watch your back!!

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plzzzzzzz tell me you are kidding? am almost waiting for the " haha i got you line" but me getting angry for i dont see that line in here. searching....searching.....searching, nope i dont see it. so here comes my explosion!


first and foremost How could your head contain such dinosour idea, doesnt it hurt? didnt you even pick up some bystander knowledge from the places you been?(calm dooooown, breatheee, wummmbaaaa).

back to da topic, so YOU dont beleive women should get higher education because they should be doing more

more productive work like babies?

by more productive you mean cooking, cleaning and slaving for your ******. why? do you miss the days of slavery, the days your sister had to miss school because she had to do your loundry Oh! cuz your education was so assential?

second have you been living on planet earth? dont you know women make the world go round? you said we have enough women doctors, have you been to somalia? atheer waad hurudaa. wake up and smell the coffee.


i mean i want to be as fair as i can be but seriously it is as confusing as explaining to a 4year old child why stealing a cookie is a moral assoult!

women are out of the house, they'll elbow you in every profession possible, and what is more they will be far better at it than you, so my solution for your little insecure self? Get over it, and Get used to it cuz we are here to reach the sky!


Get Up! Up Even the best fall down sometimes

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What a response!


Thanks for all those of you who have replied.


However I would like to point to something you entirely missed that is that I'am not against women education.


I want women to get educated but in the things they really need in life. Educate women in home economics instead of educating them in something they won't need anyway.


Yes to women education but not beyond secondary school.


Teach them all the core subjects at secondary school but after that they should be married off at a young age in order to produce more babies for the nation. Numbers are strength.


Or alternativly we could start education younger like if a girl wants to go to University she could do so when she's 10 and graduate when she is 14 but she had to start primary school at the age of two.

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Mr Yoonis_Cadue


If you had your way, then you would only be having this debate with the male counter parts. Since the woman you describe will deem above her role to voice an opinion, I say that you would fit in well with the Saudi royals.


Where do you get this theory of limiting our education to home economics, what is the point surely there is the housekeeper, nanny and plentiful of restaurants to cater for those duties.


I have news for you mister, women can achieve much more than the opposite sex, tyrants like you are insecure and arrogant. Have you ever contemplated what the world would be like with only female presidents and leaders, a totally more peaceful and exciting place.


I wonder what your reaction will be when the future president of Somali is none other than a highly educated female with a mind of her own.


A man who dictates separates himself from others.

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I think i have a way to solve the main problems with regard to educating and mixing.


You see, since the only need for interaction between men and woman in reality is really only the need to procreate, we could easily completely segragate them and employ eunuchs with a 'turkey-baster' to carry sperm across the men-woman border when needed.


This would completely solve the all the problems. there would no longer be any need disturb the modesty of our sisters while bringing them the adequate level of protection and freedom that they require and sadly lack in this our morally corrupt and decedent modern society.

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I wonder what your reaction will be when the future president of Somali is none other than a highly educated female with a mind of her own.

Can't happen, won't happen. In the case of it happening 0.5% I would emigrate surely I don't want disaster to befall me.


Look all the places that have female prez have suffered natural disasters if it wasn't for women prez the Tsunami would have been much milder. It destroyed an area where there is a high consideration of female presidents.

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Pharax, I have a dislike for feet.


Faarax, Neanderthal, different look, same whiff . U get?


YC, u the same bloke flaunting a good IQ? Ma bowwow baa cunay since?

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