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Ms DD :eek: :eek:


They say everyone has a price. I'm still looking for mine. I don't think it is true though.

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Of course he has ulterior motives. It sounds like he likes you. However, accepting his gift does not mean you like him back. It only means that you appreciate the complement. He will still have to declare his interest in a more explicit way (by then you may have changed your mind about him). Still, if you don’t like him (in that way) you are sure to tell him without feeling guilty about the gift. I mean, come on, when was the last time you met someone who got married to someone else (or went out on a date with them) because they felt guilty about a gift?


Life is simple. If the whole thought does not digust you, accept the gift.

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^^^ Ibti Someone bought you - you just don't know yet..


Am finding hard to follow the convo here...too quick for my insomniac eyes...


DD...perfume, dirac and a watch...waa saan sheegay waa nacasee kabta la dhac....caku waxaas oo kale



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^LOL..go sleep,its just 2pm here and folks are over active..


Ms DD,what sort of a gift was it,before we go further with this.. ;)

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^^^She already told us that lady! Keep up.


LOZ lol, I don't think so. icon_razz.gif


Lool Ngonge, it is impossible not to feel guilty. But why would you put yourself in that place.


Erm I know people who went out people for months coz they felt gulity redface.gif


Ms I agree with LOZ. Kick him silly. Those are personal things you should not get from a stranger.

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Ms DD   

Unless things changed, most blokes (specially somalis) mistake smile for the 'come on'.

Imagine accepting gift?



What does dirac say to you? I am lost on that one.



U telling me that an arab and somali man is thinking the way you do? Tanna waa dhineed.



Feeling guilty is something that is in us unless we are something else. I remember one my friends inviting all 5 friends to a dinner date with a bloke. Poor man pays for the dinner and film and then drops everyone off.

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Ms DD,

I assumed you were dealing with a reer magal. He showed his interest with gifts, and simple ones at that. If I knew you, I'd buy that stuff (depending on the occassion) without batting an eyelid. It's only a couple of diracs and perfume (now if it were dahab). Still, the polite thing to do is to accept the gifts whilst making sure that he understands they will not sway you in anyway. That's the reer magal way. But, of course, you can always go the chinese way and lose yourself a nice friend. :D

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A man who buys you a dirac and is not in a relationship with you, clearly he didn't think through and he is not intending to win your heart unless he is thinks dirac wins you over and if that is the case as I said he is *****. On the other hand, a dude who buys you a gift you really need (day to day stuff) he wants you to think about him in a subliminal way.

Hope you got it eh! :D



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Ms DD,kulaha if you smile at them they assume you digging them..Lol,that is funny!


I am with Ngonge,just enjoy the attention/gifts and as a grown up woman you know when to draw the line.. ;)

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Ms DD   

Originally posted by Malika:



Ms DD,kulaha if you smile at them they assume you digging them..Lol,that is funny!


I am with Ngonge,just enjoy the attention/gifts and as a grown up woman you know when to draw the line..

That could be a problem lool


cheers everyone.

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Of all the list of gifts he can present how can he buy dirac? Kaas waa saqajaan! barinna ka.....buu soo iibin doonaa! MS DD- amaanka iigu dadaal dheh isagiyo diraciisa xun ee 'kaneebo'da ah!

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