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Gediid waraa ka daa hee adiga..bajaqdaan gabasaaraha wee kugu soo tuurtay already.. rajasiin iyo sootaano iyo matanti in lagugu soo tuuro maa rabtaa lol... " Waan gartey Gediid. This why I think you're cool... runtaad iska sheegtaa." lol.. abooto dhacnay iisha ilbuunee.. Sen' wax la har


Wareer Badanaa!!!

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Angry K, Somalilanders'na maad ku dartey? I must not have been paying attention but their involvement in the southern skirmishes is lost in me. Help a sist and explain.


Preferably no sarcasm.

lol@preferably. No problem. First off, there's nothing called 'southern skirmishes'. We're all in this together. From Waqooyi to Koonfur, Galbeeed to Bari. Anytime a dhabo-dhilif bites the dust or a Tigray soldier gets got, thats a victory for the entirety of Somalia.


Tan labaad(and here's where ur confusion lies), The #1 rule in understanding Somali politics: Dhabo-dhilifs do not represent their reigons/clans. The noble shacab(not the dhabo-dhilif admin, mind you) of the Waqooyi provinces have not only welcomed the refuges fleeing the genocide and oppresion in the South and provided them with home & hearth, but they have and are taking an active part in the Liberation of Somalia. Need I remind you of the thoroughbreds that left from Burco for the battlegrounds of Idaale and Diinsoor last December.


Represented in the ranks of the Muqaawama, from the soldiers to the leadership, are thoroughbreds who hail from every tuulo and every jufo united in the truest brotherhood ever known to mankind. They are closer and more loyal to each other and to the principles and vision that binds them than they are to their own family members(some who are traitorous dhabo-dhilifs).


A New Somalia is in the making, one that eschews artifical geographical boundaries and pathetic clan loyalty, to the forces of united Ideas & Vision: A Pan-Islamic, Pan-Somali Somalia. Brief example: When the wadaads of Hargeisa, many of them born and bred there all their life, were being tortured by Riyaale, Inc to appease the Ethiopians, who were the only people to speak up on their behalf ? Hint: It wasn't their Tol(the Tol will always fail you) nor was it any member of the 'democratic' government(MPs were probably scared shitless). It was none other than the noble Knights of the Islamic Courts who threatened to march on Hargeisa and free their brothers.


Witness, yaa Serenity, the true testament of Walaal-tinimo, Gobo-nimo, and nationhood. When the Resistance strikes, they do so for every Somali man, women, and child. Their hearts are clean from the pent-up cuqdad and hate(on display here on SOL if u've noticed) based on anaka vs. ayaga.


Neither JB nor Riyaale or any other shoe-carrier for the Xabashis represent their reigons. So to conclude a) We're all connected indivisbly as Somali Muslims and b) An attack on a dhabo-dhilif is just attack on a dhabo-dhilif. Any attempt to extrapolate further(why attack Somalilanders, etc) simply shows either naiveness or confusion.

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^^^Somalinimo iyo muslinimo waxa isku keeney ayaan la yaabey.Islam is strongly opposed to nationalism and trying to equate one with the other is simply put haram.

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^^You are missing Kashafa’s point. And that’s so unusual of you yaa Gediid.


To put it differently, and to make it more philosophical too, nationalism when dyed with Islam is a wonderful concept. What it essentially means is that Muslim lands belongs to Muslims...united.


The model that exists today in Arabia where every few tribes erected their own little emirate with an economy based on oil gives the wrong perception of Muslims being vulnerable to fragmentation and division.

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U sheeg, atheer. Kashafa is an old soul trapped in the body of a rightfully angry young man. Not only does he understand the big picture, he can articulate it very well with stinging humor and sharp sarcasm.


Oh, and just in case you missed it:



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No I dont think I misunderstood Kashafa but then adaa point fiican raise gareyey.The idea of nationalism within the Islamic realm is non existant.Islam is a universal concept that transcends race and borders.Using Islam to camouflage the civil strife among Somalis is I think is at best inane.

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Guys, this one sided self-righteousness whether neatly masked under Islam or Somalinimo or qabiil is just that, one side of the story.


I'm not buying into it.

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Haye, tee waaye tan Adisababa 'ninkeyga' waaye sponsor kugu soo diri doonto? Mid ilma'adeertaada ah? Mise mid kale loo taabtay kistoo $$?


Ar amaa ku qarxinaa inay mid hore kuu joogto in Waqooyi, oo aad mar hore ka dhashay shan.


Waqtigaan iyo dibad imoow iyo isdhiibid rafaad ahaa. Eniweey, hakuu suurowdo and should it happen successfully, here is an early welkam to qaxootinimo.

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Ilaahayow qaxootinimo ha nagu celin .....


Waar niyow i said waan soo noqonayaa Insha Allah in a month or so ...... Laakiin meeshaan u socdo markaan hubsado inaan gaadhay baan ka soo dhex qaylin doonaa IA .... Inta hore ha ii qarsoonaato waa intaasoo aan tegi waayaaye

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