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Some of US are AIRHEADS

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Okey a lot of my friends have student loans, revolving credit cards that accrue interest daily, some financed cars (I am guilty of that). Yet we sit around talking about why we cant take a mortgage ….ah hellooo does riba become more dambi when you are buying house?. The Somali saying comes to mind naar hadaad galaysid tiitiimbo lol… I am not advocating haram here but I just fail to understand how someone that goes shopping spree on plastic paying anywhere from 9 to 15% interest and letting that debt pile up can argue that ‘buying a house’ is out of their league because it HARAM

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Dabaal ma taqaanaa maka horeesoo tiimbashada aaba tiimbatide? Xaasid lol. Seriously Abaayo, accruing debt is like signing your freedom away, withering your mental well-being and making life difficult for you. I am not talking about you but in general. To me the banks are blood suckers who create money on the backs of the poor giving them papers and plastic pieces that are worth nothing before these poor people unwittinly sign on to their scheme. Yaa tuugo u shaqeyn karo day in day out? Mafia waaye furtey meel dadka lagu dhaco. Did you know Arawelo that paying your bill can screw up your credit and hike your interest rates as well? You may ask how, Well, these MAFIA BANKS set the deadline date usually to a nonworking day(it falls within weekend so your payment sits unprocessed for two days). Then they tell you your credit is screwed because of that and interest goes up, top that with late fees you have to pay. God! only someone mindless gives these people an opportunity to rob. If you have two credit cards or more from different companies, they will all use one bad credit report to raise your fees and interest rates. I watched a whole program about their schemes on TV sometime ago.

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LOL That is so true!!I think it's because a house usually takes 25 yrs to finish paying off while other transactions involving ribaa are smaller in comparison.For example,a car financed at say 1.9% would be maybe 500 bucks while a house mortgaged for the same rate would be a lot more money.As for me,I learned my lesson the hard way about credit cards.

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I'ma total airhead. It is hopeless to try to pay my debts off, my balances continue to rise.

Maybe I should file bankruptcy and start over.

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Bishaaro, There is hope for the airheads. There are organizations who freely help people out of debt by dealing on your behalf directly with the credit companies reducing your interests. I think these services are acceptable to the credit card companies and banks because they are afraid of people filing bankruptcy. These moneyed elitists who have monopoly over people's lives lobbied the congress and their friend Bush to make it difficult for people to file bankcruptcy. Waa gumeysi caadi ah.

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Of all the muslim communities in America, I noticed it is only the somalis that worry about ribba when taking out a mortgage to purchase a house. Indians, arabs, indonesians etc. muslims all buy houses in the states without worrying about ribba. One of the shaykhs(a nigerian) at local mosque in my town recently took out a mortgage and bought a brand new 6 bedroom house. He says it is the only way to empower the muslim communities in the west.

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Originally posted by Jason:

Of all the muslim communities in America, I noticed it is only the somalis that worry about ribba when taking out a mortgage to purchase a house.

Buying a house is the cornerstone of the American dream. The largest piece of the pie and a sign you have made it. It is regarded as success and it often is a profitable investment. I don't know if Somalis are the only muslims worried about interest payments in the west but it is very difficult to live without credit in these countries. May be the best solution is to move back home and live a modest life among other muslims where housing is affordable and so on. Many of us want to live here without living here.

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Personally, my main concern with taking out a mortgage where am at is the act of making a conscience decision to make a home here. I never wanted to spend my life in a non-Muslim country – so why sign a 25 year debt contract when I could easily make a life in a Muslim country...



As for the topic; generally a credit card debt can be paid off with a/2 months wages (if you own more then that- you have my duca). You can even avoid interest by choosing your provider carefully and paying off the balance before they start charging interest


On the other hand; a bulk of your mortgage is the interest, you can actually spend 10 years only paying off the interest … you do the maths.

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Buying a home is the big dream to most ppl and its not surprising then,its also the single most likely area for ppl to get ripped off.

The only conclusion( that I personally could reach) to why we somalis dont like getting in to morgage is simple; we dont like being tied down to a long term finance( 15 -25 yrs long) hanging around our neck, why is it that we can committe to a car finance, or a personal loan or be it credit card with interest as high as 19.5%. Yet a simple morgage is such a big headache, or may I be politically correct in somali terms as being big fat Ribo......yeah right!!! its amazing how hypocrite we tend to be when it suits our interests putting religion aside......( dont get me wrong here ...i am not anti religion but merely stating the facts of todays life style).

Amazing isnt when its all good and okey to claim benefits of all kinds and sorts, reason being its all okey to rip the social welfare off since its only western Governments and its by all means halal money,( we all in here know some one that claims benefits as if its a Godly right regardless. Yet its a big ribo when we take loans( let it be credit cards, hire purchases, car finances for so called short terms even though it attracts high interests) on the same term we all know some family member if not ourselves that firmly beleives that(morgage for long term is wrong and big ribo) yet the chances of one day owning the house and passing it to our children is a great possibilty.

Makes You want to ask the question sometimes whether we as somalis have our own religion that is seasonal for certain occassion!




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Why buy a house if you can't afford to pay for it? If you don't have the money, why get a loan? I know some of you have the money, but would rather save it and spend it on other things, but still, I think it would be much better to buy a house without getting a loan.

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Lidia I think most Somalis have been in the west last two decades and are still getting used to the idea of living in a country where the culture, religion, norms and everything we hold dear is different; thus cannot afford to buy a house that can cost anywhere from 150k to 300k depending on your region with cash. if the average farah/xalimo had that kind of cash siting in the bank we wouldn't be in this dilema...where everything we desire is some way or another agains our deen.

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