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Somali Independency Day Celebrated in Minneapolis

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Nice to see Hibo Nuura. Waligeed ayee sharaf lahayd, walina leedahay.


Happy 26th iyo Kowda Luulyo. Well done Reer Miniyaabolis.


Here, of course it is more easier for us Reer Kanada. It coincides with Canada Day holiday, marka I will post that day's picnic on Thursday, hadduu Eebbe idmo.

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MMA waxaan u maleynayaa inaad picture kaada soo gelineysid this time around! :D

I wish I was in Tdot right now. Ciil badanaa! iska party gareeya laakiin, waxba ma ahan! : :D Geedi shaaboowa lagu guuri haa! lol icon_razz.gif my cousin and I will be celebrating July 1, that's fosho! Canada is independent after all, lol

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NNC, sawirkeyga last time soo giliye on here, anoo waliba calanka baluuggan luxaayo. Maku tusiyaa. Oh, here they are. [scroll down.]


Unlike Reer Miniyaabolis, Reer Koronto wey dhalaalayaan saa ka aragtid boggaas. ;) No offense to Reer Minnesota yaah. :D

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FatB, shut your Ugly mouth!



Ilaahoo Somalia United ka dhig one day...



June 26 is a very important date and I ca't believe most of you don't even know that... It has nothing to do with North or South.......


May 18 is a sad date in our history run ahaantii.. Meshii ee reer Somaliland ka tacsiyeen lahaayeen, bee baqbaqleyeen..June 26 is the real date for somaliland and they should be proud of that date..Thats the date Somaliland Qabqabyaal use when ever the go down to the UN to beg so why not have a part on the 26 June? May 18 xagee ka timaaday? shiiiiidh!



Ilaahoo Somalia U naxariiso oo naga saar neceebkaan iyo kala saarkaan na duleeyay...



Happy Somali-Canada Day to all my Somali Canadian!!!



Wareer Badanaa!!!

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lol@MMA..bless your soul! sida loo ruxaayo calanka waad taqaan ileen! lol


Waraa Tuujiye wax ka baro MMa n*c*s yaho, lol..bax calanka tus cadaankaas red necks ah! waraa hada ka hor ay igu dhahdey mid cadaan ah aan la shaqeyn jirey, "I dont think you are black", markaasa ku idhi "what am I then?". She didn't have an answer at the end.Edmonton yaa taraq ku guba...qashin fooqal qashin in terms of magaalo oo Somali jecel.

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^^^ Bajaq yaashii Admenton baqshiishka ka raadsaday maa aheed adna? mise kuwii Calgray aaday oo ciyaalka daroogada gada bangiyada u furay? atenti asasiino waaxid lool...


Aniga Somalia day Iyo Canada day hal maalin aan feesteyaa nooh... calanna tabeebe camal aan u xirtaa kan somaliya lool midna waan huwadaa....


If you really want to have fun on Canada-Somalia Day, Come to Ottawa and go to the parliment lool Blue iyo White oo ku qasan yahay Red Iyo White ayaa meel kaste ka arkee lol...



Wareer Badanaa!!!

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Tuujiye wa markaad iska haadli jiretey sedii. :D


26th is important to reer Somaliland regardless of whether they consider themselves a new state now, it IS THEIR independency day after all!.


As for May the 18 (although I always tell JB wa money making business) it is a day for people in Somaliland to celebrate what THEY have achieved since the war that had them flee to the four corners of the earth. Now if you cannot tolerate that or at the very least say "okay do your thing" (after all we (as Northerners) cheer for waving flags iyo diaspora Somali flag celebrations, then I am afraid it is you who has no naxariis and neceebka Allah ha ka saaro.


Maxa keeny tacsiy iyo qashiin guur and Dusbin man?? Then you wonder why they want nothing to do with you, allow the hating aad iis jiibinsan.


Shaqolaan baa iidin waad heesa iyo af xuumo. :cool:

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^^ hoo biyahan ee isdeji


maxaaba keenay celebration when our people are living worst possible conditions and puhlease spare me my tuulo is better than yours


fact of matter is apart from few who benefit from family in qurbaha the rest of somalia/somaliland are struggling with the daily bread.


instead of doing something for them, meelahan ciridka leyriya oo mid walba calool ashuun la eg inta hala istaago oo ha dhaho calan baan babin


ps: i do not dispute the importance of independance day both to the north or the south

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If people can't get along. Why not celebrate the event separately? Each party can throw its own celebration without any interruption from other part-no foul no harm, and you could wave whatever you wanna wave.

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Juxa, but you know what May 18th has nothing to do with my tuulo is better than yours, it is a date that a large majority of people in that area have chosen to re-start their life, whether we agree with it or not is nether here not there, you don't have to join in but wa faaduul for us to af laagadey. It matters to them, and they want to babin their calan. Maxa keeny wa tacsi? Ya ka diintey? Why should they not celebrate? Can you give me a valid reason loogu diidey or even ya uu diidi kaar?


I dont care what calan aad babisiid (UK, Canada, Somalia, Somaliland) Bottom line is af xuumaad iyo cuuqdad ha la iska daafo.


Everyone is struggling with their daily bread yes I agree but since everyone uu calan babin, let them babis what they like.


Che, right on smile.gif

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Juxa,I share your was indeed a short lived independence - the last three decades,folks were worse off then being colonised..


I dont see the point in celebrating - celebrating what?? The division? The chaos? The mass migration? The refugee status? The humanitarian criss?..Maxaa hee!


That money they spend in 'organising' these so called celebrations meey dadkaa wax uu qabtaan?


ps.Ibti,this waving of flags is part of the illusion that seem to our reality - we are deluded..


*waving the flag*

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Originally posted by Tuujiye:

^^^ Bajaq yaashii Admenton baqshiishka ka raadsaday maa aheed adna? mise kuwii Calgray aaday oo ciyaalka daroogada gada bangiyada u furay? atenti asasiino waaxid lool...


Aniga Somalia day Iyo Canada day hal maalin aan feesteyaa nooh... calanna tabeebe camal aan u xirtaa kan somaliya lool midna waan huwadaa....


If you really want to have fun on Canada-Somalia Day, Come to Ottawa and go to the parliment lool Blue iyo White oo ku qasan yahay Red Iyo White ayaa meel kaste ka arkee lol...



Wareer Badanaa!!!

Kuwii baqshiishka raadinaaye aan ku jirey! meesha lacag ayaa taalo ileen, bless Edmonton! Meel kale lagama helaayo paycheck gaas, that's for sure! I miss that place all the time! lacag la'aan markee igu dhacdo lee xusuustaa lacagta meeshaas taaley! lol! I liked their festivals though i.e Street performers, heritage and the food festival. Magaaladaas is only good for festivals, other than that waa qashin, It doesn't cater to minority groups unlike Toronto, Montreal or Calgary. I had a great time there anyways and I miss my friends.

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Malika, it is funny you say that, and although I sort of agree in terms of the money being better spent elsewhere, haadan you remember K'naan world cup thing? These events provide the same sentimental value for the Somali community. That is why I don't want iin ciida lagu deega haadlo or bully gareyo.


Che; Did you miss the part Tuujin is saying May 18 was tacsi? OR him saying 26th Jun Somalilander ma value gareyan? Or Sayid saying it is world rubbish day? to name just two on this thread.


P.s. Comments such as this make the Burco in me come out, maxey nugu deega haadlayan? :D

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