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The somali men have been doing it for while,coming to Somalia / qaxootiyaash where their US dollar and passport has been doing most of the talking.And in no time return to their host country with a beautiful wife. Now think about what happened to those poor buggers without that passport, when every-girl in the neighbourhood uu damco are lining up to marry a 'wealthy' man from the diaspora who can buy them all the gold in the world :D and bring them a better life....Well ilaahay baa diraashad uu furay. :D


I don't know about you but where I am (in a mudul)somewhere in the so called western world, there is this trend of somali women going to Africa/India to get married.These women are mostly divorced with five or more children.


And I am not one that disapproves of a halal marriage. Actually Im usually cheering them on especially when i heard that "Islaanti Ceebla ilko intey soo gashatey beyn wiil mutacalim ah africa ka soo guursatey" cheer.gif

But the endings of these marriages is too common, has made me put away my cheerleading outfit. Marka la soo dhoofiyo, Sheikh ama shariifkoodaba ,nimankii intaan bey u kala baxaan.


1.One that is sincere about the guur laakiin sidii bud camal "war anaa ku keenay" loola dhacaayey buu is dhajiyaa until the two year period of permanent residency.And then hits divorce highway and never looks back.


2.Mid jeanis kiisa horee iskugu soo taagey ama malin/heeben ku taagan,that doesn't take any role of raising the kids or providing the needs of his wife and kistuu soo shaqeysto jebka ku shubto.And only sticks around to secure his sharci.



I can't remember the last time that a somali man went back home to get married and when he arrived his wife decided to ditch him.I think i can only recall one case, and everyone felt so bad for him that every mother/Father were ready to offer their daughter in marriage.


So nomads have you noticed a similar trend in your community? And why do think that this type guur,Dan ku gaar as i like to call it ,doesn't work.But it works fine for the men. Are women too loyal?

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"Islaanti Ceebla ilko intey soo gashatey beyn wiil mutacalim ah africa ka soo guursatey"

I find it strange and exploitation! I mean marrying someone young enough to be your son, just because they are poor and you already have five kids. The two are using each other. Mac sonkor say I, because at the end neither is being fair to the principle of marriage. Miidna poverty iyo greed baa waada, miidna desperation iyo low self esteem. Waa ku meel gaad.

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LOL@Ibti.You don't support Ceebla getting her groove back :D Ceebla was looking for love companionship.And she isn't that old :D it's just women doing what the odayaasha have been doing for yonks;claiming to have married a 17 year old :rolleyes:

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^^Yeah but as you pointed out, 17yr old girls do not run away when they get to the west, they stay with their old man and nurse them through old age. The amount of old ladies toy boy soo kaaxeey who either sits at home, beats her or runs off is off the roof. Maa xaa waaxs oo diibatah keelyi? clearly these young men are entering into this marriage as a temporary West ka iigeh. I don’t think that marriage is even failed.

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Ina Cabdi, aka Cabdiyo Cabaadiso, L0L@You and your lovely isku dhexkaris sheekos.


Anywhuu, You Aussie,qurbo raised kids didn’t see much did you?. Anaka na weydii,we have been to every qaxoti camp and met every nuuc ayu nuuc(minal jaban) of a human being from qurbo coming to find a suitor. And the number of women needing men in Africa has been constant for a while now.


I remember, in 1991, two old(er) women from Italia came to Kenya and married men who were already married . 3months later, they were gone. One never came back after she got pregnant and the other one came back twice in a year.


Some of the xarifs who were qaaqliyaal and unemployed at that time,had a boon every time one of these cougers came. They were mostly from Italia and Canada, I never saw Americans and British that much. (Take that Ashton Kutchner,Hassan Shibis beat you to the couger hunt in 91). icon_razz.gif


In Minnesota, its kind of mixed I guess. I have seen some Fresh off the boaters doing fairly well & others failing within a year. Hard to tell…but this business of finding suitors across continents is kind of appealing….mhmmm smile.gif

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Women were always more loyal than men but could it be that the older men were jenuinely looking for a wife to stick with til death and the older ladies just marriage to a younger even for some 1 or 2 years? nabsigu wuu kugu soo noqdaa.


I also think women bragg about waa taan kusoo dhoofiyey adigoo nolosha kugu cakirantahay, adigoon waxba ahayn iyo ma iloowday abaalkaan kuu galay........blah blaha, what the heck, some men are couragious enough not to take all that crap. Men on the other hand especially older one saas uma abaal sheegtaan.

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nowadays it's so common to see single mothers from aussie and Euro' oo africa guur u aadan ...

laakin i dont think only single moms are into this b'ness even university graduate sisters kaso guursaday QAARADA MADOW

kuwo badan oo aqaano aa kaso guursaden wiilal xoog furan masha'allah soo xambaarteen



EDIT: dumarki qaarba caqliga lugaha ka galay wiilyar beey inta soo guursadan beey rabaan inu iska ag fadhiyo ayado islaan ah waxey dhali karto dhashay ....


lool@faynuus wale runta aa ka hadashay yaa qeylo u adkeesan karo ....malin walba aan kaso waday subax walba halagu dhaho xanuun waaye

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Originally posted by Afr0 GirL:

kuwo badan oo aqaano aa kaso guursaden wiilal xoog furan masha'allah soo xambaarteen

Acudibillahi, lets hope xoog furan means hard worker?


Anyway, exploitation.

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LoooL Lily Wiil xoog furan waxaan ula jeeday wiil si wanaagsan u shaqeesanayo ..


misa adiga sikalad ufasiratay lol

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:D @ afro runtaan kugu jeclahay .. sabab kale wiil yar oo muruqyo guduud ah loo soo kaxaysto miyaa jirta.



I see cradle robbing is no longer an exclusively oday domain.

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So nomads have you noticed a similar trend in your community?

Yes it is common and it is called PASSPORT KA LUGAYNAYA .......... :D


who da hell you thing will refuse a passport with two legs ??

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LOL@passportka lugaynaya. JB mid ma ku soo dirnaa? :D



Some of the xarifs who were qaaqliyaal and unemployed at that time,had a boon every time one of these cougers came. They were mostly from Italia and Canada, I never saw Americans and British that much. (Take that Ashton Kutchner,Hassan Shibis beat you to the couger hunt in 91).

parasites,those poor women probably spent all their savings from their backbreaking work. LOL, wonder how shibis is now.



Interesting views. I am sure in all guur, there is an element of danta aan isku gaarno..for the longterm. I mean they both went into the marriage to gain something, they should should stick around for the long run,esp when kids are involved. What amazes me is the audacity of some of these men, i mean ok you got a passport and the marriage ain’t what you want it to be but how about offering miskiimiinta, compensation. Inta ayuuto these women go in for these nimanku sheeg.and dibka ay ka maraan for the house/furniture or what not is beyond belief and who suffers in the process, the poor kids.


Afro, I know this is not exclusive to single mothers only.But they are mostly the ones taking the risk. It’s just too many problems, I do not know why people go to such lengths. Ilaahay ima guurin nin Africa ama meelkale joogo, esp reer Bari… :D maba is fahmi leheen.

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Ba'nay aan ahayn!!! L0L @ ilko gashatay. Dantaada maqaar eey aa loogu seexdaa aa la dhahay. Ilko ha gashato maa tiriyee haday rabto jiis ha ahaato xabadka aku guur-guurato. Nin baahan meel kasto wuu geli! Calaashaan xalaal wixii ah.

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