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South Africa: The demise of Terre'Blanche the Rise of Julius Malema

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BOB if your theory is right then somehow someone somewhere miscalculated because now the whites are riled up. Malema is an instigator who is dumb enough to be a catalyst to what many fear will be a civil war. The whites will lose out if that is the case. Zuma and Malema are cut from the same cloth and it seems that Zuma is fashioning Malema to take over. What is Madiba and Tutu saying about all this anyway?


Lol @ Valenteenah........its true. You really should hear him speak. Youtube his name and watch some of the clips and I bet you will come to the same conclusion. :cool:

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I agree with Bob, Zuma is the main problem. He continues to defend this clown at the expense of the reputation of the ANC.


Malema & his gang have, vindicated, the racist perception that some people hold of blacks in general. He is so overrated, so exaggerated and vile that he is close to ruining the gains made by the black majority over the past 15 years. The fact that , the ANC a once sophisticated political organization is now beholden by to these thugs is quite remarkable.

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Originally posted by SeeKer:

BOB if your theory is right then somehow someone somewhere miscalculated because now the whites are riled up. Malema is an instigator who is dumb enough to be a catalyst to what many fear will be a civil war. The whites will lose out if that is the case. Zuma and Malema are cut from the same cloth and it seems that Zuma is fashioning Malema to take over. What is Madiba and Tutu saying about all this anyway?

The most whites who had small businesses loved Mbeki because he made money for them and helped their businesses grow by taking the S.A economy to an all time high even more prosperous than when the whites were in charge during the apartheid (you didn't know that...did you?) but it's the so-called 'businessmen' whith the huge companies who wanted to get rid of him because he raised the tax and asked them to contribute to the growth of the economy...GREEDY Monkeys. :D



Mandela never says anything in public concerning with the ANC, however, it's always been an open secret that he never rated Zuma as a leader capable of leading S.A and he was proven right when he was convicted of fraud (He accepted a bribe from a muslim 'businessman' called Schabir Shaik) and then few months later came the most embarrassing period in ANC's long and illustrious history when he was prosecuted for rape.


He admitted to sleeping with the woman and insisted that it was consensual. (He said when a Zulu woman visits a Zulu man in his own home and then starts wearing skimpy outfits, she wants the man to make a move and he duly did) this woman was HIV+ mind you...If I go into detail with some of the things he said in that courtroom it will insult the intelligence of the minors who read this forum. :D



Tutu was the cheerleader of Zuma when he was going through the two trials I've mentioned above and he launched several scathing attacks on Mbeki in the media which according to some political commentators dented his credibility amongst his old comrades including Mandela. these days he hardly speaks about politics, not in public anyway.



This Malema dude needs to go before its too late otherwise S.A will be another Zimbabwe.



PS. I know I come across as a Mbeki fan and I am because I benefited from his vision and I made few shillings from it but Zuma is completely the opposite...his plans are to make the rich richer and the poor...well keep them poor. smile.gif



Peace, Love & Unity.

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^^ I understand where you coming from mr bob, A few shillings. :D


PS: I still fail to understand why southafricans voted for this rapists monster, Because his a true Zulu? only in Africa would you Elect a rapist and Mugabe was their for him till the end.

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It may not be apparent to y'all, but Jacob Zuma's election was a very bad and dangerous choice for South Africa, which previously Mbeki&CO in the ANC recognized and tried to prevent. Zuma is an incendiary oaf who has a large segment of South Africa's disenfranchised communities believing every nonsense that comes out of his mouth. And his overtolerance of Malema's despicable racism is proof enough, for all those in doubt.


Unfortunately for that country, Malema is not just a one-off. He is one of many, who believe the only way for black South Africans to finally "get ahead" socioeconomically is to take everything from the white South Africans; and the Boers on the other side have got their own crazies practicing military drills in the bushes, readying themselves for particularly such an event, for they have no plans-- whatsoever-- to go as quietly as the whites in Zimbabwe.


In any case, I just hope cooler heads take the reigns of that country before the sh!t hits the proverbial fan-- but I'm not holding my breath.

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What is the big deal here, this guy Malema is not different than those other far right racists folks like geert wilders, Netanyahu, Nick Griffin, Rush Limbaugh and so on who whenever they puked we were always reminded they just exercing their freedom of speech. :rolleyes:

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Originally posted by Allamagan:

What is the big deal here, this guy Malema is not different than those other far right racists folks like geert wilders, Netanyahu, Nick Griffin, Rush Limbaugh and so on who whenever they puked we were always reminded they just exercing their freedom of speech. :rolleyes:

The big deal is this said Malema is a black guy who is deemed to be the 'new' Radio Rwanda with all his aggressive comments towards the white minority who control the economy of one of the richest countries in the world.



Peace, Love & Unity.

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Originally posted by SeeKer:

He is Mugabe reincarnate in SA.

And what is wrong with Mugabe? Seeker's analogies here are as senseless as Malema's outbrusts. Just because the BBC and the Anglo-saxon media vilified Mugabe doesn't mean the man is like Malema. He is a genius with a very good vision for Zimbabwe. No one could have tolerated a 50km farm from Norton to Gweru to be owned by one white family when 10,000 blacks were bruising their hands at unproductive fields up the next mountains!!!!


What Mugabe did might, in the short run, have ruined Zimbabwe, but when he goes ( and I can assure you there is no chance of going back on the land reform programme in Zim), the black majority would be masters of their own lands. They are highly educated (with perhaps the best litracy rate in the whole of Africa)and they know what uncle BOB did was good, but perhaps his timings and his motives are what is questioned.


If Zimbabwe was the bread-basket of Africa as the BBC often portays it was so for the White farmers, not for the Kudakawshe's and Charamba's in Mutoko and Chipinge. Black Zimbabweans have been empowered since the land reform was instituted and it is not Mugabe's anti-democratic practices that ravaged the country in the last couple of years. It is western sanctions. Zanu-PF, as belleguered party finally become a party of sychophants and the old man is rewarding his cronies, yes. But, the cornies are black and not white.


To insist on the rights of the indigenous and to refuse the continutaion of the status quo where whites owned large expanses of lands while the majotrity blacks were servants for them is not to be a racist!!!


But Malema is a different thing. He is an opportunist who doesn't care much about the politics but his belly. Zuma is also a useless man with old mentality. South Africa should not have done away with Mbeki. And Mbeki is a stauch ally of Comrade Robert Gabrial Mugabe. In fac all of the SADC understand what he is trying to achieve and support him. He had the chance to live like Mandela, put high in the pedastal, with empty titles and statues. And like the gay-loving Tutu. These men are respected by the colonisers not by their own communities. But he instead chose to do what is right and what he fought for. Land was the heart of the liberation struggle in which more than 50,000 blacks were killed and land must go to its original owners. He waited for 20 years for British to honour its undertaking to compenstate white farmers so that land is gradually redistributed. In faact, he begged the white farmers who had 4-5 farms to remain with one and give the rest to the black people. Those who agreed to that deal, are still holding their farms.

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And you speak about the whites holding the economy of the country as a matter of right for them!


Sooner or later ANC will be forced to do what Mugabe did in Zimbabwe. The economic inequality will have to be addressed and that means the whites will have to give back some of the ill-gotten wealth.

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Originally posted by Abtigiis & Tusbax:

And what is wrong with Mugabe? Seeker's analogies here are as senseless as Malema's outbrusts.



You made your point by using the tired old excuse its the West fault? The West is to blame for Mugabe's policy failure?


On the issue of the land reformation [sic] more like land grabbing. Mugabe's idea might have been well intentioned but its wasn't well thought out. You cannot replace a CEO of a company with a mailman and expect the company to bring in profits. The blacks were not ready to take over the running of those farms at least not in the large scale way that the white did. And while we are speaking of farming what of what Mugabe did to Matebeleland?


Mugabe played kissy face with Ian Smith and pushed for reconciliation and when he got in power he professed to have gotten the Jewel of Africa. A country with a literacy rate in the higher 90s, network of paved roads, four airports......what happened after being in power for a while? He got greedy and senile/stup!d. Production in farms went from 1.5 million tons (maize) to 500,000 tons and this trend holds true for other crops including tobacco. Whereby there was surplus housed in warehouses for famine years they now stand empty but guarded! He muffled the media and dissent. He committed genocide (gukurahundi) but then again what African leader hasn't. He opportunistically stole from Congo by pretending to protect Congo from invasion.


So, let me clarify my senseless analogy. Malema is like Mugabe because he preaches hate, he blames the west for everything, he supports nationalization of industry not for his people's benefits but to line his pocket and worst of all he sits in his comfortable luxurious life while watching HIS people starve and calls it the revolution!


God save Africa, for indeed we are a doomed people when we can condone being in hell just because for a few years we were shown heaven. redface.gif


BOB, Madiba's hesistancy is understandable but he holds the respect of many and if he were to use it we wouldn't see the likes of Malema.

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Another twist to the case:



SA police investigate sex link to Terreblanche killing

One of the suspects in the Eugene Terreblanche murder case

The suspects (one pictured here with face covered) were allegedly drunk


South African police are investigating allegations of sexual assault prior to the killing of white supremacist leader Eugene Terreblanche.


A lawyer for one of the two accused men said Terreblanche tried to have sex with at least one of the defendants.


Mr Terreblanche's body was found on a bed with his trousers pulled down.


Police had initially said the killing was over a wage dispute, but are now exploring the possibility that the killing was an act of self-defence.


"We are not going to focus on one thing," said Musa Zondi of the Hawks, South Africa's elite criminal investigation unit, which has taken over the investigation.


"We will investigate all pertinent facts that have a bearing on the matter."



Eugene Terreblanche in Pretoria in June 2004

The media must choose now whether they want to ­regard Terreblanche as a racist or as the rapist of a black youth

Andre Visagie, AWB


Rival views of Eugene Terreblanche


Gen Jan Mabula, head of the Hawks in North West province confirmed to South Africa's City Press newspaper that the suspects' clothes had been sent for forensic examinations.


Terreblanche was discovered at his farm in Ventersdorp on 3 April after having been beaten to death.


Two black farm workers have been charged with his murder.


Puna Moroko, the lawyer representing one of the accused men - 28-year-old Chris Mahlangu - told South Africa's Sunday Times newspaper the attack was triggered by a sexual assault.


"My instructions from my client are that there was some sodomy going on and it sparked the murder of Mr Terreblanche," he said.


The lawyer representing the other defendant - a 15-year-old boy who cannot be named - made no comment on the sodomy allegations.


Mr Moroko claimed the accused men were given large quantities of alcohol before Terreblanche allegedly tried to have sex with "one or both of them".


Terreblanche was leader of the Afrikaner Resistance Movement (AWB), a white supremacist group, and believed firmly that whites and blacks should be kept apart.


AWB spokesperson Andre Visagie strongly dismissed the sexual assault allegations.


"The media must choose now whether they want to ­regard Terreblanche as a racist or as the rapist of a black youth," the City press newspaper quoted him as saying.

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