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From e-Nuri Technologies..... a New Invention!

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The Wireless Handshake Salaam!



From the people who brought to you the Road map To Paradise, The Nurtel opticians, The Hasanaat Restaurant and the Nudist Colony.


Another original new product for our audience, who have conflicting feelings on the issue of shaking hands with stragers of the opposite sex.


No more embarrassments


Imagine shaking hands with the opposite sex wirelessly, without offfending anyone, and everyone yone smiling while shaking the fresh air wirelessly ? I am sure you are also smiling?



Thanks to our engineers, they work hard, so you take it easy!



Well, the product is going to be launched soon on this screen, come back for details.



Always look out for new products from e-Nuri Technologies, your partners to Paradise, inshAllah. Say You saw it at Somaliaonline e-Nuri.



2006 e-Nuri technologies Division

Kurtunwaarrey Research Corridor

Kurtunwaarey, Somalia

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Salaams Nur,

I was just thinking about how e-nuri can fully exploit online discussion boards for education and da’wah in contribution to the education topic.

I guess, you’re a few yards ahead of me, mansha Allah. Laakin am a little confused, this in the women’s’ section and seems to focus on handshakes with the opposite sex, is this about something else altogether?

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Blessed Soul


You write " is this about something else altogether?


Not really, as latter day Dawa workers, we think big, but we act in humble little ways, we are busy devising solutions to little nuisiances, like the embarrassment a woman feels when a man extends his hand to a Xaliimo and she hesitates shaking his hand due to the clear Hadeeth that prohibits opposite sexes who are not family, to shake hands. So when a woman declines a handshake , a non Muslim man, or a "Non Practicing Muslim" as they call it, feels embarrassed, at times its the other way around.


So, at e-Nuri where we strive to bridge gaps of misunderstanding in a world that is becoming more chaotic by the hour, we analysed the problem, in more than one way and suddenly came up with a solution. Actually it happened to me in the office one day when a subordinate female and I shook the first historically recorded wireless handshake to the applause of office people, at last, a fun way of transmitting a handshake is invented, The trial version will be posted and directions will be posted on Islam page, if the audience like the product, we may have to file for intellectual protection at the Kurtunwaarrey Patent Office, since many of our products have been copied without due reference to the Somaliaonline medium that housed e-Nuri enterprises for the past five years.


Rest assured that e-Nuri has the sole intention of adding a positive value to Namds life, both present and next, we are only paid when our declared motives matches deliverables on ground, hence our resolve and light heartedness, its tough job, so we mellow it with humor.



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:D:D:D @invention. You never cease to amaze, brothaman akhi.


Yo Nur, you come up with that wireless embarrassment-free handshake invention thingy, and I'll pledge 10%(aight, 5%) of my future annual income to E-Nuri Enterprises.


P.S. On second thought, I'll be saddled by student loans(another problem E-nuri needs to find a solution for) by then, so um howsabout I provide the moral support and um verbal encouragment ??

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Strangly enough, everytime I turn around and want to go away from SOL, eNuri enterprises present a new invention, I think this time I am sure that I w'll be in line to buy a share of this company :D


So Nur, eNuri INC. float the idea when they gonna float the shares of the new company?

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I think ENuri's invention is one decade too late. People are past wireless handshakes to more, erm, "intimate" internet encounters. Ever heard of the wireless, over the internet... No, I would'nt dare. lool

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Originally posted by LayZieGirl:

YOu are a total loss. You need to learn to deal with your boredom some other way than taking over space for the sake of it.



Ukaadi hayso gelin sidii dadkii xaabaale Inaapti :D

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^loool@ daadkii xaabaale. Long time since I've heard that. Good one. :D


That's good news Nur, am looking forward to it, Insha Allah. smile.gif

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^ I'm confused. Exactly what is everyone here looking forward to? Sheikh Nur didn't say anything. I demand to know what is going on around here.

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Originally posted by Castro:

^ I'm confused. Exactly what is everyone here looking forward to? Sheikh Nur didn't say anything. I
to know what is going on around here.


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Originally posted by Socod_badne:

^^^Some1 woke from the wrong side of the bed this morning.

Mind her..she's on her......

she's upset..places her anger on SOL to release tensions

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Castro, perhaps you need to read between the lines!


In other words, Nur is saying that Handshake between man and woman (strangers) is haram...So dont do it! and why it is haram is what everyone is looking forward to - dalaa'il from the Quran and Sunnah.


Or he could be thinking about sending pics like this thru your Mobile :)




Couldn't find better pic :D


Am purely speculating



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Kashafa bro.


Our research shows that this new invention is a relief for many young Nomads, once it hits the market, hurry and get your gadget, you'd wonder how you have survived without one.


Sharmarke bro


Thanks for the compliment, we are going to use your comment in our upcoming testimonials brochure, we are not looking for satisfied customers, we want raving fans, e-Nuri shares will be listed on the Bakaaraha axchange, may be the fisrt IPO in Anarchist Somalia, unlike other product oriented companies, our products are literally GOODS, I mean GOOD DEEDS.





Thanks for the compliment, a comment like that coming from a person like you is a compliment. Did you get up for Fajr Prayer Today?



Zero bro.


I get your drift, you see the internet is imaginary, we are talking about close encounters without physical contact, between an observing Muslim and a non observing person of either Muslim origin or a non Muslim.



Castro bro.


I just had a go on the nerves of some spiritually chalenged individuals (one seems beyound repair), so they react violently to novel ways of solving ettiquette related problems our community faces away from their habitat.


Legend of Zhu


"Wisdom" said Prophet Muhammad SAWS, " is the lost reasure of a Muslim wherever he finds it, he has more rights to it than others "


e-Nuri appreciates your wisdom in clarifying the issue for the intellectually challenged Nomads.




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