
Governor Muse Bixi and Deni to meet in UAE on behalf of DP World

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9 hours ago, Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar said:

I guess jaad is illegal in Imaaraadka. For an addict zombie, I am guessing it is not easy to survive without it.



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On 4/19/2019 at 7:23 AM, Dalmar1 said:


These poor D-block waa ummad xasuusi yer especially those pirateland aka puntland, just 2 and half years ago (in 2016) we started a war whereby CM mjs where expelled from North Mudug (and the process of expelling mjs completely is still  ongoing just a recess break till farmaajo is gone), now you will see many reer mudug CM mjs refugees in garowe, the war for northern Mudug is real and very alive  Galmudug is just bidding it's time.


so anyway these D-block led by pirateland they jump in joy for HAG states  (GM,HS and KG) to join there their mucaaradnimo against Farmaajo without thinking through, HAG opposes Farmaajo solely on clan basis and not allowing him to strengthen politically while throwing at him political obstacles latest being Prostest after having  used the SNA to deserte Farmaajo government. 

Farmaajo government is today at it's lowest point, they are isolated politically in presidential villa while they are encircled by HAG Militaries and protesters, we can safely say farmaajo is finished and dead politically.

So once HAG resumes presidency you will see GM, HS, KG an Jubaland all fall in line, while puntland will be isolated and at militarily protracted war with Galmudug unfinished business.

Once Farmaajo goes back to Gedo or whatever gaajo tuulo he came from is when the real music will start for the pirate boys in puntland.

I think that is a bad calculus. Hard to make it work in this case.

Remember that Puntland will always have the advantage of dealing whether with Federal or Federal states or even with Somaliland and even with Kililka. Puntland has a link either social, economic, security, historical or tribal. Others only have tribal connection with one and no other connection. Or economic connection with one and no other connection.

When it comes to foreign as well. Puntland can have close relations with Djibouti anytime it wants to any time its beneficial. Same with UAE. They can even have excellent relation with Turkish if UAE is not covering the money department.

The Chinese are also a reserve, unless America says no.




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The pirate enclave  is between a rock and a hard place it has almost zero influence  since the cheese fellow came in  Amisom  bunker. The pirate enclave claims it's the architect  of the TFG  back in his days when cabdilahi yusuuf was  the so called president who came inside Mogadishu only  through  tigre tanks  and uncle sams political  backing. Since sheikh dalxiis iyo cumar shuluqi canada  jaalatada  ku  cunijiray isago 50jir  ah  they had zero  influence. The pirates  their whole idea of a federal Somalia  is  small  tribal  states  that share some aid  and the idea was for pirates to have the biggest cut of that aid.  And all to pretend  there is a govt. When in fact there is no govt in place in Somalia.




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On 4/19/2019 at 2:42 PM, Saalax said:

Governor Bixi seems to be lost and alone in UAE. Odaygii ma khatka ka dhamaday?




Sawirkaas markaad si fiican u fiiriso macno wayn buu xanbaarsanyahay.

Marka ugu horaysa waa loo yeeray.

Marka labaadna waa la iloobay ama meeshii gaariga lagu baarkimay yaa la garan waayay.

Mushkilada ugu wayn oo haysata ninkaan odogaa waa fakhriga ama saboolnimada

Saboolnimadu waxay u qaybsantaa labo

Mid ay kugu adkaato maaraynta nolosha iyo dadkaad ka masuulka ka tahay, waana fakhri caadi ah oo hadaad ducaysato dadaasho si dhakhsaa looga lug baxo.

Mid kaa disha damiirka ama (dignity) waana midda haysata soomaalida hogomaayashooda, daawo ma leh, ka hor tag mooyee.

Tusaale gaaban yaan idinka siinayaa

Biixi bil gudaheed yaa waxaa loo yeeray labo ilaa sadex jeer, wuxuu ugu horeeyay oo qalbigiisa lagu kasbaday waxaa ugu waynaa roog cas baa laygu soo dhaweeyay!

Ok ma xuma in niyada loo dhiso si hadafka laga leeyahay loo gaaro.

Maxaa kalifay inuu is waydiin waayo soo dawlad gaara iima arkaan maxay shiyuukhda carabtu hargaysa u imaan waayeen markooda si ayagana roog cas loogusoo dhaweeyo, loogana wada hadlo xidhiidhka soo jireenka ah oo labada dal oo walaalahaa ka dhexeeya?

Waxay ka dhigeen mudiirka uga wakiilka ah dekedda berbera markii loo sheego inuu beri soo dhoofo waxaa laga yaabaa inuu kabihiisa iloobo, markaana roog cas iska daayee baarkinkii yaa lagu iloobay.

Puntland waa la mid, waxaa miis loo wada saaray casho oo la is hor fariisiyay labadii hogaamiye oo caalamku xabad joojinta ugu baaqi jiray wax dhawr saacadood ka yar.

Gudaha soomaaliyana waa labo dal oo cadaawad fog ka dhaxayso dad badana isaga laayay xuduudka tuko-raq.

Marka lasoo xooriyo warka waa shaqaale masuul uga ah shisheeya wadankoodii

Riwaayadaan dekedo caalami ah yaa geeska afrika carab u dhisaysaa waa qayb ka mida marin habaabinta loogasii jeedinayo indhaha shacabka mudiirada u qaabilsan danahooda.


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On 4/21/2019 at 12:36 AM, Xaaji Xunjuf said:

The pirate enclave  is between a rock and a hard place it has almost zero influence  since the cheese fellow came in  Amisom  bunker. The pirate enclave claims it's the architect  of the TFG  back in his days when cabdilahi yusuuf was  the so called president who came inside Mogadishu only  through  tigre tanks  and uncle sams political  backing. Since sheikh dalxiis iyo cumar shuluqi canada  jaalatada  ku  cunijiray isago 50jir  ah  they had zero  influence. The pirates  their whole idea of a federal Somalia  is  small  tribal  states  that share some aid  and the idea was for pirates to have the biggest cut of that aid.  And all to pretend  there is a govt. When in fact there is no govt in place in Somalia.


 America supported late A. Yusuf has now entered the legend where fiction becomes close to real.

You know two things if for nothing else:

1. America had A. Yusuf phone and America was advising the warlords of Mugadishu who agreed into everything, and all of a sudden denied and worked against TFG and finally went to Eritrea

2. You would have read by now what was being done from Wikileaks.



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