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Londoners; Contact your MP

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Originally posted by JUSTICE:

Do you know what is is really bothering me sister, it's the whole idea of talking in the behalf of another nation who we only share the same religion.. Okay, I can talk in behalf of my somali nation since am somali.... once things get better for somalia , i will think about helping other nations... and charity always has to start from home




You cannot condone injustice no matter whom, the demise and destruction of Somalia is just started by overlooking justice and tribal exploitation, laluush and squandering people’s money in the xaraam way, which derailed the government and turn people against each other.


Somali problems become tradional and a custom of shooting at own foot and self-inflicting tendency.


the Remedy is: just love thy Neighbour, and love each other, plus sharing the blessing of Allah and the land will yield more blessings and in abundance (INA).


As your name implies(Justice) we are not expecting you less smile.gif

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^^^i agree :D


Originally posted by ScarFace:

^^^YOU'rE not THE only one


Ibtisam Was that a joke...wait am forgeting to laugh...... :confused:


YOU STILL talking action speaks louder then words......Get your half breed *** down there and stop the gibberish talk & sort out your cusins!!!



I see your rockin the somaliland flag now.....NO WONDER all that hate towards the LATE PRESIDENT was running out of your mouth......

what was a joke??


I already told you i am going :confused:


What has my flag got to do with the Late President. Asshole did't care for one but him and his family. If you are still bent up on defending him. Up to you :rolleyes:


I'm rocking the flag for my Mother. She would've been proud :(

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^Ever heard the phrase - chewing gum and walking at the same time. I guess a whole lot of Somalis have difficulty with that concept. No wonder the country is in the state it's in

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You cannot condone injustice no matter whom, the demise and destruction of Somalia is just started by overlooking justice and tribal exploitation, laluush and squandering people’s money in the xaraam way, which derailed the government and turn people against each other.


Somali problems become tradional and a custom of shooting at own foot and self-inflicting tendency.


the Remedy is: just love thy Neighbour, and love each other, plus sharing the blessing of Allah and the land will yield more blessings and in abundance (INA).


As your name implies(Justice) we are not expecting you less

it's true brother ,and that's what am trying to get to , we can always start loving each other so we can become one, because ecnomically Somalialand cannot stand on it's own, it needs many resources... can you imagine that people can't get water and electricity to their homes. Imagine you built this massive huge house without water supplies and elctricity.

and to ibtisam am not trying to downgrade your idea, if that what you think it's right then do it. Maybe cause my life is different, I still have my family to sort out so they can rely on themselves. what am trying to say is helping a palstenian means that you don't have anything that worry you anymore .

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^^^Really? :confused: Not at all. It just means that you are willing to do both, and where there is a will, there is a way. I don't see what sending a pre-written letter to your MP or e-mail or voting for a pro- Palestine instead of Pro- Israel will take away from your contribution to your family. We engage in lots of meaningless things which benefit neither our families nor any other oppressed group in the world. It dos not take a lot, just a simple consideration or posting or signing of something. ;) I understand you have priorities, I really do, but prioritising does not mean inaction in other parts.

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What has my flag got to do with the Late President. Asshole did't care for one but him and his family. If you are still bent up on defending him. Up to you :rolleyes:

----IB je comprends maintenant pourquoi vous detestez Barre....its aight tho.



and about Palestine….your signature says it all….HIT BACK….not write letter to MP….But HIT BACK.

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Perhaps you should organise a demonstration to bring the plight of the people of Mogadishu to the world's attention and condemn all those who sre secretly selling weapons to a country/city that is experiencing inferno.


Let's sit back and watch the massacre.

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