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ethiopians vs somalians

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NGONGE, I ask you the question cos it seems for 'some' people, they have directly suffered in the hands of ethios and its for the reason that they resent everything ethiopian. First hand experiances are more powerful than told ones I suppose.

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maxaa waaye hate kaan oo meel aan gaareynin..waraada ama naca ama jeclaada..wax dhex dhaxaad la dho ma jiro..


me I hate the their government specialy the prime pnister..That guy suplies all the warlords in somalia 1, he doesn't want peace in somalia 2, and he know that if somalia becomes a government today, the first thing they will do is get their land back.

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I was just wondering since we are on the topic of ethiopians, has any nomad ever seen an 'UGLY'


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Khayr what a question you got there! of course they are beutiful ethiopians, ugly ones and in between ones too.

Personally I don't hate ethiopians nor do I like them however i dont see a reason to hate them. aren't they not frienldy when a somali is in there country. I had they welcome somalian.

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Infact i Hate somalis more than i have hatred toward Ethiopians, atleast i know where they stand. We have wars b/w us and them and they hate our guts to death no question about it,they still control part of our land,and they know as long as we claim that piece of land, they will hate us regardless. But the somalis are worser then they are now days, so why not look at the mirror before finger pointing .We have wars with Ethiopians and whatever happens is a fair game. How about the thousands of Rapers who are disguising to be a good somali citizen, while we know they have raped grand mothers, children and etc, and pretend that nothing ever happen. So i don't hate ethiopians, but the fight of our land is still on, if you are a true somali.

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Originally posted by Shaabella:


1. Somalis hate anyone whos not part of their clan

2. Somalis hate anyone whose not somali

3. Somalis hate anyones whose not muslim


Since the girl is already muslim, theyre acting out stage 2 of the hate game commonly reffered to as "somali pride".

lool - you should become a a Somali Sociologist!

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many of you defend Ethiopians and paint them as nicest people on face of earth. Well, I hate Ethiopians, and believe me I don't hide my hatered towards them. I have seen with my oewn eyes what they have done to many families, so those of you who feel that is pathetic to hate them< I have a question for you. Tell me how would you feel if you got a call in the middle of the night from you uncle or relative telling you that your 80 yrs old grand mother was arrested? How would you react to ones who put her in jail, because she was wearing Hijab which is forbidden in many Places in so called Ethiopia? How would you feel when you father was shot in front of you and you were told you have no right to burn him? How would you guys react when your loved ones were picked from home and never were seen a life agian?

Amazing how some of you can come to conclusion and tell me to forget what my relatives are facing daily. They livestock is taken from them daily, their sons are drafted to fight for Ethiopia against Arteria, their daughters are raped in front of them. You react what USA and British did to Iraqis Prisons but you don't react what other Somalis in hand of Ethiopians are facing daily. I would rather be pathetic individual than pretend to love Ethiopians, who told my cousin to dig his own grave before they shot him.

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