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Inside the Red Mosque (Lal Masjid)

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Originally posted by Ghanima:

Why would any one question is faith, he is just reporting what he saw :confused:


These women are toe rags. 7000 students aren’t exactly a minority, nor are they strangers, they held the upper hand and abused people.


Everything has rules and regulations in Islam, who told them to intimidate people, take the law into their hands and kidnap people. What kind of Islam is that? Abuse Islam for your own twisted ideas and mis-using hadith is a big crime. May Allah forgive them and guide those who are still alive. Ignorance opens many doors, knowledge is golden.

Why would any one question is faith, he is just reporting what he saw :confused:

I can't recall what your old name was, but anyways...


Just watch the videos and his narration. There is an overwhelming tonality to his narrative reporting that screams western-liberal biase i.e. the student became 'radicalized' and came to the Mmmadrassaaa after his father died



These women are toe rags. 7000 students aren’t exactly a minority, nor are they strangers, they held the upper hand and abused people.

I don't think that you have a right to critique them from your 'air conditioned' home. They were very disciplined and very patient. The government wasn't handling the situation that was occurring in their own backyards-so they took it up themselves to deal with it. They even respected the 'mistress' and had her wearing a burqa and apologizing to the media for her immoral actions and business endevors.


Look, this students were attacked and brutally massacred by Mushraff and his lackies.


Inshallah, they will enter jannah-Ameen!

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^^^They even respected the 'mistress' and had her wearing a burqa and apologizing to the media for her immoral actions and business endevors

They were not respect her, they forced her to wear it and make a false apologies which she did not mean. I'd rather she did not hide her social ill amongst the general population and be an undercover hijab, ruing the symbol of the hijab and everything it stands for by doing immoral deeds while wearing it.


I don't have an air conditioned home dear, it is cold enough as it is, but if you meant I was just luxuriously criticizing then I am afraid you are wrong. These women were not peasants, they were in a school that provide everything for them, from food to medicine to a place to sleep. Many people in the world lack that, and some of their own families lack that, so they should be grateful for all that the mosque has provided them for.


They were mostly little girls to be honest and the blame lies with individuals who used them for their own means only to struck deals and abandon them later. They were mislead and mis-informed and placed in situation where they were bound to lose, regardless. They were not smart about their goals, nor were they polite nor diplomatic, and in the end they have achieved nothing, but instead cause a lot of unnecessary harm and death.


The country is not shairah ruled hence them trying to force it as such is just day dreaming. Although they may have had the right intention, their actions were misguided and mis-calculated, and it shut down a whole system of education and source of live hood for so many poor young people, who lived and studied there. Not to mention that the government will now supervise, governmental control via its stooges and new maadressa systems.

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Originally posted by Khayr:


Just watch the videos and his narration. There is an overwhelming tonality to his narrative reporting that screams western-liberal biase i.e. the student became
and came to the Mmmadrassaaa after his father died.

Contrary to what you have claimed to have gathered from his reporting, I thought it was genuine, I thought there was warmth in his line of questioning that came off as a Muslim reporter. But then Again Kheyr, you thought LayzieGal doesn’t pray, so....


Originally posted by Khayr:

They even respected the 'mistress' and had her wearing a burqa and apologizing to the media for her immoral actions and business endevors.

Yet, you label the reporter as biased, how noble of you.

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I dont think anybody ever stopped an addiction by beinf kidnapped...these students shuld have stood infront of that brothel and give dawa to everyone that goes there..As for Rageh Omar, the man wrote a book about being British Muslim...

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Geeljire...Whether Musharraf is what's wrong with Muslim world today is beside the point. The army has safeguarded the interests of the Pakistani nation since independence. It steps into the political arena when secular civilian goverments fail the country as the Bhutto and Nawaz regimes did. If the religious parties want to govern the country, let them run for elections like anyone else.


What happen to the students was very unfortunate,but the army did its job which requires them to protect the state from all enemies whether be local or foriegn. These Madarrasa had no right in legislating people's behavior. Their energy and resources could be better utilized if they actually help the poor or preach Islam instead forcing it down into people's throats by arbitrarily flogging and imprisoning ordinary citizens.

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Guevera. I dont agree with the students and the Bin Laden ideology which is controlling some sections of Pakistani Society. However, I disagree with you that Musharaf handled this issue well. Believe this is not the end of this matter....Musharaf has alot of blood his hands and one day the tables will turn against him and his army. Pakistan could well be the next major front for the war on terror. Lastly, actions such as these will create more madaras like Lal Masjid.

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What have you suggested the goverment to do, sit idly while brain-washed young men and women parade around in Islamabad threatening people locals or foriegners alike, not mentioning imprisoning law enforcement. These people were given fair warning and ample time to take corrective measures. They decided against all reason and stuck to their guns. And this is the hand God dealt. Life moves on.

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Originally posted by Ghanima:

The country is not shairah ruled hence them trying to force it as such is just day dreaming. Although they may have had the right intention, their actions were misguided and mis-calculated, and it shut down a whole system of education and source of live hood for so many poor young people, who lived and studied there. Not to mention that the government will now supervise, governmental control via its stooges and new maadressa systems.

I agree but we plan and Allah is the best of planners. This was a very well established institution that has been there for decades with thousands of students. I think that mixed intentions got in the way and some of the shiekhs became alittle overzealous without thinking through but I also think that they were forced into such a situation due to circumstances that were set off by Musharaf and his lackies.


Hey Zafir,


where have you been? I like your new Burger King commercial for the whopper ;)

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Originally posted by Northerner:

"Who are the strangers the Prophet scws was refering to in this hadith?"


Certainly not kidnappers and murderers.


Are you saying what they were doing was right? Are you saying those students who left the building are misguided and should have stayed to fight?

Judging from these videos, the interviews with Imam Ghazi, the head female in the madaaraasa and the students, there was no plans nor interest to fight the government/army or to escalate the violence nor any plans to overthrow the government nor interest in power, nor were they talban militants ect ect. This was planned, well calculated, and escalated by the Pakistani government because they wanted to make the Masjid an example. What I Understood was, the masjid surrounded by anti-islamic haraams advised the authorities and the government repeatedly to step in and protect the tenants of Islamic morality in an Islamic Country. Nothing was done by authorities. Prophet Ibrahim scw broke the idols, I see nothing wrong with burning brothels and the like. I know nothing of murders or harassing people-other then the brothel lady and I rather trust the words of the Imams instead of hers, in fact the Masjid was known to shelter rape victims but that of course was underplayed by the media.

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I also think that they were forced into such a situation due to circumstances that were set off by Musharaf and his lackies.

That sounds bit conspiratorial. Why would Musharaf and his lackies hang themselves by undertaking just arduous operation which might have turned the public sentiment against them. The fact remains the goverment reasoned with these people by cajoling for an entire six months.

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Originally posted by Khalaf:

quote:Originally posted by Northerner:

"Who are the strangers the Prophet scws was refering to in this hadith?"


Certainly not kidnappers and murderers.


Are you saying what they were doing was right? Are you saying those students who left the building are misguided and should have stayed to fight?

Judging from these videos, the interviews with Imam Ghazi, the head female in the madaaraasa and the students, there was no plans nor interest to fight the government/army or to escalate the violence nor any plans to overthrow the government nor interest in power, nor were they talban militants ect ect. This was planned, well calculated, and escalated by the Pakistani government because they wanted to make the Masjid an example. What I Understood was, the masjid surrounded by anti-islamic haraams advised the authorities and the government repeatedly to step in and protect the tenants of Islamic morality in an Islamic Country. Nothing was done by authorities. Prophet Ibrahim scw broke the idols, I see nothing wrong with burning brothels and the like. I know nothing of murders or harassing people-other then the brothel lady and I rather trust the words of the Imams instead of hers, in fact the Masjid was known to shelter rape victims but that of course was underplayed by the media.
Believe it or not I know where your coming from but there are ways of doing whats right. This usually requires much patience. Kidnappings are not the way.

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Having said that, I met a certain wadaad in Burco who was in prison for two years for cleaning up the city of all kinds of filth. He was gaining alot of support before the authorities arrested him. He was doing something very similar to what the students were doing.


He thanked Riyaale for his two years in jail and stated he memorised the Quran whilst incarcerated :cool:

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Originally posted by Geel_Jire12:

Guevera. I dont agree with the students and the Bin Laden ideology which is controlling some sections of Pakistani Society. However, I disagree with you that Musharaf handled this issue well. Believe this is not the end of this matter....Musharaf has alot of blood his hands and one day the tables will turn against him and his army. Pakistan could well be the next major front for the war on terror. Lastly, actions such as these will create more madaras like Lal Masjid.

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