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Marna ma aqoonsani, marna saan u soo ordaayaa. Xaaf ma daalo miyaa, filinkaan boorsamiintada ah ku soo celceliskeeda dadka gobollada dhexe waaku daaleen. Qof iyo dowladiisaba hal lug ku taagan, haddana qash qashaad wado had iyo jeer dhibkaan ee leedahay.

Xaaf iyo Shiikh Shaakir oo ka qeyb galaya shirka ay DF ugu yeertay ee Muqdisho

Dowladda Soomaaliya ayaa dadaal ugu jirto sidii madaxda maamul goboleedyada ay shirkii ay ugu yeertay kaga qeyb gali lahaayeen magaalada Muqdisho, waxaana dadaaladaasi kusoo biiray QM iyo Midowga Africa.

Wararka aan ka heleyno magaalada Dhuusomareeb ayaa sheegaya in halkaasi ay kulan ku yeesheen madaxweynaha Galmudug Axmed Ducaale Geelle Xaaf iyo Madaxa xukuumadda Galmudug Sheikh Maxamed Shaakir Cali.

Kulankaasi ayaa waxay inta badan diiradda ku saareen sidii Xaaf u aqbali lahaa inuu ka qeyb galo shirka dowladda Soomaaliya ay ugu baaqday maamul goboleedyada iyo sidii labadooda ay shirkaasi kaga qeyb gali lahaayeen.

Warar Caasimadda Online heleyso ayaa sheegaya in Axmed Ducaale Xaaf uu aqbalay ka qeyb galka shirka Muqdisho, labadoodana ay imaan doonaan magaalada Muqdisho, balse waxaa jiro arrimo u baahan in xal laga gaaro.

Haddii labada masuul ay ka qeyb galaan shirka ka dhacaya magaalada Muqdisho ee dhexmaraya dowladda iyo maamul goboleedyada, waxaa xal laga gaari doonaa madaxweynaha lagu doortay magaalada Cadaado iyo Guddoonka baarlamaanka ee lagu doortay magaalada Dhuusomareeb, iyadoo labadoodaba ay dadkooda dhinac ka raaci doonaan.

Waxaa muuqaneyso in markii seddexaad heshiis ay gaari doonan guddoomiyaha baarlamaanka iyo madaxweyne ku xigeenka Galmudug oo isku dhinac ah iyo madaxweyne Xaaf oo marar badan is qabtay lana heshiisiiyay.

Beesha Caalamka ayaa la kulantay madaxweynayaasha Koofur Galbeed, Jubbaland iyo Hirshabeelle, kuwaasi oo dhamaantood laga doonayo inay ka qeyb galaan shirka dowladda Soomaaliya ay ugu baaqday dowlad goboleedyada.


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The Federal Government seems to be gaining the upper hand but at the end, it is better for them to settle issues through dialogue. Many deliverables need to be met, this unnecessary fight is taking time away from that.

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The international community was encouraging this kind of bad behavior for a long time. For this moment only one country is funding continuation of many presidents for our small country. Xaaf came back from Garoowe with four new bulletproof cars and hoped to hold the next meeting in Dhuusamareeb. Now he is going to moqdisho, for eventually to hassle more money from Villa Somalia. This cycle must end. Regional government must receive their share of federal government budget and they have to let the federal government collect the tax, for their airports and ports. Kenya has a very good system of how to divide the money, so it can reach to locals districts.

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Madaxweynaha gave a wonderful speech in Juba, Koonfurta Suudaan. Madaxda maamul goboleedyada waa inay ogaadaan xadkee howshooda ku egtahay. Since Adisababa ay u carari jireen laga soo xiray, their useless meetings and its ever more baaq from those meetings, all in the name of staying politically relevant, doesn't help Soomaaliya. They just want to stay relevant since they won't receive any more direct deeq from caalamka without dowladda dhexe's knowledge.


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On 11/1/2018 at 12:17 PM, Duufaan said:

The international community was encouraging this kind of bad behavior for a long time. For this moment only one country is funding continuation of many presidents for our small country. Xaaf came back from Garoowe with four new bulletproof cars and hoped to hold the next meeting in Dhuusamareeb. Now he is going to moqdisho, for eventually to hassle more money from Villa Somalia. This cycle must end. Regional government must receive their share of federal government budget and they have to let the federal government collect the tax, for their airports and ports. Kenya has a very good system of how to divide the money, so it can reach to locals districts.

They will receive as they did before without any fuss, but been beentii hore wey dhamaatay, now waa inay keenaan meeshee lacagaha ay heleen ku baxday, hence xisaabxirka dowladda dalbatay.

Keenida lacagaha dowladda siiso meeshee ku baxday iyo inaynan kororsan karin xilkooda markuu waqtigooda dhamaado were the two key sticking points. Shariifka, Gaas iyo Madoobe all wanted to extend their reign and delay the selections.

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