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Zaki Badawi's Advice

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I happen to think the vast majority of British people appreciate and understand the meaning of the Hijab as a symbol of modesty and nothing more.


What! Whom are u talking with? They see it as a symbol of repression as far as I can tell.



No one is going to attack you because you wear the hijab…they will attack you because you’re a Muslim. If one has the intention to beat up a muslim person, they will do so regardless. So putting aside your hijab really doesn’t do much.

Of course they attack cause u're a Muslim but isn't the hijab a flag that u're practically waving in their face? It calls attention onto yourself. If u wear it u just have to deal with the response u get.

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"and this is a direct result of the Muslim modernist camps attempts to resocialize the new generation with gesellschaft like theories, as if liberal propaganda TV was not enough?"



...I believe this is not an attempt to resocialize the generation but rather a lack of understanding of the Shari'ah and a pitiful reasoning.



"Imagine the hardships the black people in uk had/have to go through for over centuries! Yet they couldn't take off their skin colours for all they wished."



...Mudantii Haweenka, Had these Negros had the resources, competence and capability to transform themselves and alter their skin colour, thousands would have done it without question.



"Sometimes, he's described as very moderate."



...It's the Media that have coined up this new Terminology. Anyone Muslim that accepts and adheres to British way of thinking and their philosophy while working towards creating a relationship with them and abiding by their guiding principles is considred a "Moderate" Muslim. While on the other hand if a Muslims sticks to the traditional Sunnah of the Holy prophet and the teachings of the Qur'an, speaks out against the illegitimate occupations of Muslims lands and the killing of innocent civilians throughout Muslim lands; abides by the teachings of the Holy Qur'an and Ahadith, is labeled as an "Extremist" or even sometimes labelled a Traditionalist by other muslims. He would, under the new legislations be Deported.



"I happen to think the vast majority of British people appreciate and understand the meaning of the Hijab as a symbol of modesty and nothing more. Its not a political symbol like its being equated to."



...7 of Nine, how can the British public understand the true significane of the hijab and its value in islam if most of the Muslims themselves do not? They see it, as Shehrezade mentioned, a symbol of repression. Most Muslim women do not even know the significane of the Hijab itself. They wear it becaue their mothers or Grandmothers were seen wearing it.



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Of course they attack cause u're a Muslim but isn't the hijab a flag that u're practically waving in their face? It calls attention onto yourself. If u wear it u just have to deal with the response u get.

I couldn’t personally comment on that, as I’m sadly a ‘hijabi of convenience’. I don’t go out every morning with the fear that some simpleton is going to beat the crap out of me. So, I do understand and sympathize with those that do and wouldn’t judge any1.


However, I stand by my argument. By wearing the hijab, you’re going to get the harsh glares, the uncomfortable reception and maybe the occasional questions and insults (weren’t these already there anyway?)…but it ends there.


I doubt many people go out with the intention of beating up a hijabi… perhaps with the intention of beating up a Muslim… in which case, you will get beaten regardless. I’m sure you’re aware of instance of Asian guys getting attacked (and they weren’t waving no long beards either), their properties destroyed, etc… these cases obviously have little to do with your outward appearance but the fact that you’re known to be a Muslim…


As for the perception of ‘hijab’ … most educated and conservative people do. The hijab is seen as a sign of oppression from the way Muslim women act – passive and inactive members of society. It has little to do with the cloth in itself.

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These were not my words, saaxib. كان شعر ابو العلاء المعري. بس من الذاكره مش من موقع



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^^Speakin of Abu-Calaa;

وجرم جره سÙهاء قوم

حل بغير جارمه العذاب

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Removing your Hijab will eventually lead us to assimilate further into a non-Muslim society and that may cause a complete loss of religion and culture. I support the sisters for refusing such advice.


I hope these kinds of fataws will stop. I know the West will keep pushing the envelope as much as they can so that Muslims will someday became Muslims just by name. Can you image another Muslim scholar trying to remove scripts from the Qur’aan/Sunnah?

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Originally posted by NGONGE:



These were not my words, saaxib. كان شعر ابو العلاء المعري. بس من الذاكره مش من موقع



That's more like it. Not that you're incapable of that or anything. :D

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