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Asma to remain in New Zealand,despite the furore over the sacking of her lecturer

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The best option is for her to continue her studies. I mean it would be too strange or extreme for her to even considered

quitting because her lecturer got fired.

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Poor girl, she does not need that after her dad passed away :mad:


I am glad that man got fired, how can he think he can jst treat ppl like that?

An what is this "western liberal guilt" that he keeps talking about?


I jst feel for the poor girl, her br is not helping either, not knowing what she must be going thru...Miskiin, our duas are wid her at this difficult tym :(

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A Khaliiji -- especially an Iimaaraadi -- complaining about racism? :D


Hundreds of thousands of Hindis, Bakistaanis and Reer Bangladesh in inta la keeno waaye haka dhiibtaan aragtidooda and overt racism, discrimination and intimidation in Iimaaraadka that they experience daily.

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Why is this news in SOL?


He even questioned whether Asma's father had really died, adding: "You are close to failing in any event, so these sorts of excuses - culturally driven and preying on some sort of Western liberal guilt - are simply lame".

lol@the poor girl comment, why in the world would anyone show compassion towards a "DAMIIN"?


She was a damiin, and was failing the course, extension or no extension and as to why he got the boot, thats just bad judgement on the Dean's part. (Media pressure never fails eh)

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