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Where My Father Was Born

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I know, where that little house is! dont wanna reveal the secret behind that picture :D . Jacaylbro, you got to show us the original picture, which possibly could be either a Nomad Somali house ( Aqal Somali ) or Sandaqqad :D

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Originally posted by nuune:

niyadey kuu dhiseesay, adigay wax kaa damacsaneyd inkaar qabtada

Hater! Aniga oo aan waxba JB ka damac saneyn, and as someone who has seen him, he does not look like a day older than 24!!! Hada yaanan la'isku qaldin aragtidiisa iyo inta sano jiro yaah... :D

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^^ Koolokaat intaas buu caawa ku seexan, barrina tii uu xalay la hadlayay ayuu cunaha la seexan, wixii ka yimaada adaa ka masuula :D

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Ramadan Karim ,,, :D



Hunguri, berigaas ninka intaa haystay qof fooq ku jira buu ahaa .....


Koolkat, u sheeg bal dadkan ,,, ehem ,, lol



Now I can see none of you have the photo of where his/her father was born ..... waar kamarado dira oo dadka halkaa jooga soo sawira dheh ,,, :D


I'm yet to see where my mom was born ....... the little village is partially gone but i can still visit and see.

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If that is where the dad was born then is it possible to see where his grandson was born?


Let this thread remain as a family thread for poster of 25383 posts. Eventually a man who broke the sol record. JB it is good to know your dad is still kicking. Say my salams to him smile.gif

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