
Ahmed Shide purges Ina Ilay's men from DDSI

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Xubno laga saaray xisbiga ka arrimiya DDSI

Source BBCSomali

Kulan tan iyo 8dii Agoosto magaalada Addis Ababa uga socday xubnaha Xisbiga Dimoqaraadiga Shacabka Soomaalida Itoobiya ayaa sida uu sheegay guddoomiyahooda cusub oo ah wasiirka warfaafinta ee dawladda Federaalka ee Itoobiya, Axmed Shide, waxaa lagu go'aamiyey in xisbiga laga saaro xubno lagu tuhmay in ay ka dambeeyeen rabshadihii ka dhacay deegaanka.

Shir jaraa'id oo uu Axmed Shide ku qabtay Addis ababa, ka dib gabagabadii kulankaas, ayuu ku sheegay in 3 xubnood laga saaray guddiga fulinta, 8 xubnoodna laga saaray golaha dhexe ee xisbiga.

Talaabadaas ayuu ku tilmaamay inay tahay go'aan siyaasadeed oo xisbigu ka qaatay dadkaas oo wax laga saarayo rabshidihii horraantii bishan ka dhacay deegaanno ka tirsan DDSI.

Waxaa shirka la fadhiyey madaxweynaha cusub ee DDSI, Axmed Cabdi Maxamed iyo xubnaha xisbiga.

Wuxuu kaloo intaa ku daray inay jirto talaabo xagga sharciga la xiriirta oo laga qaadayo dadka dambiyada gaystay intii ay rabshaduhu socdeen, "kuwaasoo ay hay'adaha dambi baaristu gacanta ku hayaan".

Ma uusan sheegin magacyada xubnahaas laga saaray xisbiga.

Waxaa la filayaa in ay qaban qaabiyaan shirweyne ay isugu keeni doonaan "dadka deegaanka", laakinse ma aysan sheegin goorta uu dhici doono, halka uu ka dhici doono, iyo cidda ka qayb galaysa toona.

Hadalka wasiir Axmed Shide ayaa ku soo beegmaya ayadoo magaalada Addis Ababa ay sidoo kale kulan u fadhiyaan guddoomiyeyaasha 11ka gobol ee DDSI iyo 5ta xubnood ee gobol kasta ugu sarraysa xagga maamulka, iyo sidoo kale wasiirrada iyo wasiir ku xigeennada maamulka DDSI.

Wararku waxay sheegayaan in ayaguna ay ka arrinsanayaan sidii meel loogu yeeli lahaa rabshadihii dhacay iyo ciddii mas'uulka ka ahayd.

Wararka ayaguna naga soo gaaraya deegaannada is maamulka Soomaalida waxay sheegayaan in shirar waaweyn ay ka dhacayaan magaalooyin ay ka mid yihiin Jigjiga oo ah halka ay shirarka ugu badan ka socdaan, dhagaxbuur, Qabridahar, Godey iyo meelo kale.

Shirarkaas ayaa la sheegay in ay ku salaysan yihiin sidii loola jaanqaadi lahaa isbeddellada haatan socda, waxaana dib ugu soo laabanaya deegaannadaas dadkii markii hore uga cararay khilaafaadka siyaasadeed iyo mabaadii'da ay aaminsanaayeen daraadood.

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On 8/19/2018 at 10:24 AM, Oodweyne said:

Looks to me that the new government in Addis (acting through this Shide fellow) are determined to "weed-out" (or more brutally, to purge) all of the "Long-footed-folks" who were a habitual and enthusiastic supporters of their then Tigrean's over-lords.

And that was when a certain chap by the name of Mr Illey was the "contended political waiter" waiting-out to carry (both in spirit and to the letter) of any "late-night-political-orders" from the then ruling Tigrean's clique of Ethiopia at that time.

Pity is the polite word to say in here. In particularly knowing how brutally they will be dealt henceforth, now that the their "former political protectors" (in the form of the TPLF and it's cadres) are not around any more to keep an eye on them, or keep them in the "political luck" (as it were). 

So far what is looking like is:

Iley with making moves to replace himself but with everything his choosing, hurried those who wanted him to be replaced by everything their choice.

So far is a stalemate but they got damaged more than him.

They need him now at least to say he is safe he is ok...and for him to do that the price is high..but they have to pay before the kililka fails and the whole country goes to his side for order and security.

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On 8/19/2018 at 10:36 PM, Dahireeto said:

Well, typical African mentality at play. What do they gain from using same old tactics of Illey? 

That is one problem of all Africans. Not only do they get to kill you or overthrow you, but have to hang you or cut you up.

Africans do not know that exile is worst punishment. Tigray were very good at exiling.

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I read in Twitter that Shide used to claim Oromo ethnicity in the past. OO, do you have any information on this?

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4 hours ago, Holac said:

I read in Twitter that Shide used to claim Oromo ethnicity in the past. OO, do you have any information on this?

What he said at the time was taken as general politician talk...We are brothers we intermarry we are mixed..etc, but recently some close relative of his has said that they are Oromo..Somalized or Oromized Somali..

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so shide is oromo? looool. niyoow walahi shekadi waa xumatay.  Garre people should kill him if he says he belongs to them. lol

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I don't Shide wants to quit his day job for a brave new world in kililka. He maybe chairman of ESPDP but that is being sidelined. Its very bad thing to do. ESPDP was where clans were fairly happy with. It is also a product of WSLF, SDL and many Somali parties and groups. It is kind of forum more than a party. Meetings were also more lively.

Hope Shide does not destroy it. Temporary hijacking is ok, its temporary and when the winds change can be recovered. Destroying something like this is almost impossible to recover even with changed winds.


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On ‎08‎/‎22‎/‎2018 at 8:58 PM, Suldaanka said:

As far as I know he is Akishe. He is related to the Hargeisa based singer Sahra Ileys.

Galbeedi knows best on this topic so lets see what he says. here are dir clan members

  1. Akisho
  2. Issa
  3. Bimaal
  4. Gadabuursi
  5. Jaarso
  6. Surre  (PUNTLAND DIR)
  7. Quranyow of the Garre
  8. Gurgura
  9. Garrire
  10. Gurre
  11. Bayamal
  12. Barsuug

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Oromized Dir tribes, specially the ones who only speak Oromo, will continue having political headache. They eventually will have to decide to pick a side. Gurgura is one such tribe.

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