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the Dua that cost Imam of Masjidul-haram his job!

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I know a lot more Arabic than I realized!


It's really interesting, how emotional some people get. As far as numbers go, 95% of people die because of diseases or accident or old age. Less than 5% die due to direct violence, whether this is war or murder. The majority of people that do get killed by other human beings are killed by their own people (if it's murder it's more likely to be a family member than not, if it's war it's more likely to be compatriots or those nominally on "your side" than the actual enemy). Yet to hear some Americans talk, they are more likely to die in a terrorist attack than from car accidents, and when Muslims are cursing "their enemies" I wonder if they are picturing their statistical enemies (a bacterium or virus or atherosclerotic plague), their likeliest murderers (a neighbor or relative who is likely also a Muslim) or the most unlikely scenario (they are a Palestinian child who was just shot point blank by an IDF soldier).

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The Zack   

Originally posted by Dhagax-Tuur:

Wallee, waa la ba'ay. Now mushrik cadaw ah lama habaari karo miyaa?


Western media have definitely educated some muslims!

:D:D Diinta iyo ilbaxnimada baa iskaga qasan hala yaabin, labadoo xabbo oo college degree aa America iyo meelahaas laga qaatay, western media-na waa la dhageystay markaasaa aas'aaskii diinta la ilaaway.


Gaalada in la naco oo la habaaro waa sax. Halna ugaada yaa appeasers, Qur'aanka waxaa ku jirtao aayad ay macnaheedu tahay "Kaama raali noqdaan yuhuud iyo kiristaan ilaa aad raacdo diintooda" so a plain appeasement will not do it, neither will it make y'all look "cool" or more "human. Try harder.


Halkaas ha inoo joogto....

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Waraa, dhaga hadalka jooji ee run maa isku sheegno.


It is those same gaalo aad usoo carartay, oo aad weydiisatay magangalyo. If I am not mistaken, diinteena Islaamka discourages in gaalo "cadowgaaga" ah magangalyo loogu tago, in the same tongue you are propagating in la naco.


Waa those same gaalo aad sharcigooda ku wareegeysid dunida gaafkeeda. Waa same gaalo kuwa ku keenay dalkooda, adoo eber ahna wax kugu tuuray oo ilaa heerkaan soo istaagay. Yaa ogaado faraxii kaa baxay markii lagu yiri dhulkaas gaalo u socotaa ama lagaa qaabilay. Don't tell me those same gaalo waa habaareysay that same day ay kusoo kaxeynaayeen ama ku qaabilaayeen. Sheeko.


Kuwa threadkaan ku wada jirana boqolkiiba sagaashan iyo sagaal, haddee ahayn boqolkiiba boqol, dhul gaalo ee magangalyo weydiisteen wada joogaan, ama ha inkaaraan ama yee inkaarin.


Run maala isku sheego. Mise sheekada waa la jiifiyaa banaan, la joojiyaa banaan.

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The Zack   



Haddaa aaminsan tahay gaalo baa wax kuu qabatay waad dhunsan tahay big time sxb. Ilaahay baa awoodiisa kugu keenay meesha aad joogto, fursadaha aa western country ku heystana ilaahay baa ku siiyay oo waa nimco eebbe, not nimco banii aadam and not nimco gaal either. Saaxiib taas aamin. Gaalo kuma jeclo, asxaanna kuuma tarin. In waddamadan la joogana waaba danbi in diin faafin loo joogo mooyee, haddii aan dhex taaganahay danbiga ah inaan gaalo daris la ahaado - that is one danbi. It doesn't mean inaan danbi kasta ogalaado. Gaalo habaarkeed in laga soo horjeedsado waa danbi.


Sida dadka qaar threadkan ku qoreen, diinta bey ku sugan tahay in gaalada la habaaro maxaa dood ah oo aad kaga soo horjeeddaa taas?

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Widaay, Saak, Eebbe qadarkiis la'aantiis wax ma dhacaan. Taas la isma weydiinaayo.


Are you telling me now that inaadan cagahaaga ku raadsan dhul gaalo? Oh, really.


Beriba waaka noqon kartaa, qof ku haayo maleh, haddaaba deny gareyneysid first inaadan imaashaheeda rabin meeshaan. Runta in la iska indhatiro ma fiicno.


It is not about gaalo aaminid or not; it is not about gaalo amaanid or not; it is not about gaal jaceylnimadiisa ama la jecleen -- it is about giving dues where is due. Run sheegida ma xumo, otherwise waa labawajinimo.


About your last sentence, in that same vein diinta too in gaal magangalyo la weydiisto ma ogola, no? Ma igu raacsantahay taas?


Haddee haa tahayna, maxaa ku keenay, walina u joogtaa dhulkooda. Don't excuse qadar alle i keenay, u joogaa iyo waxaas,.


And you are telling me every gaal isla shaqeysiin, isku iskool tihiin, daris tihiin secretly waa necebtahay, you have such a deep hatred for them? Waaw.

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The Zack   



Waxaad moodaa waxaan soo qorayba inuu ku garab maray LOL. War heedhe gaalada waan necbahay anigoo raacayo talada rasuulka SCW. Waddanka aan joogana ilaahay baa leh ee gaalo ma laha - Wa arduLLAAH. Aduunka dhan ilaahay baa leh.


That being said, adigu ma waxaa leedahay "Hooba naar galaase, tiimbooy" as your signature indicates? Ma waxaad leedahay maadaamo waddan gaalo aan joogno inaan nacno gaalada ma aha - waa inaan baddalnaa qeybo ka mid ah awaamirta rasuulka scw? Is that what you are saying sxbkey?

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Zack, you have a point, laakin sidaas ay tahay waad ka war-wareegsaa su'aashii MMA. sxb haddaad necbantahay gaalada maxaad ka aq qabaneysaa?


nacaybkaagu se mira dhal ma yahay oo suura gal ma tahay in aad ficil u baddashaa, illeyn habaar aan ficil lahayn wax ma tartee? hadday jawabtaadu "Haa" tahay hadde BBC Breaking-News-ka aan kaa aragno.


Haddii ay ajwabatu "Maya" tahayna, waxaad meesha ku hayso waa "xamaasaddi" NGONGE uu sheegay.


that being said, Rasuulka " CS" gaalada wuu habaaray, wuuna u duceeyay(in uu ilaahay hanuuniyo), carabtuna waxay dhahdaa "Li kolly maqaamin maqaal".


Marka wax fahan Libaax.

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The Zack   

Cawaale ~


Su'aasha MMA waan ka jawaabay oo innal ardu lilaah baan kaga jawaabay ee kama war wareegin bro. Laakin kasoo qaad inaan anigu khaldanahay oo dhul gaalo joogo, mowduucu kaas ma aheyn, xasuusnow. Mowduucu waxuu ahaa Sheikh Muxaysini oo gaalada habaaray oo deedna shaqadiisii saas ku waayay. Dad badan oo reer SOL ah baa si aan la yaabay usoo jawaabay, waxeyba lasoo taagan yahiin gaalada maxaa loo habaarayaa... taas adigu maxaad ka tidhi?

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Originally posted by The Zack:

Cawaale ~

Dad badan oo reer SOL ah baa si aan la yaabay usoo jawaabay, waxeyba lasoo taagan yahiin gaalada maxaa loo habaarayaa... taas adigu maxaad ka tidhi?

Originally posted by Cawaale:

that being said, Rasuulka " CS" gaalada wuu habaaray, wuuna u duceeyay(in uu ilaahay hanuuniyo), carabtuna waxay dhahdaa "Li kolly maqaamin maqaal".


Marka wax fahan Libaax.

Gaalada aduunkan qeyb ayay ka yihiin, ilaahayna haduu doono qowm wada muslim ah wuu naga yeeli karay, sunada kownkaana sidaa ah in caqiidada lagu kala doorsanaado.


Habaarka gaalada in la laayo ahna wuxuu meesha ka saarayaa suura-galidda hanuunkooda. Ilamaha gaalada oo agoomoobo, dhulkoo la go'o iyo waxyaabo kale oo la halmaalana waa wax khilaafsan sunada naabiga "CS oo uu ku duceeyay in dhabarkooda ilaahy ka soo saaro cid ilaahay rumeysa!


Aniga waxaan ku leeyahay Islaamka dadkiisaa ku jiifa sxb, ducana wax ma keeneyso haddaysan asbaaab lahayn, gacantaad kor u taageyso waxaad u raacisaa in ay wax qabsato oo aad noqoto qof maxaafilka dowliga ah kalimad ku leh.


Wallaahu Aclam.

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One judges things according to whatever little logic one possesses, conventional wisdom or past experiences. Hippies with flowers in their hair should step out of this thread (there is no argument to be had here). As for the rest, regardless of your levels of emotion (with Maaddeey being a ten and Prometheus being a five), I suggest you all calm down and think a little about wasting time on this pointless issue.


I have not watched the clip because I cannot access it at work. However, the title of the thread tells me all I need to know about the subject. I have listened to and prayed behind countless sheikhs that made similar (or more severe) ducas. It is nothing new nor is it controversial for a Muslim. In fact, on occasion, I found myself making similar ducas in moments of hopeless despair at the various transgressions in the world (I trust many of you did the same with Al Shabab, TFG or Faroole :D ).


But is this really THAT much of a shock? Do you not run to the police when you're assaulted or robbed? Does a child not run to its parents when it feels hard done by or abused? Does a believer not seek the mercy and assistance of his creator when feeling oppressed, exploited and depressed?


The sheikh there is having a private moment with his lord. Though the duca is done publically and the congregation/listeners may all say AMEEN, the intentions of the sheikh and each and every one of those listening might not all correspond. One may mean "those Americans that are killing and fighting us", another may mean "our enemies whoever they may be" and a third may mean "every last non Muslim in god's earth".


It is an assumption of course, but I strongly doubt the sheikh's meaning is that last one. I am led to think in such a (generous) way due to what I know (understand) about an average sheikh's education, learning and training. In addition, and returning to the conventional wisdom I spoke about earlier, cursing the enemies of the Muslims (by nationality, faith and origin) has always been the case with many sheikhs. Yet, they would (on the whole) advocate the good treatment of people of other faiths (like in Muslim countries with sizable Christian/Jewish minorities) and specify, when asked, that their targets were only those that fight/kill Muslims.


I said earlier that this is a non issue because I expected that most people knew (and were sure) of such a thing. Furthermore, even those that did not know but chose to claim the higher moral ground would have appeared much more dignified had they extended the sheikh the benefit of the doubt rather than lobbing accusations from their rickety towers.


As for the xamaasad crew; may Allah soothe their hearts and save us from their hasty and endless fitna.



Naga daaya dee.

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^I remember a time when someone once said 'the eagle has landed' :D:D:D I didn't know you moonlighted as a crowd dispersal agent these days NG......

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Ngonge, weligaaba topic baad useless intaad tiraahdo haddana aad noqotaa kan ugu soo noq-noqoshada badan.


Xamaasadda 10ka aad gaarsiisay maxaan ku mutaystay? ma inaan clipka soo post'gareeyey, mise inaan sharxay in ducada Sheekha iyo kuwa sawirada saaray aysan isku niyad ahayn?, mise inaan caddeeyo inuu markuu 'Amriikaan' leeyahay uusan ula jeedin dadka caadiga ah (waxay u badantahay in Ameerikaan badan 'aamiin' ka daba lahaayeen), mise what?.

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