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Posts posted by Thierry.

  1. Although that is a hypothetical question


    But if he gets them out and reaches out to all factions in the land, then we have no option but to follow suit.

    We don’t resist because we get a kick out of it. There is a reason why we resist the Ethiopian invasion we don’t want to be governed directly or indirectly by Ethiopia or any other foreign forces.


    Saxiib I am an economist I know that you cannot work in a state of anarchy, I would rather talk about inflation, fiscal and monetary policies but we don’t have that luxury, how can you talk about branches of statehood when the root of the tree does not belong to us.

  2. Corruption corruption what do you think this a forsaken poverty stricken developing economy careful Sharmake you are talking about British Empire where the sun does not set, we shall not indulge in such accusations.


    As a member of the labour party I can only say we sincerely apologise for the loss of valuable information, I can assure you that it was an honest mistake and not one of complacency and pure negligence.


    “Order order”

  3. How strange, why are you offended by the word blasphemy I don’t see Christopher Hitchens, Bill Mayer or Stephen Dawkins your champions being offended. by the word.

    If a Hindu told me that I was hell bound unless I became vegetarian, I wouldn’t care because frankly I do not believe in their rituals.

    Yet here you are offended by what I presume something you do not believe in (forgive me if I am wrong). On the same token you would not see me go and insult their practises and go on a emotional rant.


    If it's any indication of what is important to many defenders of this faith on the site, you will see them tripping over each other on the Politics forum, some cheering for death and destruction while praying to their Gods of qabiil. You will hardly see them in the Islam section. You're barking up the wrong tree, mate.


    Oh don’t become melodramatic Saxiib stick to the facts and the issue at stake. what has being in the Islam section got to do with this


    PS: I will tell you politely stop the insults, if you have something constructive to say about Islamic practises then bring it forth and we can discuss them, but if your purpose of endless posting to get the Loool, kix kix kix and kax kax kax of the nomads then enjoy yourself cause I don’t indulge in such acts.

  4. Dear Nadan


    What I wrote was for the Muslim in the site who believes in their Lord, and when your lord tells you do not mock my commandments you just don’t do it.

    Now I don’t know you, but if you do not believe then you have nothing to worry, my lord is free from all need and is certainly not fragile so I don’t know where that statement came from. On top of that I don’t know what cave you have been in for the last 1400 years Islam does have enemies, it is all that worship others whether it is Buddha, Evolution, Victoria and David Beckham.


    The peculiar thing is that you think this ridicule you do is something new and that you are the only ones with common sense free from all bias. Reminds me of the gothic youth under Camden Lock who think they are unique and deep thinking but in reality every tom dick and harry next to them has black lipstick and leather gear.


    With regards to the rules I think it is about time that they are amended, we can even keep it in a democratic fashion. But be careful what you wish for we the “Sarwaal gaab” might pull a Hamas type of victory up in this joint.


    Kind regards



  5. To Naden




    What is the ruling of praying behind a person who shaves his beard and even makes fun of those who let it grow, and he orders them to shave it?



    All praise is for Allaah alone, and may he send peace and blessings upon His Messenger, His Messenger's family, and His Messenger's Companions.

    It is not allowed to make fun of a person who grows his beard, because growing it is only obedience to the order of Allaah's Messenger Salallaahu alayhi wasallam. You should advise the mocker, explaining to him that by making fun of the beard, he may not only be committing a major sin but he also may be committing an act of apostasy. Allaah Almighty says:


    Þõáú ÃóÈöÇááøåö æóÂíóÇÊöåö æóÑóÓõæáöåö ßõäÊõãú ÊóÓúÊóåúÒöÆõæäó


    Say: "Was it at Allâh, and His Ayât (proofs, evidences, verses, lessons, signs, revelations, etc.) and His Messenger Salallaahu alayhi wasallam that you were mocking?"


    áÇó ÊóÚúÊóÐöÑõæÇú ÞóÏú ßóÝóÑúÊõã ÈóÚúÏó ÅöíãóÇäößõãú


    Make no excuse; you have disbelieved after you had believed [At-Taubah 9:65-66]


    And Allaah is the Granter of Success. May Allaah send peace and blessings upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and his Companions.



    Permanent Committee for Research and Verdicts


    Now if you mock a Muslim dresses, beard and all other things that are in accordance to his/her religion then you have committed a sin


    But then again if you do not believe then you need not worry because heaven and hell does not exist, so why does blasphemy insult you


    there is no self Righteousness here luv I am a human prone to committing sin just like everyone else

  6. You got an effing nerve posting this, you were cheering when your uncle rode behind the Ethiopian tanks into a peaceful city that had not seen such calm since independence and you pretend to mourn for the innocent. This hipocracy amazes me. I rather have Landers laughter against my city over the foreign choppers and tanks that your uncle and his clique brought in.


    This is a fight for freedom it is sad our civilians are caught in the cross fire, but I rather we perish than be subjugates to a Christian crusader.

  7. Most days when you browse this forum there is I find little that appeals to me, so it is refreshing when I read a post such as the one by Makhirian inviting fellow Muslim Somalis to unite with there needy brother and sisters in south of Somalia. We should focus our energy on those issues that will bring us closer to unity and make our bonds stronger. Being one the most homogenous nation in the world we have so many reasons to be united.


    - We are all Muslims

    - We are all Somalis

    - We all want our religion to be the law that governs our land (because if you don’t then your faith is in doubt)

    - We are all from the same Tribe

    - We all yearn for a greater Somalia that has influence in the world



    About two weeks ago when I was on the bus I saw something strange, I saw a Somali women purse being snatched by a Easter European looking lady just as they were struggling over the bag two other Somali women came out of the local market. Instinctively without worrying about their shopping and possessions they both ran to the aid of their Somali sister (from what I saw I doubt the Polish lady will ever try to steal a Somali woman’s bag again) . But the point is they did not ask what her tribe was, they did not stand in the side passively watching like all other passer-by, they did what was natural to them, something that our religion teaches us “come to the aid of your brother and sister when they need it”.


    Today the lives and wealth of our brothers and sisters in the South of Somalia is being snatched and ripped apart once again by a stranger that has come from foreign lands, the lives of our brothers and sister from ONLF is being snatched, yet we choose to sit passively going against our natural instinct.



    Mashallah the brother back home are fighting with tooth and nail, these foreigners thought Mogadishu was going to be a walk in the park, if it was a football game we can say that the Ethiopian crusaders have been taken into extra time.


    Our brothers from Puntland, Somaliland, Makhirland, and Galmudug need to come to the aid of their wounded brother of the south for “the Muslim is one body if a finger hurts the rest of the body feels it”. Now more than ever south needs your helping hand.


    We in the west have the best opportunity to get our voices across to the media and people of power, to take the case of Somalia serious. Each and every one of us regardless of what our quarrels are has a responsibility.


    Our Muslim brothers in Bosnia set precedence in the mid 90s, while the brave boys, old men of Bosnia took arms to fight against the Orthodox Serbian onslaught, young Bosnians in the west lobbied the UN, NATO and all other international organisation to put the plight of their people on the map. I still get inspired when I watch the young Bosnian youth who stood in front of the United Nations Security Council to advocate for his people.


    Saxiibayal if we don’t do anything for our people do you think others will.

    Mashallah yesterdays the turn out in London Demo was great but us the young need to take the step further by writing to our MPs, councillors, the foreign office, to the UN to News papers etc.


    Steps to take:


    - Write a letter to your local MP, councillors, and news papers at least once a week (you can get templates of letter from many internet sites)

    - In this site lets promote those issues that will unite us


    It only takes few minutes to write and call your local representatives, especially in boroughs where there is a large numbers of Somalis.


    Our North American Brethrens I am not too familiar with your system but Inshallah do your best.


    At the end of the day it the means that we disagree not the end goal


    And most importantly make dua to those Muslims that suffer around the world, for it is only in the will of Allah that things change


    Salamu Aliakum

  8. No nation can be held under occupation by another whether its illegitimate government supports it or not. This tension and resistance against these foreign occupiers will continue until the last one of them leaves our country. Even the mighty US cannot sustain Iraq and Afghanistan.


    Historians have stated that the reason why Africa never lived up to the post colonization Euphoria was because the people at the helm of these infant countries were the pro-colonialist.

    Now we have to learn from history, our failure as a strong unified state started when the pro-Italians and pro-British ruled over us. It does not take brain surgery to understand that they are not there for your best interest.

    We should never make that mistake again those who support the occupation of Somalia by US proxied by Ethiopia should never have a say in the future of Somali.

  9. The most important game of the premiership calendar Man U I have to admit are on top form, the two boys up front can cause damage.

    But Arsenal will control the Midfield as Helb, Fabregas and Flamini are playing the best football in their career. I saw Eduardo the other and he looked lethal.


    My Prediction


    Arsenal Vs Man U



  10. This is an excellent move by the Saudi regime, it is about time they get back on the track King Faisal started in the 70s.

    As long as they within the boundaries of Islam I don’t see a problem or a hidden agenda. The thought police I assume is a way to keep his subjects in check as his the Kingdom is unpopular.


    Caano Geel besides you should be happy this institution might the one that you can teach in the near future.

  11. I don’t like to boast but I am going to do it anyway, but is that the Liverpool Bogey man that you Pudlians where trying to scare us with.


    We are going to make Charrager and Agger look a bad couple from strictly come dancing (that’s my trash talking now I will let my boys do the talking on Sunday Inshallah)

  12. One of the reason why the West and the Soviet bloc rallied behind Ethiopia in the 1970s war was because of the proactive campaigns the Ethiopian students abroad carried out. They rallied the congress, campuses and their voices were heard everywhere, while we kept silent by force and worse because of apathy. It seems that their voices are being heard once again.



    US targets Ethiopia for sanctions


    There was a violent crackdown on post poll violence

    US congressmen are defending a bill threatening to impose sanctions on Ethiopian officials and stop military aid unless democratic reforms are made.

    Legislator Donald Payne told the BBC the House of Representatives passed the bill "because there has been a serious problem with democracy in Ethiopia".

    Ethiopia's ambassador to the US criticised the proposal saying it would "undermine regional stability".

    Ethiopia is the US's strongest ally in the region in its "war on terror".

    The legislation now passes to the Senate for approval and can be vetoed by the president.

    Correspondents say Ethiopia has come in for increased criticism over its human rights record since the violent crackdown on post poll protests in 2005; opposition leaders imprisoned as a consequence have subsequently been released.

    And since Ethiopia's went into Somalia last December to help the transitional government- a rebellion in its eastern ****** region which borders Somalia has escalated.

    'Correct wrongdoings'

    The US representatives approved the Ethiopian Democracy and Accountability Act on Tuesday, which puts Ethiopian government officials at risk of being denied entry visas over human rights violations.

    It also threatens to withhold military aid of at least $1.5m

    Mr Payne said the bill was bipartisan and secured unanimous approval.

    "It's something that's been discussed ever since the killing of civilians, gunned down in the streets of Addis [Ababa] almost two years ago," the Democratic Congressman told the BBC's Network Africa.

    "There was a feeling that Ethiopia, being an ally of the United States, should have an opportunity to correct some of the wrongdoings, and that has not happened.

    "Two years later people are still being imprisoned. There's still problems in the ****** region. People are having food kept away from them. That's why we finally said we need to move forward with it."

    Samuel Assefa, Ethiopia's ambassador to the US, called the bill "irresponsible" and said it would hamper efforts to improve things.

    "The legislation also would undermine regional stability in the Horn of Africa by jeopardising vital security cooperation between the United States and Ethiopia," he said in a statement, Reuters news agency reports.

    The BBC's Elizabeth Blunt in Addis Ababa says as Ethiopia is such a strong ally of the US in the Horn of Africa, it is unlikely that President George Bush's administratation will be sympathetic to the bill.

  13. Saxiib that was uncalled for know when to censor yourself. There is one thing mocking a man then there is bringing the Islam into it



    Waxa la yedhi: After being handsomely defeated by the wretched Ethiopians, Sheikh Indhocade was depressed and dejected so he retired to the empty Girgire mountains. It is said that after a period of reflection and contemplation, General Indhacade realised the reason for his defeat was the lack of air support for his UIC fighters. He has spent the last seven months training a troop of pigeons to drop hot stones at the Xabashi soldiers. The Defence Minster now feels ready to defeat this modern day Abraha

  14. Another win under the belt, life at Islington is feeling very good. This time away at the hammers,

    from my analysis this year of world football without being big headed i think only Messi and his Barca boys are the only serious challenge Arsenal will face ok maybe AC Milan.

    I feel another invisible season coming


  15. Very well spoken, I am starting to like Ahmedinijad a little more every single day. But the ignorance of Columbia University President is amazing. The man knows next to nothing about the Iranian political structure yet he goes and accuses Ahmeddinijad of being a dictator. Iran is run by so many groups in fact he cannot even elect his own cabinet that is the role of the supreme council.


    I cannot believe i aspired to do my Phd at Columbia ( ah well man cant run my Fascination with that university)