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Everything posted by Thierry.

  1. Mashallah my parents are going Sunday, Inshallah I will go next year
  2. I got sent this joke Boy: Dad, what's politics? Dad: Let me set an example with our family. I have all the money so we'll call me the management. Mom receives most of it so we'll call her the government. We'll call the maid the working class, you are the people, and your baby brother is the future. Do you understand now son? Boy: I still don't understand dad. Dad: Think about it for a while son. That night the boy wakes up because his baby brother is crying. He goes in and finds out he's soiled his diapers. He goes to tell his mom but she's asleep he goes in to the maids room but she's in there having sex with his dad. He bangs on the door but no one can here him. The next day... Son: Dad I understand politics now. Dad: Good, explain it to me in your own words son. Son: The management is screwing the working class while the government's fast asleep. The people are being ignored and the future is full of SHIT!
  3. Make the first move Saxiib, the listening and negotiation starts, when the tanks start to roll out, nothing else to it. I am sure they have trained enough troops to protect the TFG (from all the pictures that you have been posting). So before negotiation starts with the Asmara group tell Yey and Nuur Cadde to negotiate a departure date for the protectors. I am sure Meles is willing to listen. The only child killers I see is those that cowardly brought in foreign troops to subjugate their own people. Reminds me of the Andalusian Khalif
  4. Make the first move Saxiib, the listening and negotiation starts, when the tanks start to roll out, nothing else to it. I am sure they have trained enough troops to protect the TFG (from all the pictures that you have been posting). So before negotiation starts with the Asmara group tell Yey and Nuur Cadde to negotiate a departure date for the protectors. I am sure Meles is willing to listen. The only child killers I see is those that cowardly brought in foreign troops to subjugate their own people. Reminds me of the Andalusian Khalif
  5. Make the first move Saxiib, the listening and negotiation starts, when the tanks start to roll out, nothing else to it. I am sure they have trained enough troops to protect the TFG (from all the pictures that you have been posting). So before negotiation starts with the Asmara group tell Yey and Nuur Cadde to negotiate a departure date for the protectors. I am sure Meles is willing to listen. The only child killers I see is those that cowardly brought in foreign troops to subjugate their own people. Reminds me of the Andalusian Khalif
  6. Dialogue is not an option as long as Ethiopian forces are present in our land. If the TFG cannot meet that simple condition, then enjoy the remainder of the year. Because come 2009 the term will finish and the oven will over flow. Saxiibka Nur Cadde should give fixed deadline of their departure like the other candidate Jimcalle did, if he cannot do that he will join the rest of the TFG stooges when nannie Meles leaves town.
  7. I agree with you on the first statement young Ghanima, History is written by the victories, a fact of life and a matter of survival of the fittest. But come on true knowledge which agrees with law of nature should bring you closer to God. If you are arrogant than to what avail has that knowledge been. Look at Pharaohs magician, it was there knowledge that guided them to Islam and it was his ignorance that misguided him. When a scientist studies the oceans and finds that two oceans that look identical do not mix naturally the question he is inclined to ask is what force has separated them. My formula is True knowledge + Law of nature = Closer to God Tk + Ln = cG Natural knowledge without biased social norms should bring you closer to the creator.
  8. Sharmakee it is because we have abandoned what made us great, Islam is what honed our thought and inspired the Muslim to excel in the arts and sciences. Unlike Christian scholars and leaders which frowned upon science and trade, Islam embraces and you are rewarded for it in this world but more importantly in the hereafter. Spain produces more literature than the whole Muslim dominion put together. From houses of wisdom and a motto to excel ones self, to coffee shops and sheesha joints where our time is wasted in futile activities. I just found the Isaac Newton statement interesting, here is a rational man who aspired to great things in the field of science (I acknowledge the geeza copied a lot from the scholars of the east), but after all that his research lead him to testify that Allah is sole owner of the dominion of the universe and it he alone that knows the unseen. That is the purpose of Knowledge and is the sole reason why those with knowledge fear God the most.
  9. Interesting statement from one of my role models (in the field of Science) and the second most influential person in history of mankind (according to Alan H Hart) “Gravity explains the motions of the planets, but it cannot explain who set the planets in motion. God governs all things and knows all that is or can be done” Isaac Newton
  10. Looooooooooooooool MMA leave the old man alone he thinks that he will live for another 100 years. People react differently to old age, some accept it and try to repent for their previous actions while others try to live life to the max (Hugh Hefner).
  11. AP nice one Camiir no Hypocrisy from the good sheikh mate he is speaking the truth. Shabbaab are a problem in Somalia and their agenda is different from that of the UIC
  12. Good progress, although the Egyptians and Sudanese offered the platform for negotiation a year ago. But we love to take the hard route when making decisions. Nur Caade seems like a sensible man in comparison to the man that leads him and the man the preceded him.
  13. Very well spoken I agree with every statement that he said Is it me or do we have our first political convert in Camiir
  14. If I am honest I joined Arsenal when Wenger came rolling into to town If I am more honest I joined them with conviction the day I saw Bergkamp join , but the day I became a hooligan was when Viera, Petit and Anelka rolled into town. I had contemplated supporting Coventry on a full time basis when Huckerby and Dion Dublin I was there. Prior to that I was a passive fan, I was more into Seria and Inter Milan
  15. Nice read They just keep popping up there is a whole new breed of Secular radicals and fundamentalist, the article above illustrated most of their arguments. I see a lot of jealousy in Amis, Hitchens, Maher, Dawkins, they are amazed how Muslims can have such conviction in their beliefs but rather than learn what they are passionate about they go on their drunkard emotional rants. Like Mr T would say “I pity the fool”
  16. Ivory coast seem to have the strongest team, but I saw Ghana in the world cup and they looked hot plus they are the host country and for some reason host countries always win (is it corruption we dont know) Ghana all the way Im glad Togo didnt qualify, Adebayour can stay at the gunners
  17. They were under a different colonial jurisdiction and took guts and pure nationalism to join their brethren in the South. Unfortunately the Barre l regime specifically targeted cleansing the people in the north, so one cannot blame them for not wanting to join a union which was responsible for the death their people. Before we talk about bringing Somaliland to the discussion table lets discuss how we can bring the other regions that are still in the union but can’t stand each other. I remember when the ICU was in power many Northerners that I personally know of were not only willing to join the rest of the country but were willing to die for the Somali cause. Actions speak louder than words lets fix our backyard and make the rest of the south unite for the benefit of Greater Somalia, the least it would do is make them contemplate in joining the rest. Mocking the flag and insisting that they are part of the TFG is not going make the sympathisers come on the table let alone the rest.
  18. Emperor This group opposed Ethiopian occupation long before any of them stepped into Eritrean soil. They opposed Ethiopia when they were based in baidoa and was influencing the TFG. This group which have over the year been joined by many Somali academics and intellectuals in the diaspora was for dialogue, however the one condition they set was to get the Ethiopian forces out of Baidoa so that we as Somalis can have discussions without outside influence. From my analysis the only way Afwerki can benefit from the opposition group is by hoping they weaken Ethiopia and Meles influence over the region. First of all we do not share borders with Afwerki so the most probable reason why nations go into conflict does not exists between us. Ethiopia on the other hand has a lot to loose by seeing Somalia become strong, both politically and economically. As for the opposition of the new PM, they are stating the obvious, “It is not PM change that will bring peace and stability but rather a policy that serves the greater good of the nation. Personally I would have kept those comments to myself until the man starts the work, because it is actions you judge. Being an optimist I hope he as the strength to tell Meles Generals to pack their bags, but we wait and see.
  19. Thierry.

    Team NGONGE

    I think Ngonge is a schizophrenic, the brother was quiet looked and spoke like any ordinary gent. I think the Ngonge character is equivalent to Hyde from Jackal and Hyde
  20. I haven’t read the diaries but I would love to read them, the man was the best spinster (of course after the Iraqi information minister) Labour is good we had a meeting for young labour members in House of Commons last week Sadiq Khan was speaking. Do you still vote from UAE?
  21. Thierry.

    Team NGONGE

    Ngonge I got to give it to you man, you have a wild imagination, contact a publishing house and get JK Rowling out of business.
  22. What does this mean for our wallaby’s nomads? PM Howard concedes Australia poll Pollsters expect Mr Rudd to be Australia's new prime minister Australian Prime Minister John Howard has admitted defeat in the country's general election, and looks set to lose his parliamentary seat. Mr Howard said he had telephoned Labor leader Kevin Rudd "to congratulate him on an emphatic victory". Mr Rudd said the country had "looked to the future" and he pledged to be a prime minister "for all Australians". With 70% of votes counted, Labor were on course to win the 76 seats needed to form a government. More than 20 constituencies from a total of 150 are still to produce a result, but Labor already has 72 seats compared with 48 for Mr Howard's Liberal-National coalition. Rare fate Amid cheers from Liberal Party faithful, Mr Howard said it had been a privilege to have served as prime minister since 1996. AUSTRALIAN ELECTION More than 13.5m of Australia's roughly 21m people are registered to vote Electors will choose candidates for all 150 seats in the lower House of Representatives and 40 of the 76 seats in the upper house, the Senate PM John Howard has led the conservative Liberal-National party coalition to four election wins since 1996 and is seeking a final term Kevin Rudd is taking the centre-left Labor Party to the polls for the first time as leader Election issues are the economy, environment and war in Iraq Profile: John Howard Profile: Kevin Rudd Voters' panel "We've bequeathed to [Mr Rudd] a nation that is stronger and prouder and more prosperous than it was 11 and a half years ago," he said. Mr Howard, who had been bidding for a fifth term in office, conceded the national election and accepted he was "unlikely" to return as MP for Bennelong. If unseated, he would be only the second prime minister in Australia's history to suffer such a fate. Voters in Bennelong have elected Mr Howard in 13 consecutive elections over 33 years. But figures from the electoral commission suggested with more than 50% of the votes counted in the constituency, he had lost the seat to Maxine McKew, a former TV journalist. An exit poll conducted by Sky News and Channel 7 suggested a similar result. Anti-government backlash Labor leader Mr Rudd, a 50-year-old former diplomat, had led in opinion polls throughout the election campaign. As he cast his ballot in his Queensland constituency, Mr Rudd said: "I have to say there is a strong mood for change in Australia. People want new leadership with a positive plan for the future." What has struck me most is the number of people who've started their sentences with the words 'I used to vote for John Howard, but...' Nick Bryant BBC News in Sydney Read Nick's thoughts in full Election in pictures During the campaign, Labor sought to capitalise on the Howard administration's refusal to sign the Kyoto protocol on climate change. Mr Howard campaigned on his record of sound economic management. BBC's Nick Bryant, in Sydney, said Labor had swept back into power by harnessing an anti-government backlash. Mr Howard had found himself on the wrong side of public opinion on Kyoto protocol and the war in Iraq, our correspondent said. Many people also seemed to be simply tired of Mr Howard after 11 years of his rule. Participating in elections is compulsory under Australian law and more than 13.5 million people were expected to vote
  23. I rate him on PM questions this week, I thought Cameroon was going lynch him with the loss of child benefit records but he stood and fought back. But you guys are right, Blair owned the House of Commons, there was nobody (apart George Galloway) that was more eloquent than him. Tories should bring back William Hague to its leadership now that man can speak
  24. We should never by default criticize someone, he has a very credible reputation, I have heard good things about him in his past and present and the posturing so far looks good. However it all boils down to how he deals with the issue of Ethiopian troops in Somali soil. A couple of smart moves can help the cause of the TFG Step 1 Deal with the humanitarian catastrophe Step 2 set a time line for Ethiopian departure and UN or AU forces brought in to fill the vacuum Step 3 seek out oppositions especially the opposition party in Asmara
  25. Saxiib it is very simple Step 1 Melez get your men out Step 2 Fellas in Asmara stop hating I got rid of those Ethiopians get involved If he carries out two steps which can be done over a phone call costing less than a shilling I tell you what a lot of people will jump ship. If there is a problem after that than we know it is not from the government but most likely the “Shabaab movement”