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Posts posted by Pucca

  1. helloooooo...everyone!!



    i disagree with u on that viking...there can be friendship between ppl from opposite sexes without them havin any "interest" for one another. I personally think its better than same sex friendships.. cuz it lasts longer and you can get feedback on anythin from the opposite side without being embarrassed cuz its ur friend!! wat maintains it?? the same thing that maintains same sex friendships...."THE BOND OF FRIENDSHIP" ( yes i did just make that up)..i seriously dont know wat really maintains it but i dont think its satan...



  2. To all the ladies on SOL, read this story and feel proud for being a woman. Being a woman has its downs, but god gave woman a mind, which just happens to be quite well developed and clever..... the same cant be said about men though jkz...NO OFFENSE TO ANY OF THE SOL MEN.


    okay here it goes: shaako shaako, shaako hareer, shimbir aa doostai... and this is wat happened (pardon my awful somali)


    Eleven people were hanging on a rope under a

    helicopter, ten men and one woman.The rope was not strong enough to carry them all, sothey decided that one had to leave, because otherwisethey were all going to fall.

    They weren't able to name that person, until the woman gave a very touching speech.

    She said that she would voluntarily let go of the rope, because, as a woman, she was used to giving upeverything for her husband and kids, or

    for men in general, and was used to always making sacrifices with little in return.

    As soon as she finished her speech,





    ...all the men started clapping their hands.......

    need i say more????



  3. i don't think the guy is even dead

    the guy is dead , no doubt about that cuz the body was brought to the states and buried. interesting questions though, makes you wonder bout how much of what is said on cnn is true...and wat is not



  4. #9 - THE PERFORMER = 9's are natural entertainer! s. They are very caring

    and generous, giving away their last dollar to help. With their charm,

    they have no problem making friends and nobody is a stranger to them.


    have so many different personalities that people around them have a hard

    time understanding them. They are like chameleons, ever changing and

    blending in. They have tremendous luck, but also can suffer from extremes

    in fortune and mood. To be successful, they need to build a loving



    Famous 9's Albert Schweitzer, Shirley MacLaine, Harrison Ford, Jimmy

    Carter, Elvis Presley




  5. A'Salaam

    interesting stuff...here goes mine....


    -What are you afraid of? I’m acrophobic and hydrophobic, oh and Allah

    -What ppl that you know personally do you admire? My mommy!

    -Are you emo? I don’t think I am, so no

    -If you could have one wish, what would it be? One way ticket to heaven

    -Are you currently trying to “get over” someone? no

    -Can you blow up a balloon? yeah, some of 'em

    -Have you ever cheated on someone or been cheated on? no

    -Do you find yourself attractive? Lets have a look see at the mirror….yup she’s attractive.


    For or against…honesty? For it all the way


    -Gay marriages- it don’t bother me

    -President Bush- son-of-a- beep

    -War in Iraq- tragic

    -Abortion- morally wrong

    -Premarital sex- why bother? Its haraam

    -Self mutilation- wrong

    -Cheating- what goes around comes around, u may cheat today, but soon someone will cheat on u.

    -high school and younger dating- its all up to the parents

    -Drinking- bad for ur health

    -Drugs- bad for ur health

    -Anorexia- why wouldn’t u eat food?

    -Divorce- sometimes necessary





    -Who would you trust with your life? Salma

    -Who is the best person for you to talk to? My mommy

    -Have you ever done something unforgivable to a friend…and been forgiven? Yes, thank god

    -Who is your “best friend”? salma

    -Have you ever dated a friend? No

    -Would you die for a friend? Some

    -Who is your oldest friend? Muna

    -Do you worry about your friends a lot? Yes, a few of them

    -Have you ever lost one? no





    -Favorite band(s)? Destiny’s child

    -Favorite book(s)? The tower

    -Have a crush right now? Yes…..

    -Would you like to murder the person who invented this dumb thing? Not really

    -Would you like this to be over? kinda

  6. hello fellow SOL members


    what never appears in a second but once in a minute, twice in a moment and never in a day?


    i'm not slow, but dang this riddle took me 48 hours to solve!! anyway since you're all quite intelligent solve this riddle in less than 48 hours. enjoy



  7. whoa!!!

    dang mizz P, gal you must have nuff time to waste,

    you actually analyzed every lil sentence i wrote, boy, your one really intelligent sister mashaallaah!

    sweety, wat you wrote were all your opinions and unfortunatly not everyone will agree wit you. And if you want to criticize my opinions in hopes of getting a similar response then i'm sorry to disappoint you, i simply dont have the time to sit and write negative comments.



  8. let’s ask, why do you put it on when you leave the house? So you can be attractive…..Who are you trying to attract? Men…(it sure as hell ain’t women…unless.. ) why are you attracting men? So you can someday get married and roll a baby carriage....Am I right, or can you help me fill in the blanks.

    you couldn't possibly be further away from the truth, attract men, my behind!!!, i aint got time for them, baby? marriage? that'll come ten years from now. And then i wont need make-up to attract men, according to surveys 75% of men perfer women who dont wear make-up. A woman without make-up has a lot more confidence in her natural beauty,

    and i sure as hell am one fine confident woman! call me conceited, but thats the simple truth.


    And sweety all that's in my handbag(assuming i even carry one) is a lip gloss,I can honestly say that i have never put any make-up on my face. All them blushes, foundations, eyeliners, lipcolors , and whatever else women use these days just aint my thing. i'm clumsy with all the eye make-up stuff and as for the foundations, my skin dont need it, i thank god for the clear skin He's given me. so sis dont assume that every girl goes out of her home with pounds of make-up to impress others, some of us walk out without applyin any make-up.



  9. G'evening


    i dont agree wit either of them, cuz i aint gonna get nuthin outta makin another woman jealous, as for attracting a man's attention, thats just sad... a girl who has to put on pounds of make-up is only gonna hold a guy's attention for a couple of seconds (okay maybe more than that but u get wat i'm sayin right... he''s only in it for the made-up person not the actual person). Now if and when i put on make-up its only to highlight my natural beauty, and that is most definitely for myself, but then again the make-up thing isn't really big on my everyday must-do list.


  10. A'salaam and good morning to all



    I’ve read in countless books (islamic) that anything that brings harm to your body in anyway was haraam, thing is I’ve been told that some books have weak hadiiths and aren’t really right. So what I did was I went to the mosque and went into the men section to see if any of the shaikhs smoke. Boy was I in for a shock, about more than half the men who came to prayer that day walked out of the door and took out a cigarette and smoked not even two feet away from the mosque doors!!! Anyway my question to the religious people here is: is smoking haraam?



  11. the story below is a true story, its quite long but its absolutely funny! :D



    A Somali woman comes to Canada, her family members give her the info about the laws and regulations in Canada. One of the things they had repeatedly said was “ here in Canada no man can hurt you no man can bother you, you just call the police and they fix everything, ya3’nii here you are the queen”. And so being told all this the woman felt confident and was ridiculously happy. a couple of weeks after her arrival to Canada a Somali guy asked her out to dinner, our sister feeling free, accepted his invitation. Now on the night of the date the Somali guy didn’t show up, so the woman decides to call the police, but before she could do that she had to figure out what she’d say. So she gets out her Somali-English dictionary and looks up the sentence ‘oo ii lug’goo yeay’ (pardon by awful Somali, what that sentence is suppose to mean is ‘ he wasted my time’ in Somali though) and she finds this translation: “he cut my leg”. And so she calls the police, this is how the conversation went:


    Somali woman: hello, me need help, this man he ask me to dinner, I say yes, and come dinnertime he no come. He cut my leg.

    Police: he cut your leg?

    Somali woman: yes he cut my leg

    Police: stay calm, officers will be with you shortly

    Somali woman: I calm, hurry come


    And so the officer comes to her apartment, the woman opens the door, the following conversation takes place:


    Officer: hi, someone called from here about a cut leg?

    Somali woman: that’s me

    Officer: the man cut ur leg?

    Somali woman: yes he cut my leg

    Officer, looks up and down at the woman : how many legs do you have?

    Somali woman: two

    Officer: what leg did he cut off then?

    Somali woman: no, you not understand. He say he take me to dinner, but he never come, he cut my leg.

    Officer: but your legs are still there!

    Somali woman: I come to this country, you say I free here and police help me, now I call you and say a man cut my leg and you no helping me.

    Officer: I’m trying to help, I’m just not understanding what leg he cut off

    Somali woman, pushes the officer out the door : leave my house, I call police and they no help me, now you too cut my leg. All men always cut my legs.



  12. is it that movie where the old somali guy hits on the slightly young woman? i think its called 'gabyo(that's probably spelt wrong) that's the only movie i could think of that may have that line.


  13. G'evening

    any of you wanna try a 'how ethiopian are you' quiz? ofcourse you'll probably not get 100%

    and u dont necessarily have to be ethiopian to take the quiz. so if your interested check out the site below, if not continue with the somali quiz.

    What ">web page


    thank you

    and G'night

  14. [ You guys keep on saying Somalian. There is no such word, for God sake the word is "Somali" and you are not the ones who should be saying that ]


    wats the difference? do u consider it an insult? well anyway i meant no harm in sayin it, so kindly accept my apologies bro.

  15. [ You guys keep on saying Somalian. There is no such word, for God sake the word is "Somali" and you are not the ones who should be saying that ]


    wats the difference? do u consider it an insult? well anyway i meant no harm in sayin it, so kindly accept my apologies bro.

  16. i got 50% on it, (do i eat bananas with every meal?...um no, who does?) so guys/girls dont feel bad if you dont score 100%....i haven't seen anyone who has gotten that score....yet.

    i'm glad all of you enjoyed it.



  17. i'm totally lost here cuz all i understood is that the kid is sick but what the sickness is beyound me,what exactly is a 'MALAWAD'? What's hanging out of Asha's stomach?


    may god bless her soul and that of her parents'...Ameen