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Posts posted by Pucca

  1. What’s the difference between a man and a woman?

    You need only look at their physical appearances to answer that one sis..

    What’s the big deal of how old you are?

    I guess some ppl just feel insecure when it comes to their age (probably feel too old), it don’t make any sense to me though I mean you can’t change it so what diff does it make if you tell someone your age??? :confused:

  2. this made me laugh,i hope it makes u laugh too...


    A Husband and wife are getting ready for bed. The wife is standing in front of a full length mirror taking a hard look at herself. "You know love" she says, "I look in the mirror and I see an old woman. My face is all wrinkled, my boobs are barely above my waist, my butt is hanging out a mile. I've got fat legs and my arms are all flabby." She turns to her husband and says, "Tell me something positive to make me feel better about myself." He thinks about it for a bit and then says in a soft voice, "Well... there's nothing wrong with your eyesight."

  3. A'salaam


    A married couple is driving along a highway doing a steady forty miles per hour. The wife is behind the wheel. Her husband suddenly looks across at her and speaks in a clear voice. "Darling," he says. "I know we've been married for twenty years, but I want a divorce." The wife says nothing, keeps looking at the road ahead but slowly increases her speed to 45 mph. The husband speaks again. "I don't want you to try and talk me out of it, "he says, "because I've been having an affair with your best friend, and she's a far better lover than you are." Again the wife stays quiet, but grips the steering wheel more tightly and slowly increases the speed to 55. He pushes his luck. "I want the house," he says insistently.

    Up to 60.

    "I want the car, too," he continues.

    65 mph.

    "And," he says, "I'll have the bank accounts, all the

    credit cards and the boat." The car slowly starts veering towards a massive

    concrete bridge. This makes him a wee bit nervous, so he asks her:

    "Isn't there anything you want?" The wife at last replies - in a quiet and controlled

    voice. "No, I've got everything I need." she says. "Oh, really?" he inquires, "so what have you got?" Just before they slam into the wall at 75 mph, the wife turns to him and smiles. "The airbag."

  4. There were three men, a Jamaican, Chinese, and a Somalian. Each had committed a crime and were sentenced to 25 years in prison. Before they were placed in their cell, they were each given one wish that they could keep for 25 years. The Jamaican guy wishes for a beautiful woman, poof he get the woman, the Chinese wishes for scraps of metal and wire and some junk like that, poof and he gets his stuff. Then comes the Somali guy who wishes for a cigarette, poof he gets his cigarette. 25 years pass by and the men are to be released the Jamaican guy has benefited from his wish for he produced ten kids and is going to set up a family. The Chinese has also benefited from his wish for he invented many weird but useful stuff and he goes off and sells his inventions and becomes a millionaire. As for our dear Somali brother well he didn’t exactly benefit from his wish for when they were letting him out he was still holding that cigarette given to him 25 years ago and his first question was “got a lighter?”


    hope it makes u laugh

  5. A' salaam

    [ coz here u were all talkin ethio this and that. defending what they did. and it was okay for them kill our ppl in their own land... and now u turning the table around making us sound as if we are the one full of hate? sweety listen don't post lame ish and expect and ppl to kiss azz and be all nice... so get used to the fact some of us will never like ethio and moveee onn aight. stop cryin out loud for god sake.. ]


    i haven't in anyway said that ethiopians were right to kill somalians, just as the somalians weren't right to kill ethiopians. And i haven't asked yall to like ethiopians either, my questions was why do u ***** when u see an ethiopian. Lastly dearlin if this post is so lame as u so kindly put it why you takin the time to write replies? i haven't asked anyone to kiss and i wasn't cryin out for help either, so before u start throwing comments carefully read what i've

    written and yes i'm a muslim, guess u didn't read that part either.


    OG girl, i wasn't offended by what u said just confused, everythings aight.

  6. hey


    I’m not embarrassed of my somali background, but then being born and raised here I really don’t know much about the culture, I mean I know about the traditional dress and stuff like that but I mean I cant wear that –its practically transparent! As for the language its not spoken in my house so the chances of me learning it are slim to none. So all said what’s embarrassing to me is the fact that I cant speak my mother tongue nor practise my cultural ways...

    that's the sad truth

  7. A'salaam


    OG; First off girl you’re so full of hate that nuttin anyone says get through to u. Second where’s the Israel/ Palestine thing comin from, I don’t see how either country is even remotely connected to the Somalia &Ethiopia issue. Third, who u hatin on? Israelis? The English? Or Ethiopians?

    And lastly this goes out to everyone: I didn’t start this topic so ppl could start tossin indirect insults so if u got somethin INTELLIGENT (i aint sayin that some of the things yall said weren't intelligent aight) to say then say otherwise keep it to yourself (prophets words)

    came in peace...leavin in peace

  8. this has been posted on a somali owned website, thought you'de find it interesting cuz i sure did.


    Ethiopia: It is a new dawn at the Horn. Ethiopia is not ruled by a Kingdom and the Soviet Union is no longer! The Somali civil war has proved that Ethiopia is Somalia's only true ally in Africa. We are brothers with common bonds and common interests and will remain so; it is in our common interests! With Ethiopia we have more traits, interests and bonds than any other nation on the face of the earth. The European invented and encouraged enmity between Ethiopia and Somalia has reached its tired end, and a new brighter dawn has begun!


    check out the site

    somaliwatch homepage

  9. this has been posted on a somali owned website, thought you'de find it interesting cuz i sure did.


    Ethiopia: It is a new dawn at the Horn. Ethiopia is not ruled by a Kingdom and the Soviet Union is no longer! The Somali civil war has proved that Ethiopia is Somalia's only true ally in Africa. We are brothers with common bonds and common interests and will remain so; it is in our common interests! With Ethiopia we have more traits, interests and bonds than any other nation on the face of the earth. The European invented and encouraged enmity between Ethiopia and Somalia has reached its tired end, and a new brighter dawn has begun!


    check out the site


  10. A'salaam


    [whose government killed my cousins, raped my fellow country women ]


    Somalians have retaliated, they did the same things to Ethiopian girls, Somalian soldiers rapped girls repeatedly till the girls bled internally and eventually died. So don’t act all innocent and point fingers when somalians have put ethiopians through the same amount – if not greater – of torture. But this all happened all ago so why not forget it, hating ethiopians isn’t gonna bring back your relatives.


    [ I have every right to hate what you stand for, so don't you dare tell me wht I can't hate ethiopians]


    Intizaar I haven’t personally attacked you in anyway, I was talking in general so please refrain from verbally lashing at me aight. I’m not sure u remember, because I have clearly stated from the start that I’m a mix of both countries (ethiopia and somalia) so when u say u hate what I stand for remember that you’re including somalia in it too.


    [ [british gave to Ethiopians]


    so why not hate the brits then? Was ethiopia suppose to hand over a land they were given just because it belonged to some other country? Its all politics and that kinda stuff just aint done, as far as things go ethiopia got that land fair and square, it was given to them, they never ‘stole’ it from Somalia.

  11. hey

    most of keep mentioning land being taken from you, what land is that exactly? was it taken in the last 10 years? if it wasn't then i dont see how the land being taken away from you has had any great impact on any of you. As far as i'm concerned no one has actually come up with a reasonable excuse to hate ethiopians


    dont hate me because of where i come from, but hate me for what i might do or have done

  12. [ dont mind them let them pass you and ignore them ]


    Easier said than done MQ, thanks for the advice though.


    [ So I started to say that somalis were ****** to think theyre different since theyre black and come from the same continent. Walahi, her face went red with rage and she started yelling "Doogonyahay.. how dare u compare somalians to those ugly, big nosed, kinky haired, fat adoons"]


    its much easier to deal with this sort of situation because the individual isn't discriminating u and therefore you can simply walk away from it, but when its you who is the target then its harder to walk away and ignore the insults. thanks for sharing ur story SBella

  13. Take a second to read the following scenario


    Two girls walk into a popular Somali hang out; one of the girls is Somalia the other is Ethiopian and both happen to be Muslim (hijabis) girls. Both girls look Somali (you’d never guess one of them was Ethiopian) but as soon as it becomes known that one of the girls is Ethiopian ALL the Somali girls suddenly turn up their noses and start *****ing. WHY? :confused: so what if the girl is ethiopian, isn't her being a muslim more important? I’ve got personal experience with this, being a mix of both sides and it gets complicated and out of control at times.


    So my question to you dear fellow Somalians is; WHY DO SOMALIANS FEEL SUCH DEEP HATRED TOWARDS ETHIOPIANS???

  14. [hm! she wants to go where, with who, why.... and i cant come]


    there aint nuttin wrong wit tellin him where ur goin or who ur goin wit. As for whether he can tag along, sure he can come so long as u're invited when he’s got a Guy’s Night Out. And 'bout him giving u permission to leave, he's suppose to be ur husband not a damn jail guard! :mad:

    The guy must be pretty insecure if he'll say no